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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Drugs can kill you; but patients have no redress in law

Conventional Medical drugs can kill you, and cause serious disease; and now drug companies don't have to face litigation in the courts. The USA Supreme Court has now protected the drug companies who make vaccine from being sued by parents whose children have suffered from them.,0,2497178.story

This is a disgraceful decision, which brings the US law in line with UK law. Drug companies are now free to peddle disease and death without fear of prosecution. Parents, and patients generally, now have no protection, other than avoiding ConMed drugs and vaccines entirely. And this, in any case, is the safest course of action.

If Corporations kill and cause disease, by selling dangerous products that harm children, they should be held legally accountable. Most companies who cause damage are. But not, apparently, the drug companies. They are immune from prosecution. Patients have little or no redress. To the extent that heavy fines for causing harm was a constraint, as it hit drug companies in their pockets when damages were awarded against them, there is now no such constraint. As Natural News says:

          The liability, it turns out, has been shifted to the federal government which operates its "let's-make-a-mockery-of-justice" vaccine court. This puts the federal government in the position of denying any validity to legitimate claims that vaccines harm children, because to admit such a thing would cause a tidal wave of claims to come flooding into the vaccine court, resulting in potentially trillions of dollars in payouts to all the parents whose children have been harmed by vaccines.

The article goes on to describe vaccines as 'medical violence against children'. This is not an exaggeration. Perhaps in the end the drug companies are digging themselves into a hole. People will begin to realise not only that ConMed drugs are dangerous, even lethal; but that as there is now no legal redress, as drug companies are completely protected from their own actions, their drugs and vaccines are best avoided altogether.

And this is the message of this blog. There are safer, and more effective medical therapies, and people who dislike this ruling should renew and redouble their search for them.

Doctors with CAM training more effective

Doctors normally prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to their patients, some almost routinely. This was not always the case. Once GPs had many other skills, connected to life-style, diet, and simple non-drug techniques, and they were able to advise their patients about these.

The dominance of pharmaceutical drugs have led to a de-skilling of our doctors, and this piece of research seems to illustrate that the more knowledge and skills GPs can develop improve their outcomes with patients. This is what the research discovered.

               A small fraction of general practitioners (GPs) in the Netherlands has completed additional training in complementary medicine after obtaining their conventional medical degree. Using a data set from a health insurer, this paper documents that patients whose GP has additional training in anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy, or acupuncture have substantially lower health care costs and lower mortality rates. The lower costs result from fewer hospital stays and fewer prescription drugs. Since the differences remain once we control for neighborhood specific fixed effects at a highly detailed level, the lower costs and longer lives are unlikely to be related to differences in socio-economic status.

GPs, after all, are supposed to be 'general practitioners', not 'specialists in drug treatment' and it is a great shame that most of their training appears to be about drugs. Apparently, GP training on diet and nutrition now appears to be minimal. And it is all-too-apparent that most GPs have little knowledge or understanding of therapies such as homeopathy.

The researchers put forward several reasons why GPs using CAM should produce substantially lower costs and lower mortality rates. They have tended to under-value the simple explanation; the effectiveness and low cost of treatments like homeopathy. And in addition, of course, saving on the cost of treating the DIEs (disease inducing effects) of conventional drug treatment.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Science and RCT trials are useless. Official!

Homeopathy has been lampooned for centuries for being no more than 'placebo', and that it has no evidence base. Now, conventional medicine has come under the same microscope.

          A new study inScience Translational Medicinehas cast doubt over the scientific validity of nearly all randomized, double-blind placebo controlled studies involving pharmaceuticals used on human beings. It turns out that many pharmaceuticals only work because people expect them to, not because they have any "real" chemical effect on the body. As you'll see here, when test subjects were told that they were not receiving painkiller medications - even though they were - the medication proved to be completely worthless.

Homeopaths have long said - if homeopathy is effective because of placebo, why don't ConMed practitioners utilise it too. Well, apparently they do!

But what is known about pharmaceutical drugs is not only that they are next-to-useless, other than in a temporary, short-term sense, they are positively dangerous. And the dangers of drugs are not 'placebo' they are very real. Nor are they 'side-effects', either. The dangers of pharmaceutical drugs constitute actual disease. In other words, you take a drug for one condition, and you contract another disease.

It is time everyone started to say 'No Thanks' to conventional medicine!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

MMR and Autism. The growing scientific studies

The most potent links connecting vaccination (especially MMR) and autism are the children and families who have suffered as a result of vaccinating their children. And this is the reason why the link between vaccines and autism will not go away (for a full explanation of this, see

Now their are a growing number of studies that are demonstrating the links. Twenty studies can be found at

Big Pharma companies, governments, National Health Services will no doubt continue to deny the connection, for as long as they possibly can - but the evidence against vaccinations, of all kinds, is steadily growing.

One drug leads to another, and another....

The trail of drug devastation is amusingly portrayed in this photo.

To transcribe what is on the back of the teashirt.....

          "I take Aspirin for the headache caused by the Zyrtec I take for the Hayfever I got from Relenza for the uneasy stomach from the Ritalin I take for the short attention span caused by the Scopederm Ts I take for the motion sickness I got from the Lomotil I take for the diarrhea caused by the Zenikal for the uncontrolled weight gain from the Paxil I take for the anxiety from Zocor I take for my high cholesterol because exercise, a good diet, and regular chiropractic care are just too much trouble.

Humour is fine, but of course the message on the guy's printed tea-shirt speaks so much truth, spelling out how the adverse reactions to one drug so often leads to taking another drug to deal with them, and so on, ad infinitum.

The tragedy is that the sequence is often much more serious than this, the disease-inducing-effects (DIEs) actually increasing, drug by drug, until the patient is grossly unhealthy.

The secret is - don't take the first drug - find a safer, more natural alternative.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Cancer, its causes and treatment

What causes cancer, and how has the incidence grown in recent years? I came across this piece on the internet recently, written by Dr Tim O'Shea ( who listed these causes.

          "The traditional cover story is that we don’t know what causes cancer so therefore we have to keep spending $100 billion per year to look for the cause. In reality the opposite is true. The true causes of cancer are well known, well documented and have been for decades.
          What alters normal DNA? How do normal cells become persistent mutant cells, which grow tumors?

          There are thousands of everyday DNA-altering, carcinogenic situations, well researched. Let’s list just a few:
  • 60,000 chemicals in our air, food, and water
  • vaccines
  • processed foods
  • Genetically Modified foods
  • prescription drugs
  • over-the-counter medications
  • tobacco
  • air pollution
  • fluoridated water
  • pesticides on produce
  • herbicides on produce
  • chlorine
  • other contaminants in our water
All these things, he said, poisons our blood, and alters our DNA. He includes pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in his list, and singles out vaccines as a particular problem.
          "With vaccines, it’s deliberate cell invasion: attenuated or mutated antigens injected into the child’s blood. Sixty-eight vaccines before age 18.
Yet even more striking are the statistics Dr O'Shea used in his piece, looking at the developing incidence of mortality from cancer in the USA.
"In 1900, cancer was practically unheard of in this country. By 1950, there were about 150 cases of cancer per 100,000 population.
Dr O'Shea then produced these statistics, looking at deaths from cancer per 100,000 of population. In 1967 they had risen to 157.2 cancer deaths per 100,000, and it climbed rapidly from there. 
1970— 162.9
1982— 187.3
1987— 198.2
1988— 198.4
1989— 201.0
1990— 203.2
1991— 204.1
1992— 204.1
Vital Statistics of the United States vol.II 1967-1992 [26]
Independent analysis by the CA Journal for Cancer Clinicians, Jan 97, [16] put the 1993 death rate at 220 per 100,000Jumping ahead now to 2000, the overall rate had climbed to 321 per 100,000 (OECD Health Data 2010).
And why, he asks, does nobody know this? Because, he says, it is forbidden to discuss such things in the mainstream media. 
So Dr O'Shea's arguments mirror my own, often outlined on this blog. The statistics he uses are damning, the rise in cancer mortality corresponding, as they do, to the years when research into cancer, drugs to treat cancer (and drugs that cause cancer) have grown exponentially.
The article is full of other useful information too, although I know nothing about the treatment programmes he is suggesting. What I do know, and have highlighted in past blogs, is that many people with cancer have turned to homeopathy, and with some success.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Headaches and Homeopathy. Top 10 remedies Remedies for Headache!

This blog is based on the selection of homeopathy remedies recommended by:
Dr Shreya's Health and Homeopathic Blog: Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Headache!:

(1) Natrum mur. 
 One of the top remedies for headaches
- Throbbing variety
- Headache starts in the morning after getting up and remains till sunset
- School-girl headaches those suffer from anemia
- Pain as if numerous hammers are thrusting on the brain
- Semi-lateral headaches, migraines, with nausea and vomiting
- With heavy aching eyelids
- In migraine, has an aura in numbness and tingling in tongue, lips, nose etc, before the attack sets
- Headache associated with sinusitis, when attack sets in after catching cold
- Ill-effects of grief, worry, fear etc
- Worse, from noise of any kind, music, heat, mental exertion; better on empty stomach, open air, pressure, sleep

(2) Belladona-
- acute headache that starts suddenly
- sensitive head to least contact
- fullness in forehead
- associated with constant moaning
- ill effects of catching cold or having a hair cut
- pulsations felt in head
- aggravated by lying down, noise, jar, afternoon
- better by pressure and semi-erect posture

(3) Gelsemium-
- headaches associated with vertigo
- spreading from occiput or located at occiput
- tension headaches
- dull pain with marked heaviness
- heavy drooping eyelids
- band feeling around head
- temporal headaches that occur after exposure to sun
- soreness in neck with headache
- may be delirious
- blindness may precede headache
- foggy weather aggravates and so does anticipation about anything
- better by profuse urination, open air and lying with head high

(4) Glonoine-
- worsened Belladona headache, throbbing variety more on left side
- head feels large when it aches
- peculiar sun-headaches with dizziness
- headache brought on by menstrual suppression
- congestive headaches with irregular circulations; pulsations felt in head, ears and all over the face
- any type of occupational headache brought on by working near or with heat
- can feel surging of blood to head
- despite heaviness, cannot lay head on pillow
- headache in a child that attended campfire the day before
- associated with sparks before the eyes

(5) Onosmodium-
- migraine headaches
- associated with loss of or deficient memory
- marked state of confusion
- headache starts in the morning on waking up
- areas affected- occiput, temporal region, and mastoid
- associated with heavy dull eyes with pain in eyeballs
- worse using eyes, left side, movement
- better by cold drinks and eating

(6) Chamomilla-
- Sudden onset headaches with excessive irritability
- Throbbing pain in half of the head
- Patient bends head backwards in the hope to relieve
- Associated with hot clammy sweat on forehead and whining restlessness

(7) Ignatia-
- Headache as if a nail driven through the sides
- Crampy pain over the root of nose
- Headache from anger, acute grief, etc
- Emotional causes always lead to headache first
- Marked congestion
- Hysterical headaches
- Hollow-feeling of head that is aggravated by stooping
- Sobbing lady with headache

(8) Sanguinaria-
- peculiar right sides sun headaches
- marked periodicity
- begins in occiput, settles over the eyes (More on right side)
- menopausal headaches
- pain in spots over head
- associated with burning in eyes and red burning cheeks
- feels as if a flash of lightening hitting at the back of head

(9) Iris versicolor-
- Typical acidic headaches
- Headache associated with lots of acidity
- Marked nausea, lack of appetite, and burning along the alimentary canal
- During mental strain, performs well but once it’s over, develops sick headache
- Frontal headaches with nausea
- Migraine with aura settling in eyes with a blur before eyes, followed by dull constricted headache for long time
- continued motion

(10) Nux vomica-
- headache with vertigo, especially after night-watching
- headache from over-exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee
- marked sensitivity to touch
- frontal headache > by pressing hard
- headache associated with constipation, nausea
- sun headaches
- head feels sore and distended
- associated with photophobia, neuralgic pain in eyes, and watering of eyes
- worse in the mornings, after eating, cold; better after a good nap, evening, rest

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Why Homeopathy Heals

When I was first introduced to homeopathy, my comment was 'I don't believe in that sort of thing'! I was in pain at the time, and there may have been a few additional expletives connected to it! And my mind, then, was as closed as the homeopathy denialists are now, and who write into this blog so often. So perhaps there is hope, even for them!

But why does homeopathy heal? And why is it able to do so with such safety? It is not what most of us have come to know about medicine through our experience of conventional medicine.

First, it works by supporting our body, not by opposing it. It seeks to trigger the self-healing mechanisms we all have. When we are ill, our bodies strive to make us better - and it does so in many ways, some of which we do not understand. All natural therapies do this, in their own way. In fact, it is only conventional medicine, and its drugs, that seeks to 'second-guess' what the body is seeking to do - with its 'anti' this or that drugs, with its 'inhibitors' and its 'blockers'. This is how most conventional medicine labels most of it drugs. They unashamedly set out to fight the body. And this is what causes the adverse reactions, and creates the diseases, and kills so many people each year.

Second, it works through the principle of 'treating like with like', the very basis of homeopathy. It seeks to match the symptoms of our illness with a remedy, and triggers the body into a stronger, more powerful healing reaction. Homeopathy has been testing this hypothesis for over 200 years, and it has never been found wanting. The hypothesis was known by the Ancient Greeks, and it probably goes even further back, into pre-history.

Hahnemann started the process of cataloging the symptoms of various substances, and these have become our remedies. Actually, the cataloging began before Hahnemann, with the herbalists, and their knowledge of the healing activity of common plants and herbs. And the remedies used 200+ years ago are still with us, and indeed are still amongst the most used homeopathic remedies.

So where is this knowledge?
The knowledge of homeopathy is are written up in our Materia Medica, vast tombs clinical experience and information, built up over the years, first by 'proving' (healthy volunteers taking a substance, and observing the effects it has), and supported thereafter by the clinical practice of many skilled and dedicated homeopaths during the last 200 years. We know the remedies work, because we have used them for such a long time. We know what patients each remedy will help because we of our knowledge of the sort of symptoms they can treat.

Perhaps if I had been given a homeopathic Materia Medica all those years ago, and seen the vast amount of work and skill that went into their creation and development, my skepticism would have been more easily assuaged! So perhaps, for anyone searching for a more effective, and safer medical therapy, but who remains unsure, the best advice I can give is that you should look at one, and, like me, be amazed at the vast accumulation of clinical experience that are contained within them.

What the homeopathic Materia Medica also does is to dismiss the criticism that homeopathy is no more than placebo. If it was only this there would have been no need for the study of remedies to have been taken to such lengths!

Homeopathy denialists often ask us - where is the proof that homeopathy heals? The answer is - it is all in our Materia Medica.


Wednesday, 9 February 2011

CAM Quest. A new database is launched

The Homeopathy Research Institute has announced that the Carstens Foundation in Germany has created a database designed as a search tool for people interested in responsible information on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

"The aim of CAM-quest is not to rate clinical studies, but rather to demonstrate that a huge body of clinical research in the field of CAM does exist. The database includes research studies in nine therapy categories – acupuncture, anthroposophy, ayurveda, bioenergetics, homeopathy, manual medicine, mind-body medicine, phytomedicine and TCM – and searches can be made by disease, therapy and study design.
The website can be found at

Vaccination. The dangers just keep on coming through!

I have seen so many reports about the dangers of vaccination over the past few days it is almost overwhelming. So here are just a few references that highlight the problems of most vaccines that are being imposed on us, in increasing numbers; from inadequate testing; to causing serious medical conditions, to vaccinated people contracting the conditions against which they were vaccinated, to them being withdrawn or banned, and to drug manufacturers not being responsible for the damage and personal tragedy they cause. 

This concerns the lack of medical data surrounding the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV).

Here a professor states that there was not enough testing of the swine flu vaccine. 

This one outlines the increased risk of narcolepsy observed among children and adolescents vaccinated with PandemrixR

This concerns a mother who gave her baby a vaccination for yellow fever

This one concerns seizures suffered by children following vaccination for flu

And this one says that a recent outbreak of whooping cough in California affected children who had been vaccinated

This one reports that the chief public health authority has suspended the use of the Pandemrix vaccine

This on concerns a health official who now feels that giving children swine flu vaccination was 'possibly' a mistake!

Finnish medical journal Mediuutiset reporting that British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline was not liable to pay compensation for narcolepsy cases potentially caused by the Pandemrix (swine flu) influenza vaccine.

The tragedies surrounding ConMed vaccines continue, and it continues to be called 'medicine'!

Violence and Pharma Drugs

When I first put forward the connection between violence and pharmaceutical drugs, I did so very tentatively. (See the Failure of Conventional Medicine, the Creation of Illness. However, the evidence is growing, and a number of well-known, and heavily consumed Big Pharma drugs, like Chantix, Prozac, Seroxat and Lariam are now implicated in causing violent behaviour.

The ten worst drugs are outlined in this article, from the Dr Mercola website.

Chantix appears to be the worst, and is linked to the highest number of reports of violence, aggression, and psychosis (

Britain faces dementia catastrophe...

This Telegraph headline warns about this catastrophe, but then asks for more conventional medical intervention. This recognises neither the major cause, or a potential solution to this problem. The article begins:

          "More people fear being diagnosed with the debilitating brain condition above anything else than fear cancer or death itself, research shows.
          "A million people in Britain will suffer some form of dementia within two decades, and one in three pensioners will die with it, figures suggest.

Readers of this blog will know that there are many chronic diseases, many of them rarely known at one time, that are reaching epidemic proportions. Moreover, you will have read that the rise of these epidemic levels of disease usually mirror the growth of conventional drug consumption.

And you only need to look at the disease-inducing effects (DIEs) of pharmaceutivcal drugs, usually dismissed as 'side-effects', to see that a very large number of pharmaceutical drugs are known to cause confusion, and similar problems.

What is needed, to prevent this epidemic of dementia getting worse, is to recognise the association between dementia and pharmaceutical drugs, for doctors and GPs to stop prescribing them, and for patients to stop taking them!

We must remember - conventional medical refuses to recognise that what they call, euphemistically, 'side-effects' are, in fact, fully fledged chromic diseases!

We certainly don't want the drugs companies to cash in on yet another disease they have largely caused themselves!

Homeopathy heals, and Conventional Medicine does not like it

Homeopathy is constantly under attack, even though it has been used as a medical therapy for over 200 years, and it is currently growing in popularity throughout the world.
It is time that the reason for these attacks on homeopathy are properly investigated and fully understood by the mainstream media in the UK.
Most of these attacks are made by anti-homeopathy groups, and are part of a worldwide campaign. It is being orchestrated by people associated with groups like ‘Sense about Science’ (SAS) in the UK, and other similar or linked groups funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry.
The real objection that SAS, and the Pharmaceutical Industry, has to homeopathy is that it has been, and continues to be, highly successful in treating people, with all kinds of ailments and diseases. After all, if the anti-homeopathy campaign is right in stating, ‘there is nothing in homeopathy’, or ‘there is not evidence to support homeopathy’ why do they bother attacking it?
Homeopathy is under attack because it is am effective medical therapy. Moreover, it has an additional benefit. It is entirely safe. This, of course, is in stark contrast to recent patient experiences with conventional pharmaceutical drugs, from Thalidomide, Benzodiazepines, HRT, Vioxx, Avandia, Reductil, Co-Proxamol, Prexige, Effexor, and many, many others.
The evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of homeopathy is twofold.
  1. The empirical evidence for homeopathy is now quite overwhelming. Many millions of patients, throughout the world, and for over two centuries, can testify to its effectiveness. Something of the range of people who have been treated by homeopathy through this time can be found in Dan Ullman’s book, “The Homeopathic Revolution: why famous people and cultural heroes choose homeopathy”, published in 2007. Homeopathy users have ranged from leading US and UK politicians, to composers and musicians, to artists and stage/film celebrities, to religious and spiritual leaders. And this is not to mention the millions of ordinary people who have chosen homeopathy for its effectiveness and safety.
The primary requirement of sick patients is to be treated effectively, and safely. 
Homeopathy has consistently passed this important test.
  1. RCT Evidence. Those opposed to homeopathy regularly state that “there is no scientific proof” supporting homeopathy. Hitherto, this anti-homeopathic mantra appears to have been a widely believed. But it is entirely untrue. There are now nearly 250 randomised controlled tests which clearly demonstrate that homeopathy works, and often that it works better than placebo, and better than conventional drugs.
For a list of these scientific papers that support the effectiveness of homeopathy, go to
or to
Even the question of the mechanism through which homeopathy works seems to be close to having a genuine scientific explanation. Professor Luc Montaigner, the French virologist, and Nobel prize winner in 2008, stated (in an interview in the December issue of Science Magazine).
          "I can't say that homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say now is that the high dilutions are right. High dilutions of something are not nothing. They are water structures which mimic the original molecules."
Professor Montaigner has already published research showing that high dilutions contain nano-particles that emit electromagnetic waves from their DNA which can be measured, and have an effect. For more information about Montaigner’s work, which he is now pursuing at Jiaotong University in China, see the following:
And, in response to his article in Science, Professor Josephson, of Cambridge University, wryly responded to the chronic ignorance of homeopathy (and that includes those planning the weekend anti-homeopathy demonstrations) saying, 
          "The idea that water can have a memory can be readily refuted by any one of a number of easily understood, invalid arguments."
This evidence in support of homeopathy might be uncomfortable news for its opponents, and the supporters of the conventional drugs industry. But it is important to recognise that their opposition is based on the success of homeopathy, and not its failure.
If homeopathy was failing its patients it would have died many years ago as homeopathy does not have, nor has it ever had, significant state support or funding.
Homeopathy is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the second most used healing modality in the world, and since it has much greater success and safety than the conventional toxic drug model, the pharmaceutical industry has decided to attack it, and establish groups like SAS to do so.
It is also clear that these attacks on homeopathy are based on the ongoing failures of the conventional drugs industry, a failure that has been sadly under-reported by the mainstream media in the UK. The attacks on homeopathy can therefore be seen as a smokescreen, to divert attention from the current problems of the pharmaceutical industry.
  • A number of high profile conventional drugs have been regularly withdrawn by drug companies, because they have been found to be ineffective, or dangerous, or both.
  • A number of drug companies have had to pay out multi-billion $ claims to patients who have been damaged by conventional drugs and vaccinations.
  • In some cases, the courts have revealed that drug companies have failed to report, or actually lied about clinical trials that indicated that new drugs were potentially dangerous for patients.
  • New drugs are now extremely expensive, stretching national health services throughout the western world to near breaking point.
So anti-homeopathy publicity arises from the fact that homeopathy is an effective and safe alternative to conventional, drug-based medicine; and that an increasing number of people are realising this.
Unfortunately it seems that SAS, and other opponents of homeopathy, are blinded by their own blinkered views and prejudices. And, of course, it is not mere coincidence that these views reflect those of the pharmaceutical industry, and the conventional medical establishment as a whole.
For homeopathy, this has always been so. To place current attacks on homeopathy into an historical context, please refer to Louise McLean’s article, ‘Why the constant attacks on homeopathy?’, at

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Common painkillers triple risk of stroke

The British Medical Journal has published evidence that common painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen double the risk of a heart attack, and triple the chance of stroke. The researchers were alerted to the potential dangers of anti-inflammatory painkillers following the withdrawal of Vioxx (rofecoxib) after it was found to cause heart disease and death.

Vioxx was a COX-2 inhibitor, a ‘new generation’ anti-inflammatory supposedly safer than the older NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), such as aspirin.  But the researchers found that the risk exists across the entire family of drugs when they analysed the results of 31 drug trials, involving 116,429 participants.

The researchers conclude that the drugs – many of which can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies – are not safe, and should be taken with great care.
(Source: British Medical Journal, 2011; 342: c7086).

Homeopathy heals - long-term!

How healthy are chronically ill patients after eight years of homeopathic treatment? Well, the results from a long-term observational study appear to be much better, and the improvement in their health lasted for the duration of the study.

Disease severity and quality of life demonstrated marked and sustained improvements following homeopathic treatment period. Our findings indicate that homeopathic medical therapy may play a beneficial role in the long-term care of patients with chronic diseases.

The findings, that patients who seek homeopathic treatment are likely to improve considerably, and that the effect persist - reflects my experience of homeopathic treatment, with my gastric ulcers never returning, following homeopathic treatment over 30 years ago.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Acne and Homeopathy

Acne is a dreaded complaint, especially for many teenagers, sometimes affect their lives greatly.

Homeopathy is perhaps the most effective, and certainly the safest methods of treatment. Conventional medicine use strong chemical agents, in the form of creams and lotions, which can suppress the condition, but usually with only short-term benefits.

So this webpage,, is useful for anyone who suffers from this condition. I outlines the main remedies used in homeopathy to treat the condition, and I have attached the remedy pictures here.

(1) Asterias rubens-
-         Considered as one of the chief dugs for treating acne
-         Itchy acne
-         Skin seems less elastic
-         Acne eruptions with fetid pus
-         Acne rosacea
-         Acne affecting back, shoulders, sides of nose, chin
-         Flabby patient with lymphatic constitution
-         Sycotic diathesis
-         Sexual excitement in both sexes
-         Fear of bad news in adolescent girls
-         Worse coffee, left side

(2) Belladonna-
-         Red hot facial skin
-         Scarlet rash-like acne
-         Suddenly spreading acne lesions
-         Alternate redness and dullness of skin
-         Pustular eruptions on skin
-         Skin feels smoothly red but burns
-         Acne leading to swelling of glands of neck, chin
-         Bluish red acne lesions
-         Shiny red eruptions

(3) Dulcamara-
-         One of the underrated remedies for acne
-         Humid eruptions on face
-         Acne lesions itch, worse in cold wet weather
-         Vesicular eruptions
-         Small boils spreading uniformly across the face, forehead
-         May be associated with warty eruptions on hands and face
-         Acne worse around the menstrual period
-         Mucus membrane affections are often the concomitant
-         Worse by cold in any form, better by warmth

(4) Merc sol-
-         Syphilitic acne
-         Earthy, puffy, dirty-looking face
-         Pustular acne
-         Constantly perspiring skin
-         A big pimple surrounded by many small pimples
-         Itchy eruptions worse from the warmth of bed
-         Eruptions in private parts, buttocks
-         Skin and mucus membranes affected at the same time
-         Yellowing brown or greenish pus from Pustular acne, may be streaked with thin blood
-         Extremely fetid suppuration
-         Worse extremes of temperature, night, dampness, perspiration

(5) Graphites-
-         Cobweb sensation on face is one of the most marked features of Graph
-         Itching pimples
-         Constipated bowels is a frequent accompaniment
-         Rough hard skin of face
-         Persistent dryness of skin
-         Acne oozing out a sticky exudation
-         Pimply eruptions behind ears
-         Unhealthy skin with tendency to suppurate
-         Redness of face
-         Burning acne with think sticky discharges
-         Worse warmth, during and after menses
-         Better in dark room

(6) Bovista-
-         Acne in sensitive girls
-         Crusty eruptions around mouth and nostrils
-         Acne from over-use of cosmetics
-         Swollen look of cheeks
-         Sensitive skin with tendency to leave deep impression with blunt instruments
-         Itchy eruptions
-         May have had an attack of urticaria or tendency to recurrent urticaria
-         Pimples covering the entire body
-         Acne always worse in summer

(7) Radium brom-
-         Acne rosacea with red pimply rashes
-         Small eruptions with itching, burning, swelling, and redness
-         Excessive itching with burning of skin as if on fire
-         Painful pimples
-         Acne with scars that take long time to heal
-         May be associated with itchy dermatitis of skin and/or trophic changes in fingernails
-         Acne seem worse after getting up in the morning
-         Better in open air and hot bath

(8) Arnica-
-         Painful acne with sore bruised feeling in skin
-         Sunken red face with heat feeling on lips
-         Itchy burning pimples
-         Acne may occur in crops; one heals and the new eruption rises near it
-         Indurated acne characterized by symmetry in distribution
-         Bluish look of skin with tendency to form boils
-         Worse by tough, wine

(9) Kali brom-
-         Itchy pimples on face, chest, shoulders, etc
-         Pustular rashes
-         Anesthetic feeling in skin of face and mucus membranes
-         Exaggerated sexual desire in females suffering from acne during menses
-         Extremely fidgety hands is on of the main features of the drug
-         Horrific dreams and grinding of teeth in sleep is often an accompaniment
-         Worse warmth

(10)                    Calcarea sulph-
-         Suppurative tendency of the skin
-         Pustular jagged eruptions with oozing of yellow mucus
-         Facial pimples
-         Unhealthy skin with yellowing scabs
-         Many small pimples under the hair that bleed when scratched
-         Purulent exudations from acne
-         Acne lesions that do not heal fast
-         Pimples around ears with tendency to bleed on scratching

Homeopathy is safe enough to try the best matching remedy, but if this does not work, and homeopathic consultation is advisable. Find a homeopath at