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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Fluorine is a poison, and it's in your drugs!

It is well known that Fluorine is a poison 'that has no place in any living metabolism'. So what does Big Pharma do? They put it in their drugs. You don't believe me? Well look at this article.

The primary purpose of Big Pharma is to make money, big money. It is not to make you better. In fact, if they can persuade you to take their drugs, and you get ill, that is more profitable - because they can give you more of their toxic drugs for the new illness.

If you and your family want safe medicine, the first thing you need to do is to stop taking the pharmaceutical drugs, and stop believing what ConMed is telling you about your health.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Homeopathy Healthy Medicine - a Christmas newsletter

The December issue of Homeopathy Health Medicine has been published. You can find it for free download at
Please feel free to distribute this as widely as you can, and bring the message of homeopathy to more people.
A merry Christmas, and a healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Sports Injury and Homeopathy

Practical experience confirms that homeopathy can provide successful treatment for sports injuries. It has been my experience; the experience of large numbers of sports-people. And it is being used increasingly by professional sports organisations.

Uta Mittelstadt has done a theses on the subject at the University of Central Lancashire, and she has published this on the internet, at

This is her conclusion.
"The controversy remains. The nonpareil cannot be measured using clinical studies, but experience in practice confirms with successful treatments what studies and trials have largely not verified. Professional athletes are setting the example. They seek a holistic treatment which swiftly and gently treats their injuries and enhances their performance. It stands without question that the physique is influenced by the psyche and often “the difference between winning and losing is the champion´s mental clarity and emotional resilience”. With homeopathy there is a tool that sees this connection and takes into account the patients individual holistic constitution. “Mens sana in corpora sano – a healthy spirit rests in a healthy body” and vice versa!

It is an interesting conclusion because it highlight the problem some people have with homeopathy; that it is not 'proven' by clinical studies. Yet as sports people will tell you, and what every patient should remind themselves about, it that getting better is what is important, not 'clinical studies' that prove that it will get you better.

If clinical studies do not confirm that homeopathy work with sports injuries, when people who use homeopathy can vouch for its efficacy, this is a problem for clinical studies - not homeopathy!

The earth was still round, and revolved around the sun, 
long before 'science' proved that this was so!

Anyone involved in sporting activity, who wants to minimise the time they spend recuperating from injury, should certainly consult with a homeopath. Homoepathy works. Science will have to catch up on that fact, sooner or later - and undoubtedly will.

HPV Vaccinations are unnecessary and harmful

Vaccinations are boom business for Big Pharma - but dangerous for patients. ConMed wants all young girls to be given the HPV vaccine - Cerverix in the UK, Gardasil in many other countries. And it has proven to be a disaster to many of them. But, of course, a well-hidden secret - the mainstream media just don't seem interested in telling you about it. Well, the internet will!

Natural Health have recently published a good outline of what is happening, certainly in the USA - but it is  not much different in the UK.

It quotes Dr Diane Harpar, who helped develop Gardasil, as saying:

"Gardasil is largely unnecessary, and it has never been fully tested on females under the age of 15 ... [there`s] little need for the vaccine".

But governments, national health services, doctors, and Big Pharma are not easily deterred. Not only do they want all women aged 9 to 25 to take it, they now want men to take it too. Well, why should they deny themselves the profitability of men having it too! And perhaps they will argue they are being 'politically correct'!

And several US states are considering making the vaccine compulsory. Now, that would boast profits, and no doubt Big Pharma would want to contribute generously to the states (or perhaps just the leaders of the states) involved in such enforcement! It won't do much for patient health, though.

There is now so much evidence of the dangers of this vaccine, outlined in the Natural Health article, that the advice should be clear - don't allow ConMed to persuade you to vaccinate you daughters (or your sons) - keep them safe instead!

Mouth Ulcers and Homeopathy

Recurrent mouth ulcers can be painful, troublesome, and sometimes much worse. The advice here is to use homeopathy - which can treat the condition effectively, safely and inexpensively

Dr Shreya's Health and Homeopathic Blog: How to get rid of recurrent mouth ulcers? (Aphthou...: "Painful eating is the presenting symptom usually when a person gets ulcers in the mouth. This apparently casual condition can be extre..."

Dr Shreya lists several remedies, and then suggests that a homeopath should be seen. But if you want to try a couple of remedies first (available at good chemists, such as Boots, and at health food stores, like Holland and Barratt) these are perhaps the first one's to try.

Arsenicum Album - for ulcers that burn
Merc Sol - for ulcers that sting, and are yellowish in colour

The good thing about homeopathy is that it will do no harm; so you can try remedies just to see if they work. If they don't, or if they don't get rid of the problem for long, then you will need to see a homeopath for more careful matching of your mouth ulcers with a remedy.

PMS, PMT and Homeopathy

Conventional doctors often fob women off when they suffer from pre-menstrual syndrome (or tension), mainly because they have little to offer by way of treatment.

Homeopathy does provide effective treatment, which has the additional benefit of being entirely safe, and inexpensive. But your GP, and the NHS will probably not tell you about it.

So Robert Medhurst's recent e-article might be a useful read for anyone suffering from this condition. But every woman with PMS, PMT has different symptoms, so in homeopathy there is no single remedy, no magic bullet. A remedy has to be chosen carefully to match individual symptoms.

Robert's article describes the symptoms of 12 of the major remedies homeopaths use for women who suffer from PMS, PMT. So have a read, and if one matches, try the remedy. It will be safer than HRT, or anything else ConMed has to offer.

If you find that it works, but does not completely deal with the condition, seek help from a registered homeopath who will be able to help you track down the remedy for you.

Rubbing Out Homeopathy

There are two fundamental questions about the health debate during the last few years.
First, why is Conventional Medicine so bad, so dangerous? Why is it allowed to kill so many people every year without there being any reaction, by governments, by National Health Services, by Medics, and little or no action to do anything about it? And why is the mainstream media, throughout the world, so quiet about the inherent dangers of Conventional Medicine?
Second, why has homeopathy been under such attack during the last 5-6 years? It has never harmed anyone. In previous decades it had operated quietly, and unostentatiously for people who wanted to use a safer and more effective form of medicine. Why have brigades of homeopathy denialists sprung up, making such loud noises, without making any sense or addressing the real health issues, and having no positive message to give themselves? And who is paying the denialists to take part in such negative activity?
John Benneths blog, 'Rubbing Out Homeopathy', is an important one in this respect, and I urge you to read it. You can find it at:
I am not usually a supporter of 'conspiracy' theories, but John has unveiled evidence, through WikiLeaks, that suggests people in high places have been convinced of the need to reduce world population, may be thinking of using the uselessness and dangerousness of Conventional Medicine to assist them, and don't want homeopathy to get in the way of their plans.

Winter Travel, Jet Lag and Homeopathy

Here are some good general tips from the Dr Weil blog.

Homeopathy is good for Jet Lag too, with remedies such as Arnica, Gelseunium. Nux Vomica, and especially Cocculus.

For a comparison between Conventional and Homeopathic treatment (and prevention) of Jet Lag, go to this website

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Thalidomide is back - as a fountain of youth

Thalidomide caused so much mayhem, you would think Conventional Medicine would quietly abandon it. But not Big Pharma.

          "Thalidomide is back, and this time it’s going to help you live longer.  From being the world’s most feared drug – and which launched an industry of tighter regulation and safety controls – it is this week being heralded as a ‘fountain of youth’.

Big Pharma obvious has no shame. Not only did the drug cause defects to the children of mother's who took the drug, it is also known to cause thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, liver damage, and bone marrow toxicity.

So if you are offered it, just say 'No'! But hold on, no, that's no good, you won't be offered 'Thalidomide'. Big Pharma is cleverer than that. They have changed the name. It is now called Revlimia (lenalidomide).

Clearly, Conventional Medicine does not give any consideration to our health. I suppose they are too busy looking to their profit margins!

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Anyone for the 'flu vaccination?

H1N1 vaccine has been linked to a 700% increase in miscarriages. This is according to Natural News
There is now lots of evidence to suggest that vaccinations, of all kinds, are something to be avoided.

So does anyone want to get themselves vaccinated against flu, pregnant or not?

Whatever the answer, you are likely to be coming under pressure. Have you noticed the stories that are starting to appear in the mainstream media - reporting deaths by people contracting 'flu? Not many, as yet (and they were all very ill, with serious underlying illnesses). But beware!

First the scare-mongering. Then the hard sell. You must get vaccinated! 

HRT - still alive and dangerous!

Despite knowing that HRT causes breast and ovarian cancers, and heart problems, doctors are apparently still prescribing this drug to women, and they are doing so at what WDDTY describe as 'dangerously high doses'.

HRT was a major money raiser for Big Pharma in the decades leading up to 2001, when research (rather belatedly) showed that it was carcinogenic and dangerous. The news about HRT, since then, has only got worse. But according to research undertaken at Stanford University this has not affected doctors.

This has been reported in Menopause, 24 November, 2010, and in WDDTY at

As they ask, quite correctly, why is it that only doctor's don't seem to know about this? And why are patient's being put at risk by being prescribed a drug that is known to have such consequences to human health?

It would appear that the drug is still alive and dangerous, which is, of course, more than can be said for many of the unfortunate women who have taken the drug over the decades.

Osteoporosis drugs weaken bones and give you cancer!

What a deal! Of course, it has been known for some time that drugs for osteoporosis actually weaken your bones - quite amazingly! Now, the researchers from Oxford University have found that drugs such as Actonel, Boniva and Fosamax increases the risk of oesophageal cancer. They found the risk to be doubled!

The study was published by the British Medical Journal. But such research is unlikely to stop these drugs being traded. I suppose Big Pharma, the NHS, and our doctors will tell us that the advantages outweigh the risks! The profits certainly outweigh the benefits.

Well, there are choices. You can just keep on taking the drugs, as 'they' want you to do. Or you can find a safer, more effective medical therapy. But quickly!

Learn more at:

Aspirin - a Miracle Drug?

Certainly the mainstream media wants us to believe that Aspirin is a miracle drug; but do they tell us the truth? The Guardian, for instance, was quick to broadcast the news that Aspirin, "the world's humble true wonder drug"( has been shown by researchers to offer real defence against many forms of cancer.

Yet as What Doctors Don't Tell You (WDDTY) pointed out, the same Oxford University professor, who made these headlines in most mainstream media, was the same person who 3 years ago discovered that Aspirin was a major cause of stroke in older people.

Nor did the mainstream media tell us what he said about the study:

"We can't say with absolute certainty that there won't be some unknown harm in taking aspirin for 30 years ... people have to accept there's some uncertainty here".

Uncertainty? He demonstrated that aspirin caused a 7-fold increase in stroke over the past 25 years among elderly patients; and is on record as warning that aspirin could soon replace high blood pressure as the leading cause of stroke with the over-75's.

And as WDDTY point out, a study from Eastern Virginia Medical School discovered the drug is killing 20,000 Americans every year from gastrointestinal bleedings - when official records put the figure at just 59.

We need publications like WDDTY. They remind us, constantly, that we are not being told the truth about drugs and health, not just by doctors, or Big Pharma, or the NHS, or the government - but by our mainstream media.

Murder by Aspartame (its the sweetener they put in 'diet' drinks and products!

Aspartame is a killer, and most people don't know they are consuming it, often in great quantities. It is an artificial sweetener, sometimes described as an artificial flavouring, or a flavour enhancer. It is a major source of profit for the 'Big Food' corporations; a cheap source of sweetening products, much cheaper than sugar. And by avoiding sugar, Big Food claim that it can help consumers avoid putting on weight.

So products containing Aspartame are often described as 'diet' this, and 'diet' that, particular the fizzy 'diet' drinks that are consumed in such volumes. Or it is in prepared food advertised as 'low in sugar'. All such products are usually high in aspartame. They even put it in chewing gum. And it is an ingredient of some over-the-counter drugs for children (to make the medicine 'palatable', and some vaccines too.

Big Food vies with Big Pharma in its propensity to misinform people, its customers, in the interests of their profits, and to the serious detriment of our health.

But surely, if Big Food feeds this stuff to us, it can't be all that bad. Wrong! It is known to cause a whole series of adverse reactions, and diseases, such headaches, vision loss, memory loss, depression, ADHD, MS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, diabetes, Lupus, Alzheimer's disease, seizures, coma, cancer and death.

And Aspartame is also addictive - so by consuming some of it, you want more of it! A good marketing trick! Moreover, consuming aspartame produces a craving for carbohydrates. So the 'diet' claims for Aspartame also go out of the window. You really are better off with the sugar!

So just avoid it! But how can we do that? Well, look at the label to see if it lists Aspartame! No, that's no good. Aspartame is sold under a whole host of names - Splendor, Nutra Sweet, Amino Sweet, Senomyx, Equal, Canderrel, Acsulfane, Sucralose, Benevin, Spoonful, and no doubt many others. It even has an E-number - E951. It's the same device used by Big Pharma. When you have a dodgy product, and people begin to find out about it - change the name!

But surely, the drug regulators would not allow such a poisonous, toxic substance into our food supply? Again, this is wishful thinking. Drug regulators, such as the MHRA and the European Medicines Agency should be protecting the public - but as with the case of toxic, disease-inducing and lethal drugs it fails to do so.

Indeed, the FDA in the USA is deeply implicated in allowing this threat to health to be inflicted upon us. Aspartame was discovered in 1965, and since then, controversy has raged over its safety. From the earliest days, laboratory testing on rats showed that it was carcinogenic. So in 1980, the FDA denied it approval.

However, Big Food has (or can buy) too many powerful friends in influential places to let that worry them! A money-making product like this could not be denied. In 1981 the FDA approved its use in dried goods. Then, in 1985, a Congressional Record recorded that the CEO of Searle Laboratories stated he would use his political influence to get it approved. His name was Donald Rumsfeld, and the day after President Reagan took office, the 16 year ban on Aspartame was overturned. In 1883 aspartame was approved for use in carbonated drinks. Diet Coke had arrived. And it has been estimated that Aspartame is now contained in over 5,000 foods, drinks and medicines.

The dangerous health effects of aspartame are not disputed; they are just ignored. In 1995, the FDA was forced under the Freedom of Information Act to release a list of 92 aspartame symptoms, which had been reported by many thousand victims. But, despite this, Big Food continues to ply us with this poison.

Yet the toxic effects of Aspartame are far worse than revealed by the FDA. HJ Roberts, MD, published a book called 'Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic' which contains over 1,000 pages of symptoms and diseases triggered by the neurotoxin, and goes into the sordid and corrupt history of its approval. For more details about this book, and of the overwhelming evidence against Aspartame, look at the following:

Monday, 13 December 2010

Prostate Cancer and Pharmaceutical Drugs

Drugs for treating Prostate Cancer have been found to cause bone decay and fractures (WDDTY Vol 21, No 9, 4 - reporting on J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2010; 29 September; and doi: 10.1210/jc.2010-0902).

No surprise, perhaps, as most ConMed drugs have horrific disease-inducing-effects (DIEs). But this brief description in the 'What Doctor's Don't Tell You' magazine show how interfering with the body creates unwanted consequences.

              "Androgen-deprivation therapy" (ADT) - which blocks the production of testosterone - weakens bones, thereby significantly increasing the risk of fractures".

The article goes on to say that 'up to now, doctors have assumed that ADT was a relatively safe treatment; and that the serious bone damage it causes only came to light because of a new monitoring technology that is able to assess the future health of bones.

Conventional Medicine treats all illness by stopping, or preventing, or inhibiting natural bodily processes. Big Pharma seems to believe that it can out-think the body; that its drugs can control illness and disease better than our bodies.

This is just another demonstration that such approaches are dangerous to health; and point to the need for medical therapies, like homeopathy, that seek to work with, and alongside the body to deal with disease.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Poor labelling on drugs causes overdoses in children

This follows my recent blog about children's cough and cold drugs being dangerous. The New York University School of Medicine have found that many children's drugs, available over-the-counter, are often 'inconsistently labelled and packaged, leaching to confusion and overdoses'. Drug Companies are apparently not adhering to US FDA recommendations.

And in the UK, according to Natural News, the MHRA told patients in 2009 to stop giving their small children such medicine 'because they are not safe and often do not even work'. The report goes on to say that many of the drugs, intended for small children, are loaded with toxic ingredients, like corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, food colourings, stabilising agents and preservatives.

It all goes to show, if you want to protect yourself from the dangers of Big Pharma drugs, you have to do it yourself - by avoiding them!

Promoting Natural Immunity

The Conventional Medical Establishment is fixated with vaccination. Homeopathy, by contrast, is concerned with supporting the natural immunity of our bodies. Nowhere is this better demonstrated than by a marvellous website - Arnica: UK Parents' Support (see

The Arnica Network was formed in 2007, mostly by parents concerned about vaccination. They wanted to know more about 'natural' health, and 'natural immunity'. In the last 3 years 50 Arnica groups have been formed - demonstrating how keen increasing numbers of people are now to find something safer, more natural than the toxic drugs and vaccination offered by ConMed.

“At Arnica we believe in the importance of Natural Immunity.”  

Well that's sensible, and it is what all medical therapies do - except for ConMed, dominated as it is by Big Pharma drugs and its toxic drugs. So what do Arnica groups do? Well, parents and health practitioners meet regularly, and use their Yahoo site.

to discuss vaccine issues. They also share good practice, and evidence about how children can be supported naturally when they are sick. They discuss all kinds of health-care matters, such as dealing with fever, and cleaning wounds. The also look at the adverse reactions caused by vaccines (our children are now given 25 vaccines before they reach toddler-hood), and the longer-term health problems they cause.

Most parents vaccinate their children because they are pressurised to do so by the NHS, and the Conventional Medical Establishment. They work through creating fear over simple, straightforward illness, like measles; and then telling us that we are not good parents unless we get our children vaccinated. It is extremely hard for parents to withstand such pressure on their own - but Arnica Groups provide support, and enable parents to make their own informed decisions about vaccination, and other medical matters.

Why not join them?

Renal Artery Stenosis. An Individual Case

This is a lovely story about a young boy suffering from renal artery stenosis. You can find the fully story at:

Bhavesh was suffering from renal artery stenosis. The artery supplying blood to his right kidney was blocked, a condition diagnosed about 45 days before mother and child came to see me on April 1, 2009. Bhavesh was reeling under toxic build-up and water retention that had made him puffy and swollen. He also had severe hypertension as his blood pressure was a dangerous 180 / 120.

Bhavesh had also become extremely withdrawn. At home, he barely uttered a few words, preferring to lie in bed all day. He had also stopped eating – definite signs of shock and depression.

What  is important about the story is this:

* It shows that ConMed had absolutely no answer to this boy's condition
* It show the complexity that some journeys with homeopathy entail. If homeopathy was 'just placebo' we would not have to bother about the complexities of miasms, and the like.
* It shows a serious ill child treated successfully with homeopathy

Those who say homeopathy does not work are usually transfixed with notions of the importance of the science of RCTs (randomised controlled trials), what individual studies like this demonstrate is the importance of the individual experience of medical treatment. Has miasmatic treatment ever been demonstrated by RCTs? No! Does Bhavesh care? No! Does his family? No. What is important is that medical treatment actually works.

And what ConMed persistently fail to explain is why, is RCTs are so important, they cannot make allopathic drugs and treatment more effective, and safer.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Animals, pets and Homeopathy

Homeopathy denialists always state that homeopathy does not work, that its effects are merely 'placebo'. Of course, this is nonsense - unsurprisingly, perhaps, as denialists have to resort to such mantras in  order to defend the indefensible!

Homeopathy applied to animals, pets and farm animals, has a long history of successful treatment. It continues to expand for three reasons;
(a) it works,
(b) it is safe,
(c) it is inexpensive.

But there is also a surprisingly large amount of scientific research supporting its effectiveness. This is outlined in a new newsletter produced by the Homeopathy Research Institute.

There are apparently 217 data entries, with over 50 to be added 'in due course'. The newsletter comes with words of caution about the quality of some of this work, and the need for more research to be done. No doubt, this is what homeopathy denialists will focus on! But these studies support what many of us have known for a long time, that homeopathy works as well with animals as it does with humans! And this new collection demonstrates that there has been considerable work done on applying homeopathy to animals that indicates its effectiveness.

There are several implications. Animals are not subject to 'the placebo effect'. Over the last 15 years, my dogs have had no idea that I was treating them by putting a remedy in their drinking water! Farmers who have treated their livestock with homeopathy, for conditions such as mastitis, do not tell them that their water has had a remedy added to it!

Help and guidance is now available for anyone wishing to learn more about the treatment of their animals and pets by homeopathy. There are several books on the subject, and more individualised support can be obtained through a new group recently set up by the Alliance of Registered Homeopaths

Conventional medical treatment of animals and pets is becoming increasingly drug-oriented, just as with humans, dominated by vaccination. So looking at homeopathy is not only advisable because it is safer; it is also more effective, and much less expensive.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Children, coughs and colds, and ConMed drugs

I hope no-one believes their children are safe from Conventional Medical drugs. In the USA, in 2007, the drug manufacturers agreed to withdraw from the market certain 'over-the-counter' drugs for coughs and colds for children under two years of age - because (in the words of the FDA they caused "serious and potentially life-threatening side-effects". Have a look at this article.

And whilst doing so, ask yourselves these questions.

1. If these drugs, sold without doctor prescription, are dangerous to children under two years old, are they really safe for children aged 3, or 4, or 5? Or for adults, for that matter!
2. If the drug company accepted they were unsafe (they did so by withdrawing them) why did they continue to sell them to patients in other parts of the world? Are they only unsafe in the USA? Are we in the UK protected in some way?
3. Why have people in the UK not been told about this in our mainstream media? Why do the NHS not tell us? Why do doctors not tell us? The silence in deafening.
4. If "emergency rooms have seen 50% less visits from injured or killed babies and toddlers" in the USA have babies and toddlers in the UK continued to appear in our hospitals?
5. If our drug regulator, the MHRA have said these drugs were not safe, why are they allowing them to be sold? Why have they not been withdrawn, as in the USA?

So in one short article we see the problem, and the dangers we face from the NHS-ConMed Establishment. They simply don't tell us the truth. They don't act to protect us. And they don't do so even when they know there is a serious problem. And the UK media are equally quiet.

This is why I say that it is best to avoid all ConMed drugs, and seek safer medical therapies. It seems to be the case that Big Pharma is too big to control; and to corrupt to act in the best interests of patients - even when those patients are babies and children.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Homeopathy and Prostate Cancer

A research study in 2007 has confirmed what homeopaths have known for some time in clinical practice; that the remedy, Sabal Serrulata, has an positive impact on Prostate Cancer cells.

The study is doubly interesting in that two other remedies, Thuja and Conium, were tested alongside this remedy, and were found not to be effective.

This demonstrates what homeopaths have been saying now for over 200 years. That homeopathy is a safe and effective form of treatment for any illness or disease - providing the correct remedy - the homeopathic remedy - is found.

For denialists, it would also demonstrate that homeopathy is not 'placebo' (if they had open minds, of course); not least because the study was conducted on mice; but also because the study demonstrates that remedies don't work when they are not correctly chosen.

It is commonly said that Prostate Cancer is not a virulent form of cancer; that most men develop the condition as they grow older, but will die of natural causes before the cancer kills them. It is also known that when ConMed treats the condition with its toxic drugs and radiotherapy that more people die of the treatment than the disease!

Homeopathy is clearly a positive alternative for men diagnosed with this condition.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Patient Choice. To take the medication? Or not?

Increasingly people are becoming aware that ConMed drugs are dangerous. So what do you do when your GP says you should take them? The first response should be to do some research, and ask a couple of important questions.

* What are the side-effects of the drug? And think of them not so much as side-effects, but 'disease-inducing-effects' (DIEs)?
* Are there alternative ways of treating my illness that are safer, and more effective?

This is what JT did recently, following a comment I made on Facebook about Statin drugs. This is what she wrote to me.

My husband was prescribed (Statins) a year ago. On reading up on the side effects he decided not to bother and he just spent 20 mins on the phone yesterday trying to convince the doctor that he was wasting his time trying to punt them - conversation went something like this:

Doctor "We're very worried about your cholesterol levels"

Husband "I'm very worried about your statins!"

Doctor "We have a range of different types you can try!"

Husband "If it's a choice between statins and cholesterol I'll keep the cholesterol, thanks!"... so proud of him! But we are going to cut out the dumplings etc as well!

JT's husband has therefore made a personal choice, an informed choice, an important choice for himself, and for his future health. He has decided to deal with his cholesterol problem through diet; and there is plenty of evidence that this approach is more effective, and certainly safer, than filling the coffers of Big Pharma by taking their drugs.

If we all want safer medical treatment, more of us are going to have to start saying  'No' to anyone, including GP's, who want us to take drugs, without telling us about their DIEs.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

HRT increases risk of ovarian cancer by 29%

More bad news about HRT? Or just more of the same? Hormone replacement therapy causes not only heart disease and breast cancer, researchers have now discovered it increases the risk of ovarian cancer - by as much as 29%.
Researches from Oxford University have made this, the most recent discovery that this drug, once said to be 'entirely safe', is dangerous. They said that if you must take HRT, take it for only a limited time! 

I would suggest that the most sensible course of action was not to take it at all. Apparently, the risk was found to disappear once women actually stopped taking it.

* WDDTY 16th November 2010.
* Proceedings of the ninth annual AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, Philadelphia, November 7-10, 2010

Statins: making well people sick!

Are you well? Yes? Good. 

Well take this drug anyway, and damage your kidneys, or your liver and or perhaps your brain. Seems a good deal for drug companies!

The drug companies are primarily interested in drug sales, not patient health. So if the ConMewd Establishment can now persuade well people to take Big Pharma drugs that makes for bigger profits. Then, of course, once you are ill, you can be encouraged to take even MORE ConMed drugs.

It's a great business plan - unless and until people find out.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Dirty Medicine and Martin J Walker

Martin J Walker's book, Dirty Medicine, first awakened me to the full horrors of Conventional Medicine. It was first published in 1993. Since that time, Martin has published many more books that delve into the indescribably dirty world of conventional medicine.

If you want fully to open your eyes to the lengths Conventional Medicine will go to deceive governments, national health services, and millions of patients, Martin's books should be your first port of call. It took me months to find a copy of Dirty Medicine. Fortunately, they are now more easily available through Martin's website, where his books are listed. Go to:

How spin takes the science out of medicine

Conventional Medicine prides itself on being an "evidence-based" science. Yet most studies on which doctors rely have been created by marketing companies, who are working for Big Pharma.

So says the Magazine 'What doctors don't tell you', usually shortened to WDDTY, is excellent for doing just that - it tells you what you GP does not usually, or willingly tell you. This particular piece can be found at WDDTY Vol 21 No 8. Page 7-8, and examines why it is that for decades we have been led to believe in conventional medicine, and its ability to cure disease.

          "Around 90,000 so-called 'scientific' drug trials, published over the past 10 years in journals, have  been nothing more than public relations (PR) dressed up as research".

WDDTY calls this a scam, that makes a mockery of the idea that conventional medicine is 'scientific', and describes principally the activities of the drug company, Wyeth. Wyeth is being sued by 14,000 women who developed breast cancer after taking its HRT drug, Prempro. They have been forced to reveal 'secret' documents that have shown just how 'scientific' ConMed is.

Yet, as the report says, the Wyeth documents are "but the tip of the iceberg of a practice carried out by most drug companies".

I have written about this before, in The Failure of Conventional Medicine, or more specifically at Medical Science. The failure to protect, where the use of 'cheque-book science', 'ghost' writing, and much more, is described in some detail.

The fact is that ConMed drugs are no more than a confidence trick, a massive deception on patients who are not told the truth, but Government, the NHS, our doctors, and the mainstream media. The dangerous failure of a succession of pharmaceutical drugs, over the last 50-60 years in particular, demonstrates they have no 'evidence base' whatsoever.

The evidence that patients look for is that treatment is effective, and safe. Medical Science has proven itself to be totally ineffective in safeguarding our health; indeed, it has contributed to our ill-health. It is outcomes that are important:
I am ill; I am treated; I get better

It is homeopathy, and other natural CAM therapies, that have provided patients with good outcomes - and this is why so many people are turning to medical therapies that have such an evidence base.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

A healthy child, vaccination, a damaged child, homeopathy, a child getting better

This video tells a story. Starting with a healthy child, who is vaccinated, who becomes autistic, who is treated with homeopathy, and is beginning to get better.

Please, watch this video; it covers everything in 9 minutes; the dangers of ConMed, the potential destruction of a child's life, a family's sorry and anguish, and how homeopathy is helping the child to recover. With film of the child at every stage.

A Novel Treatment for Brain Cancer?

Research undertaken in 2003, and published in the International Journal of Oncology (23: 975-982, 2003) found that Ruta 6 (homeopathy remedy at 6c dilution) "selectively induces cell death in  brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes" and described the remedy as "a novel treatment for brain cancer".

You can see the full paper at

How strange that little more has been heard of this! Perhaps there is no profit for drug companies in diluting Ruta Grav.

Shuuusss. No-one is supposed to know that homeopathy works .......

Homeopathy. 70% report positive health changes

70.7% of patients using homeopathy reported positive health changes, with 50.7% recording their improvement as 'better' or 'much better'.

You can find this study at

The study sought to assess health changes observed following routine homeopathic care for patients with a wide range of chronic conditions. It was a large observational study of 6,544 patients taken over a 6-year period.

Epilim; a dangerous drug, but no legal redress for families

Dozens of families who blame an epilepsy drug, Epilim, for causing birth defects in their children (see information on FACs) say they are devastated that legal aid to sue its maker has been withdrawn. So says a BBC report at:

What is important in this story is not just that no patient is safe taking ConMed drugs, but that drug companies don't admit that their drugs have done anything 'wrong', and, in the UK, the government does not enable families to take such matters to the courts. There is little justice.

So it would seem that UK patients have to be even more careful than those in the USA. In the USA, 'class actions' against drug companies are regularly passing through the legal system, so at least those who have suffered disease and death have some access to justice, and drug companies have been forced to pay many $billions in compensation for the suffering and distress they cause.

The families concerned have children that have suffered because Epilin by the mother during pregnancy. This has caused their children to be born with spina bifida, heart damage and learning difficulties. Their lives have been devastated by ConMed drugs.

And it would appear that in the UK the drug companies, the government, and the NHS are not prepared to take any responsibility.

Multaq is a dangerous drug

Multaq has been around a couple of years now. Initially it was supposed to show such fantastic results the FDA in the USA 'fast-tracked' it for approval. Then, of course, after 1000s, millions of patients suffer, the truth begins to trickle out. The drug is dangerous. It causes disease, and death.

But nothing is done, immediately, of course. The evidence of harm has to be more extreme, or experienced over a longer term. Patients are not told anything other than that "the benefits outweigh the disadvantages".

Pharmalot has now outlined the short history of the drug at

" Since its approval last year, the Sanofi-Aventis Moltaq heart drug has been controversial. For instance, a study published last spring found the pill is only modestly effective and has not clear safety benefits and more recently, questions were raised about the study that led to FDA approval.

Now, a new analysis of FDA adverse event reports indicate Multaq may cause or worsen heart failure, trigger potentially lethal irregular heartbeats and impair kidney function. There is also a glaring discrepancy between the language in the Med Guide given docs and patients, and the warning label about pregnant patients. And the findings led The Institute for Safe Medicine Practices, which conducted the analysis, to conclude that “we have seldom seen a drug with so many issues in so many areas of its safety profile.”
Why? The non-profit points out that development stopped several years ago after a study of patients with severe heart failure found the drug doubled the risk of death; other data found signals of cancer and birth defects in animals; there are potentially serious interactions with other drugs used to treat atrial fibrillation, and Multaq causes new heart rhythm disturbances in some patients.
The report goes into more detail about the findings, but what is important is what this story tells patients. This is a relatively 'new' drug, so 'good' that the FDA wanted you to have it as quickly as possible. Within less than 2 years, serious disease-inducing-effects (DIEs) have been reported.

But patients will not be told. Nor will the drug be withdrawn, at least not yet. It might take a decade for this to happen. Big Pharma is the only industry allowed to peddle dangerous merchandise to customers which are unsafe, and are given the benefit of the doubt. They may purchase 'scientists' to provide spurious evidence of safety. The medical science never protects patients from these drugs.

Imagine what would happen to a car company if they produced a succession of cars that proved to be unsafe! The company would be in big trouble. People would not buy their cars. The mainstream media would publicise the dangers, and warn the public. The government would demand action.

But none of this happens as far as Big Pharma drugs are concerned. Their products are considered 'safe' until they are proven to be dangerous. They are treated in exactly the opposite way to any other industry.

This blog will keep an eye on the future of this drug, which if it takes a normal course will end in the drug company withdrawing it, or the FDA banning it. 

Yet for many patients, this will be too late. So anyone who knows about these 'early' problems should take sensible precautionary action now. I suggest that they tell their doctors they are not prepared to take the drug, and demand to be told the whole truth!

BMJ say Statin drugs cause liver damage, kidney failure and cataracts

Statins? That's the drug doctors have been telling us is so safe everyone should be taking, isn't it? Now, the BMJ have published evidence that admits that it causes disease!

Well, better late than never. But even better if it was 'never'. What this proves is that you cannot trust ConMed medication. You cannot trust medical professionals who tells you they are safe. The government, the NHS, Big Pharma are not prepared to tell you UNTIL it is proved that people have suffered. And unfortunately, our doctors are quite prepared to go along with this charade.

Natural News published this on 7th November 2010, where fuller information can be found, with references. The research was done at Nottingham University using data from more than 2 million patients taking Statin drugs.

There are safer ways of protecting yourself from heart disease, and this includes homeopathy; not to mention a sensible exercise regime, and a good diet. Statins are useful mainly for the profits accrued by the drug companies. As the piece concludes, these profits are not going to be compromised!

Although sales of the blockbuster drugs are unlikely to be reduced as a result of the study, the researchers encouraged closer monitoring of patients for side effects and said their findings "would tend to support a policy of using lower doses of statins in people at high risk of the adverse events."

In other words, we are expected to just keep on taking the drugs!

Why Celebrities choose homeopathy

This is a simple video that outlines why a large number of celebrities have used homeopathy for their conditions and ailments in recent years. It shows the variety of conditions homeopathy can treat, and the success it can achieve.

Of course, this is only a selection of such 'celebrities'. More can be found in Dana Ullman's book, The Homeopathic Revolution: Why famous people and cultural heroes choose Homeoapathy.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Higher US drug spending has not improved health

This should be no surprise. ConMed drugs actually cause illness and disease, so the more spent on them, the unhealthier a nation is likely to become. It is the same in the UK. Drugs are the cause of the epidemic of chronic disease in the last 60 years, or so, during which time ConMed drug consumption has increased rapidly.

US healthcare spending is higher than that of most other developed nations - totaling roughly $7,290 per person according to Natural News.

But this has not translated into better health, according to two new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which found that higher spending on drugs can actually spur doctors to over-prescribe drugs to patients who do not need them.

The question is, perhaps, who does need them!
Yuting Zhang and her colleagues from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health did not observe a connection between higher spending on drugs and improved care. As she said, 

"Higher spending can be justified if it's for drugs that are necessary and appropriate and improve patients' health." But much of the time, higher spending actually causes more problems.

I would only disagree with the first sentence, not the second. I put forward this idea, quite tentatively in my ebook, The Failure of Conventional Medicine. 

But there is now so much evidence that being 'tentative' is no longer necessary. Big Pharma drugs cause illness and disease. So spending money to increase consumption is bound to make us less healthy.

The threat of homeopathy to the Conventional Medical Establishment

I have long since argued that homeopathy was under attack because it was effective, and therefore constituted a threat to Conventional Medicine, and Big Pharma companies in particular. What is being demonstrated day-after-day is that Conventional Medicine is in crisis. They are not only useless, in most cases, they are positively dangerous. And as people realise this, they look for safer, and more effective medical therapies. Homeopathy is the most prominent of these therapies.

I have argued this in my e-book, and should you want to see the whole argument, this is available (free of charge) at The Failure of Conventional Medicine.

For a shorter, but equally powerful version of the argument, do look at John Benneth's blog, which can be found at

Friday, 5 November 2010

Homeopathy and Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is an acute, and severe febrile disease, transmitted by mosquitos. The main symptoms are prostration, chills, intense frontal headache, muscular and joint pains, nausea and vomiting, sore throat and rashes. Death is rare in the common form, but some patients go on to developed Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, where mortality can be high, especially in children. The acute symptoms can last about a week, but the disease can leave the patient with weakness, malaise and anorexia for several weeks.
Dengue occurs over large parts of the world, mostly tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico and Brazil. But it has also been known in areas of Europe over the last 200 years. In the past 30 years, the frequency of Dengue epidemics throughout the world have increased greatly.
Conventional medicine has no solutions for Dengue. The best it can do is to give advice about how to avoid it (which is sensible), and how to reduce epidemics from spreading once they begin. They have no vaccines. Anti-pyretics can be given to control temperature but they are largely ineffective. Advice about drugs is NOT to take them! Drugs such as aspirin, and other NSAID painkillers, is that they increase the risk of the more dangerous ‘hemorrhagic’ form of Dengue. Otherwise, it is drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest.
In Brazil, homeopathy has in recent years played a part in its prevention and treatment, and what evidence there is suggests that homeopathy can play an important part in dealing with the disease. There were serious epidemics in 1986, 1995, and 2002.
The use of homeopathy in Brazil is reported in the paper “Homeopathy and Collective Health: The Case of Dengue Epidemics”, in Int J High Dilution Res 2008; 7(25): 179-185. This paper can be found at 
This is the Abstract of the Paper.
“This paper describes experiences of the use of homeopathy in the prevention and treatment Dengue fever in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. May 2001, a single dose of the homeopathic remedy Eupatorium perfoliatum 30cH was given to 40% of residents of the most highly affected neighborhood. Thereafter, Dengue incidence decreased by 81.5%, a highly significant decrease as compared with neighborhoods that did not receive homeopathic prophylaxis (p<0.0001). Between April and September 2007, a homeopathic complex composed of Eupatorium perfoliatum, Phosphorus and Crotalus horridus 30cH, given to 20,000 city residents. This trial was aborted prematurely due to national political intervention; therefore, only partial and isolated data could be recorded. However, the results suggest that homeopathy may be effective in the prevention and treatment of Dengue epidemics.
The Epilogue said this of the brief experiment in 2007.
The use of the homeopathic complex was restricted to one single week in March 2007 due to a disagreement between the State and Municipal Secretaries of Health giving rise to a serious institutional crisis widely reported by Brazilian media, creating feelings of doubt and confusion among the population. This situation also seriously impeded our research, limiting us to a small sample and inadequate controls. In spite of this, we were able to collect interesting data that may contribute to the ongoing efforts to control Dengue in Brazil. Unfortunately, in the 2007 outbreak of Dengue in São José de Rio Preto, a consensus in April 15th among representatives of the National Health Ministry, the State Health Secretary and the Municipal Health Secretary suspended prophylactic administration of the homeopathic complex, a decision upheld by the Ministry of Justice.
It is a pity that ‘political intervention’ allowed only ‘partial and isolated data’ but this has become all too typical in the history of homeopathy, and its success in the treatment of acute epidemics of this sort. It has happened throughout the 19th Century.
In 2008, over 230,000 Brazilians contracted Dengue Fever between the months of January and April. The drug toll was over 100, mainly children under 15 years of age. Brazil’s health minister conceded that it had ‘lost its war’ against the disease, and said that people would have to ‘co-exist’ with the disease in future.
So much for political interference!
Yet the Brazilian experience is not the only evidence we have. Homeopaths have long known that homeopathy provides effective prevention and treatment for both forms of Dengue Fever. Homeopathy has at least 20 remedies in our Materia Medica that have been shown to be effective, at the various stages of the disease. Boerricke, who wrote his MM in the 1920’s, mentioned 12 remedies : aconite, arsenicum, belladonna, bryonia, cantharis, china, eupatorium-per, gelsenium, ipecac, nux-vomica, rhus-tox and rhus-v. To that, other remedies can now be added, like Phosphorus, Ledum and Cratalus.
And there are other trials too, like in India in 1996 (Central Council of Research in Homeopathy. CCRH News. 1996-1997). In this trial, the Dengue Fever nosode (a remedy made from diseased material) in 30c potency was administered to people in the Delhi area during an epidemic of Dengue haemorrhagic fever. 39,200 people were given the nosode; 23,520 were successfully followed up, and only 5 people had developed symptoms. This is an infection rate of 0.125%, compared to what is normally expected, about 50%.