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Thursday, 25 June 2020

Five million drug errors kill or seriously harm Britons every year. Be safe. Save the NHS. Insist on Homeopathy.

This is the headline of WDDTY News yesterday (24th June 2020). The article says this has been discovered by "a shocking new report". The problem with this, however, is that shocking as this may be, it is certainly not 'new'. It is the 'every year' of the title that is pertinent here. This is just the latest report (which politicians, government, mainstream media, and the conventional medical establishment will go out of their way to ignore. So what is the latest evidence on an on-going story?

               "Researchers have identified 237 million medication errors that happen every year in England, and 2 percent of these—4.74 million—do serious harm to the patient, and a further 86 million errors are 'clinically significant', say researchers from the University of Manchester. Serious harm ranges from life-threatening adverse reactions to death."

This is NOT shocking. It is routine. It happens every year. Researchers study it year by year and come up with the same conclusion. Yet nothing changes. I wrote this in March 2018, the result of another WDDTY News report. 

               "22,000 people die every year in England as a result of medical errors. How many more die from pharmaceutical drugs that are NOT given in error?"

In this piece I asked whether patient harm is caused by 'drug errors', or by the operation of a system of medicine that is inherently dangerous. And if these are the 'errors' that have been admitted, how much more harm is being caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines that go unreported and unrecognised.

So I ask the same questions again!

I also ask about the ongoing silence, the apparent unwillingness of the conventional medical establishment to do anything about it.

The Precautionary Principle?
It is not applied to conventional medicine, who can continue harming patients, year by year, without anything changing to protect patients.

First do no harm?
This is part of the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors sign up to, but which is simply ignored, year by year, by doctors who continue to prescribe the same dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.

               "Around 80% of deaths from the errors are the result of gastrointestinal bleeds from NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin and the blood-thinning agent, warfarin."
The research found similar rates of 'error' being reported in the USA, and in other European countries. The problem is, apparently, has even been acknowledged by the World Health Organization (WHO). And it costs the UK'S NHS about £98m a year.
Yet, year by year, nothing is done. In any other industry there would be a major investigation, patients would be warned, and the practices that kill and harm millions of patient would have been banned.
And it's always the same drugs that are found to be causing the harm - NSAIDs; antiplatelet drugs, anti-epilepsy drugs, diabetes drugs; diuretics, inhaled corticosteroids (inhalers); and heart drugs, such as beta blockers.

And this year, next year, and every year, these drugs will continue to seriously harm, and kill patients until in time, more researchers will discover that drug 'errors' are killing and seriously harming patients - in yet another new and shocking report.

The solution will have to be a personal decision, as conventional medicine will not change.
We will ALL have to refuse to take these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines; we must start saying 'No' to doctors. We have to insist on safe and effective medicine, and look for safer natural therapies, like homeopathy.

Be Safe. Save the NHS. Insist on Homeopathy.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Medical Science. The dishonesty continues - PubMed - the concealment of research data - next to useless as a scientific database and resource

The Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH) has discovered yet another strategy being used by the pharmaceutical medical establishment, with medical science, to keep the truth about health and medicine from us. Click on this link to see the full details of ANH's research into this. ANH says it has long been concerned about the concealment of research data "that prevents independent analysis and therefore scientific interpretation". They state that this means "clinical decisions and health policies are routinely made without full consideration of all relevant scientific data".

PubMed is the online National Library of Medicine database, owned and operated by the USA National Institutes for Health. It is the common starting point for evaluating biomedical literature, with PubMed claiming that its database comprises “... more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.” 

In its article, dated 17th June 2020, AHN discovered that PubMed is involved in concealing research data which will prevent independent scientific analysis/interpretation. This is serious.

               "..... PubMed is used by ... researchers, doctors, other clinicians, health policy makers, health journalists and even some citizens, including patients with serious diseases who are looking for answers and independent views of the science around their treatment options. Major public health decisions including those made by governments during this Covid-19 pandemic are based on science that is found in PubMed. It’s been the go-to engine for biomedical scientists for years – it is in many ways the Google of the biomedical world."

The detailed research can be found, in detail in the ANH article. Its conclusion was starkly ominous - "we've demonstrated that PubMed is next to useless as a database and resource for the kind of subject areas central to our mission and vision." ANH ponders on why this situation has come about, but noted that PubMed Central, a sister index, is funded by a list of private and international partners, at the top which is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

               "We simply don't know if this Foundation or any other interests were involved in the redevelopment of PubMed or the way in which PubMed is found by the internet search engines like Google."

Most alarming to me, personally, is that search engines other than Google are also complicit in this unethical scientific conspiracy, including DuckDuckGo, which is the search engine I usually use - but perhaps not for much longer now.

ANH are being characteristically tongue-in-cheek about 'not knowing' who is behind this! Everyone should realise that the wealthy pharmaceutical medical establishment, in all its many branches and guises, has been subverting the honesty of medical science for decades.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19. Logging the Blogs on the Epidemic

Blogs on the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
From January 2020 through to June 2020 I have written nearly 30 blogs on this Pandemic. This is a synopsis of those blogs, what they discussed, with links to each one.

26 January 2020
The Coronavirus Panic. Just how dangerous is this new virus?
  • where I reassured readers that the only people who needed to worry were those who depended upon conventional medicine.
10 February 2020
The Coronavirus Panic. What every sensible and informed person should be doing.
  • where I recommended that readers contacted a local homeopath for both preventative and treatment of the new virus
12 February 2020
Conventional medicine is in a gigantic panic. So is enough being done to contain it? When it has nothing to offer, but refuses to embrace homeopathy?
  • where I related the developing panic, and questioned why (as conventional medicine had no treatment) it was not asking homeopathy for assistance.
4 March 2020
The Coronavirus Pandemic. Why is the advice of the Indian government so different from advice we receive in 'advanced' western world? Are better treatments available?
  • where I write about the Indian and Cuban governments response to the panic, and incorporating homeopathy in their strategy.
9 March 2020

Coronavirus. Did you know they use Homeopathy in India? So how are they doing?
  • a blog reinforcing the use of homeopathy in India with some of the current statistics.
19 March 2020
Coronavirus. Does Conventional Medical Establishment prefer patients to die rather than offer them Natural Medical Treatment?
  • with people now dying in the UK, conventional medicine having no treatment, yet still not asking for homeopathic assistance, whether the NHS preferred people to die than to refer to alternative medicine.
6 April 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. The important questions that aren't being asked.
  • with the NHS, the Government, and the mainstream media having endless discussions about the pandemic, I asked why certain key questions were not be asked, leave alone answered.
Coronavirus. COVID-19. Does Natural Medicine have an alternative?
  • a blog in which I outlined what natural medicine might be doing in the epidemic -  if it was ever asked to play a role.
7 April 2020
Coronavirus. COVID-19. The pharmaceutical drugs cupboard is bare. Hydroxychloroquine. Chloroquine
  • a blog written when this drug was put forward as a possible treatment, a drug with a long list of harmful side effects - which of course were not mentioned.
17 April 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19 in India & Cuba. Is Homeopathy the answer that the pharmaceutical establishment has to deny?
  • with countries using homeopathy performing better (regardless of inadequacy of statistics) I discussed the reasons why conventional medicine could not afford to refer patients to homeopathy.
22 April 2020
Coronavitus COVID-19. A slow recovery? Why not try this remedy
  • It as becoming clear at this point that many patients were taking a very long time to recover from the virus - and I suggested a homeopathic remedy often used for a failure to get well after influenza.

23 April 2020
A "Safe Vaccine" is an Oxymoron. The two words cannot be combined with honesty
  •  As conventional medicine kept repeating the mantra "the solution will be a vaccine" I pointed out that there was no safe vaccine which has been the answer to any disease.
24 April 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. The panic and hysteria is going to lead to Mandatory Vaccination. The Nuremberg Code, and the Hippocrtic Oath, tells us why we should resist this.
  • I predict that the policy as 'protecting others' was going to lead to mandatary vaccination, and discussed similarities with the Nuremberg Codes, and the contraposition with the Hippocratic Oath - of doing no harm
25 April 2020
Coronanvirus COVID-19 & Immunosuppression. Who are these people with 'underlying health conditions' who are dying?
  •  Coronavirus was killing very few people who did not have an underlying health condition, so I asked who these people were, and how pharmaceutivcal drugs are known to cause disease, and undermine natural immunity.
27 April 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. Germ Theory and Disease. The difference between a natural health approach & a pharmaceutical approach goes back 150 years
  • Pasteur's 'germ theory' was discussed as the basis for the 'chasing germs' strategy of conventional medicine. This was compared and contrasted with a contemporary scientist, Antoine Béchamp, whose theory of germs underpins all natural medical therapies.
4 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. Will it lead to a re-assessment of a system of medical care that kills, or allows patients to die, destroys economies, and social life, as the result of an infectious disease?
  • In this blog I ask whether the pandemic would ultimately lead to a reassessment of the performance of conventional medicine's response to infectious disease - in both humans and animals.
7 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. A failure of medical science that has resulted in social and economic mayhem. "Save the NHS" or "Save Lives"?
  • Here I juxtaposed the two strategies of the governments policy, and asked why 'Saving the NHS' was placed before 'Saving Lives'. Was it more to save conventional medicine than people's lives?
15 May 2020
Is there treatment for Coronavirus COVID-19? Or is it a closely guarded secret?
  • after answering a question on the Quora website, this was a humorous suggestion that there was such a treatment - but that no-one should talk about it as it was not allowed by the conventional medical establishment!
18 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. "Never have so few controlled the lives of so many"
  •  This blog pointed to a brilliant video that I had just watched made by Rob Verklerk of the Alliance of Natural Health.
The Politics of Coronavirus. The thin edge of hefty wedge? Mandatory drugging, Health Freedom & Patient Choice
  •  a further discussion of the strategy of the pharmaceutical industry to introduce mandatory vaccines, and the threat to health freedom and patient choice.
28 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. Is a real health debate about this virus being stifled?
  • with the NHS, the Government, and the mainstream media all singing from the same hymn sheet, this blog bemoans the lack of a real debate
31 May 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. An agonizing journey to death. There is no medical treatment. So for many, it has been death without treatment when treatment was available.
  • Another of my 'agonising journey' series of blogs - plotting the death of people who rely entirely on pharmaceutical medicine when they are ill.
1 June 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. Everyone has gone through lockdown. but ''Shielding' patients have had it much worse. So who are these people?
  • there was lots of talk about 'shielded patient', and I ask who these people are, and why they have to be 'shielded'. The government's description leads back to the immune system, and people whose natural immunity had been compromised by pharmaceutical medicine.
5 June 2020
Coronavirus COVID-19. UK Vaccine Network. News of a massive scandal involving the UK government, the Bill Gates Foundation, leading drug companies, all planning to profit massively from the pandemic
  • reports of a massive scandal were beginning to dominate social media, and this blog referred to this as an explanation for some of the strange decisions and policies of the government.
9 June 2020
Infectious Disease and Medical Treatment. A brief history arising from Coronavirus COVID-19.
  • a blog that looked back to the history of previous epidemics of infectious disease, and comparisons of conventional and homeopathic treatment that have been made since the early 19th century.
9 June 2020
  • A blog discussing the purpose of  two pieces of 'scientific' research which suggested that the situation could have been much worse than the disaster we are witnessing. 
10 June 2020
  • The impact the epidemic has had on the annual crisis within the NHS; more and more money pumped in; yet demand for health services continues to rise.
11 June 2020
  •  Comparing conventional medicine's approach to illness with natural medical therapy - do whatever you want and we will make you better - and - our health is a personal responsibility.

Thursday, 11 June 2020


Conventional medicine offers us a dream....
  • Do what you like. 
  • Lead your life in whatever way you wish
  • You can even damage your own health.
....but when you get ill we will have a drug for you that makes you better.

So when coronavirus COVID-19 strikes - don't worry - we will kill the germ - we will develop a vaccine (and we have told you about how safe and effective they are). Whatever happens we will keep you safe. We might have to introduce some really ludicrous social policies. We might need to destroy the economy, and your livelihood with it. But we will keep you safe; just stay in self isolation, don't see your friends and family - and remember to wash your hands regularly.

All you need to know is that you will be safe, but only if you take our drugs. Side effects? Don't worry about them, we will have drugs to deal with them too. More side effects Don't worry there will be more drugs to deal with them too. There is no need for you to worry about anything.

Even if your heart, your liver, your kidneys, or other organs break down because of your lifestyle choices, or because of adverse drug reactions, don't worry. We will give you a transplant, a nice new organ. Aren't we wonderful? And there is nothing you have to do, just leave it all to us.

And please don't worry about joint pain either. Just take painkillers. We know they only work for a short time, and you will need to take more and more; and then stronger and more toxic painkillers. But in the end we can always replace your limbs.

So why do you ask about the immune system? You don't need it. You have probably damaged it anyway; you really should have exercised more, improved your diet, stopped smoking; but don't worry about it. And anyway, after taking all those drugs your immune system might not protect you anyway. 

Indeed it might 'turn in' on itself, you might contract an autoimmune disease - there are so many people suffering from these diseases now - don't know why. Just unfortunate. It's the fault of the immune system. But don't worry, we can turn your immune system off with more drugs, immunosuppressant drugs.

Of course, with no immune system, you might go down with every infection that is going around. Like coronavirus COVID-19, for instance. There is no treatment for that, but we will be developing a vaccine - so no need to worry. 

Just withdraw from society
isolate yourself
stop seeing anyone that's important to you
lose your job
live in poverty
And don't forget - wash your hands

We will kill the virus for you
Your health is safe with us
 you will be alright - trust us

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

NHS IN CRISIS. 2020. Another routine annual winter crisis notwithstanding Coronavirus COVIS-19.

Apologies. The disruption caused by the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the writing of this, now, annual blog. The fear and panic generated by medical science, government and media  in response to the virus, still ongoing, has taken the focus away from what would otherwise have been the usual winter NHS crisis >> increased patient demand >> inability to cope >> demands for more resources.

Yet crisis it undoubtedly is, just like any other year, but perhaps just a trifle more serious. Once government and the conventional medical establishment realised there was an epidemic, and no conventional treatment, everything else hitherto considered important was thrown out - the baby alongside with the bathwater. Government policy made this clear.

STAY HOME - this was the central policy, an alternative to effective medical treatment, that has led inevitably to all the social, educational and economic distress and mayhem that it caused, and continues to cause.

..... SAVE THE NHS - the first stated, and primary objective of policy. It was made clear from the start that government knew conventional medicine, and the NHS, would be overwhelmed, and they determined that this had to be avoided at any cost as a top priority.

.......... SAVE LIVES - the next objective, something statistics can even now demonstrate has singularly failed. Fantastic hospital care, but no treatment, with NHS staff having to watch helplessly whilst over 40,000 people died in front of them.
  • From March onwards more and more money was pumped into the NHS - "whatever it takes" according to government rhetoric. At some point, maybe, we will be told exactly how much additional money has been spent to prop up a failed medical system.
  • At the same time most 'routine' work with cancer, heart and other priority patients was cancelled or postponed. Dealing with the virus was now the priority - saving the NHS from collapse. In addition, the panic generated by the NHS discouraged people from seeing their doctors, or attending  hospital, when formerly they might have done.
So the consequences of NHS, and conventional medical failure this year is going to stretch onwards into the rest of the year, and beyond. This morning, 10th June 2020), BBC News heralded some of the early cries of alarm that underline the new 2020 NHS crisis. Here are the headlines, taken from the NHS Confederation, a body representing health and care leaders from organisations that commission and provide health services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • NHS bosses fear the Covid-19 crisis could see the number of people waiting for NHS treatment double to 10 million by the end of the year.
  • NHS Confederation projections show that the NHS waiting list is expected to rise from about 4.2 million currently to about 10 million by Christmas.
  • It says that the NHS faces an "uphill battle" trying to restart cancer, stroke and heart care services, whilst at the same time continuing to manage thousands of sick and recovering Covid-19 patient.
Predictably the NHS Confederation said that more money would be needed. Equally predictably the Department of Health responded, saying it will continue to provide the resources, funding and support the NHS needs. So the never-ending pattern of NHS failure continues.
>>> sickness >>> money >>> more sickness >>> more money >>> even more sickness >>> etc
>>> sickness >>> treatment >>> still sick >>> drug side effects >>> more sickness >>> more treatment >>> even more side effects >>> even more sickness >>> etc

The NHS crisis of winter 2020 has been different only in that there has been one serious additional problem - coronavirus has led to the death of rather more people than usually die of influenza every year. In most years 'routine' surgery is cancelled. This year the panic response has led to the termination of all treatment for people with cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious medical conditions.

So will the outcome be any different? It might be. Even the NHS Confederation provides this warning for the future.

               "The bigger point being made by the confederation is that the government in Westminster needs to think very hard about how the health service is managed in the months ahead and how patients' expectations should be prepared." (my emphasis).

Managing patient expectations! What does this mean? In past years government money has always been made available to the NHS so that they are able to meet the ever-increasing patient demand for treatment. It is these demands that are now going to have to be managed, the implication being that ploughing even more money into the NHS may prove to be difficult. Why is this?

The demand side is not changing. Conventional medicine's inability to treat illness is ongoing; conventional medical treatment continues to generate increasing levels of illness and disease; and coronavirus is predicted to continue, adding yet more demands on NHS treatment (treatment it does not have).

The supply side, however, is weakening. The lockdown policies pursued by the government, an alternative to effective medical treatment, is destroying the economy. A recession is in prospect, perhaps even a depression. Millions are losing their jobs; they will require government expenditure on unemployment benefits, et al. At the same time tax revenues will be drastically reduced. There are already demands for additional government spending in every other part of the national economy - education, social care, police, local government - almost everywhere you look.

So perhaps for the very first time the UK government will find itself unable to respond to the constant demands for increased NHS funding. There will be a health crisis that cannot be hidden, brushed under the carpet, by yet more spending. Perhaps then more searching questions will begin to be asked.
  • Why is the huge £150 billion NHS budget not enough?
  • What value, in terms of patient outcomes, does the NHS actually provide?
  • Why aren't patients getting better with conventional medical treatment?
  • Why is chronic disease, in all its many guises, increasing so rapidly, year by year?
  • Why is there no conventional medical treatment for infectious diseases wherever, and whenever they occur?
The NHS had transformed itself into a monopoly supplier of one type of medicine. It is deeply hostile to natural medical therapies, like homeopathy, which it has almost totally barred them from the NHS. So whatever the problems the NHS now faces they have been caused by conventional medicine - its inability make sick people well, its willingness to use treatments whose 'side effects'  demonstrably cause patient harm.

Perhaps then the NHS will be forced to look at what some other countries are doing, like Cuba, and India (particularly in one southern province, Kerala), where patient outcome comparisons can now be made between conventional and natural medical treatment.

Or perhaps I am being too optimistic. The pharmaceutical industry remains financially strong, and it uses its wealth to control the NHS, the government, and the mainstream media. Too few people have analysed what is happening - that we are constantly throwing more and more money into a bottomless pit.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19. What do you do when your policy fails? Apologise? Or publish research that says it could have been so much worse!

  • What do governments do when their policy has proven to be an absolute failure?
  • What if a government's policy towards coronavirus COVID-19 has been one failure after after, leading to over 40,000 people dying in hospital with a medical system that has no treatment?
  • What does a failed medical system do when it admits it has no treatment for an epidemic, and can do nothing to stop 410,000 deaths from happening?
  • Admit failure, and say "sorry, we were not good enough"?
Or perhaps you undertake some research which finds that if they had not done what they did the situation would have been so much worse?
               "Lockdowns have saved more than three million lives from coronavirus in Europe". 
..... says a team at Imperial College London.
And another study, published in the journal 'Nature', that said global lockdowns had "saved more lives, in a shorter period of time, than ever before"; that instead of around 130,000 deaths in 11 European countries, 3.1 million people would otherwise have died.

This is total arrant nonsense!
No epidemic has ever taken this number of lives
- nor will an epidemic ever do so
 It is an attempt by pharmaceutical medicine to snatch victory from abysmal defeat by buying bogus studies!

Infectious Disease and Medical Treatment. A brief history arising from Coronavirus COVID-19.

If the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has proven one thing it is that conventional medicine has no effective treatment for infectious disease. To their credit medical science has not denied this, admitting it almost as soon as the epidemic started in Wuhan, China.

So instead of medical treatment we have all had to endure fear and panic; the constant urging to wash our hands; to keep social distance; to close down normal social relationships; and through lockdown policies, to do untold harm to national and local economies.

Regular readers will know I have written extensively about the futility, and the ludicrous nonsense of the conventional medical response that have resulted. Links to all these articles, published in April and May, can be found on the column to the right of this text. Altogether these articles have highlighted an ongoing picture of abject medical failure; and the complete refusal to look at, or even talk about natural medical therapies, like homeopathy, that could have helped (if asked), and could have saved thousands of lives.

On what basis do I make these claims?

The history of the medical treatment of infectious disease over the last 200 years demonstrates not just the hopeless incompetence of conventional medicine, but the comparative success of homeopathy.

               "From its earliest days, homeopathy has been able to treat epidemic diseases with a substantial rate of success, when compared to conventional treatments. It was these successes that placed the practice of homeopathy so firmly in the consciousness of people world-wide"

These are the words of Julian Wilson, a homeopath who, before his death in 2005, researched the comparative success of homeopathy in the treatment of infectious epidemics.

Julian's article, the result of his extensive research, has been reproduced in a fuller form on this 'Butterfly Expressions' website. In it he describes the treatment of 19th century epidemics, and in particular, he compared the comparative mortality rates of patients given conventional and homeopathic treatment.  These figures are provided here, but for a description of the epidemics go to the above link.

1813. Typhus Fever. Napoleonic War.
  • Conventional Medicine. 30%+ mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 1% mortality
1830-1831. Cholera in Europe
  • Conventional Medicine. 40% to 80% mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 7% to 9% mortality
1850's. Yellow Fever in USA, southern states
  • Conventional Medicine. 15% to 85% mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 5.6% to 6.4% mortality
1852 to 1864. Diphtheria. Broome County, New York
  • Conventional Medicine. 83.6%+ mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 16.48% mortality
1854. Cholera in London
  • Conventional Medicine. 52.9% mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 9% mortality
This epidemic is notable in that it was one of the earliest examples of conventional medicine seeking to hide the poor performance of conventional medicine, and prevent direct comparisons with homeopathic treatment.

               "The House of Commons asked for a report about the various methods of treating the epidemic. When the report was issued, the homeopathic figures were not included. The House of Lords asked for an explanation, and it was admitted that if the homeopathic figures were to be included in the report, it would 'skew the results.'"

1878. Yellow Fever, New Orleans
  • Conventional Medicine. 50% mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 5.6% mortality
1892. Cholera in Hamburg.

  • Conventional Medicine. 42%+ mortality
  • Homeopathic treatment. 15.5% mortality
The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 is perhaps the most famous pandemic of the early 20th century, about which there is even more evidence of conventional medicine's incompetence, and the comparative success of homeopathy. However, this epidemic will be the subject of another blog here within the next few days.
The Butterfly Expressions website asks why similar comparative statistics were not available for the rest of the 20th century, and in doing so discusses the machinations of the AMA, clinical accountability, and the suppression of statistics. Nor are their any comparative statistics available for the 2020 coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic, although homeopathy has been widely used in Cuba, and parts of India.
Conventional medicine does not like such comparison - perhaps for obvious reasons. They appear to have two strategies.
  • The first is to ignore all 'unfavourable' statistics, or comparisons with other medical therapies, no doubt on the basis that discussing your own abject failure only serves to highlight that failure, as well as advertising the fact that there are safer and more effective medical therapies available.
  • The second is to deny and undermine any unfavourable evidence. I have seen this in response to Julian Wilson's work - questioning the validity, the accuracy, or the objectivity of the research. It is what conventional medicine does whenever it faces evidence of successful medical treatment that does not involve pharmaceutical drugs.
So attempts to discuss any of this evidence are doomed to failure - if what we are looking for is a response from the pharmaceutical medical establishment. They don't want to know! It is not in their interests to know! And it is not in their interests for anyone else to know either.

So how can the unbiased and enquiring mind be made up? Who is right?

There is one simple test. To scrutinise the claims of homeopathy. To challenge homeopathy. Do it again, reproduce the results. This is surely the scientific thing to do, and conventional medicine always calls itself 'scientific'. Indeed, it claims to be the only medicine that is scientific, the only medicine with an 'evidence base'. So why not test the evidence in a real, live, current situation.

Why not? Why, for example, has homeopathy not been tested during the last three months? The conventional medical establishment has admitted it has no treatment, and during the pandemic over 400,000 people have died, most of them in hospital care, with the best available conventional medical care. Yet all, or nearly all of them have died without being offered homeopathy - they have been allowed to die on the basis of the statement "there is no treatment available".

Homeopathy is willing to take part in comparative studies.
Pharmaceutical medicine is not - it has just too much to lose.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19. UK Vaccine Network. News of a massive scandal involving the UK government, the Bill Gates Foundation, leading drug companies, all planning to profit massively from the pandemic

We are facing a new, and huge medical scandal, led by Bill Gates, and his 'philanthropic' foundation. Philanthropic? It appears that he is spending his fortune in order to 'earn' a much bigger one! What is going on involves a 'secret scientific group' (which is advising the government), and might explain some of the rather mysterious and nonsensical Government policies imposed on all of us during the coronavirus COVID-19 crisis.

               "The scandal involving the UK government and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation takes an even more sinister turn into the darkness of corruption, racketeering and crimes against humanity with the announcement of the UK Vaccine Network.

The secret scientific group includes many of the companies, organisations and leading players that we have all been hearing from, and reading about in recent months.

* Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation,
* The World Health Organisation
* Pharmaceutical companies, including GlaxoSmithKline, Astra Xenica, Pfizer and Sanofi,
* The University of Oxford,
* Neil Ferguson; Imperial College,
* Patrick Vallance: Chief Scientific Advisor, formerly of GSK,
* Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, and also formerly of GSK,
* and many more

I was going to write a long blog about this but I changed my mind when I realised that the information is already out here, in the public domain; it is already published and the subject of much discussion - on the internet. The mainstream media, of course, will refuse to touch it.

So instead, let me point you to three links where the information can be found. All these links may in time be censored by the major social media platforms so it would be a good idea to look at them as soon as you are able to do so.

Bill Gates Foundation and the Covid-19 Vaccine Network Scandal


BARDA Whistleblower Links to Health Mafia


Bill Gates and the UK Vaccine Network Scandal

There is little doubt all this information will be dismissed as mere 'conspiracy theory'. This is a term now widely used by the conventional medical establishment to dismiss any need to engage in discussion with what is being said.


However, it is clear that we are faced with a powerful group of people and corporations who are set to make a massive killing in the development of a vaccine for coronavirus COVID-19. The above sources show that in the UK alone the vaccine could make a profit for them of some £45 billion.


So I urge you to look and listen to these links - in order to make up your own mind about whether these are 'conspiracy theories, or another example of conventional medicine and pharmaceutical medicine misanthropy.



I heard on the news this morning that Astra Zenica had already begun to produce the COVID-19 vaccine - even though it is the early stages of testing, and it will be several months before any vaccine can be approved.

This is, of course, no problem as the pharmaceutical companies know that they have total control the MHRA, the UK's drug regulator. They will be obliged to approve the vaccine, regardless of what testing demonstrates about the dangers to our health of the new vaccine.

And there are already signs that the UK vaccine, and the USA vaccine, are already proving to be dangerous - more of which later.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Heart Failure. Conventional medicine comes up with another new 'therapeutic standard' - combining 4 pharmaceutical drugs together!

Quadruple therapy should be 'new therapeutic standard' 
for heart failure, say researchers

This is the MIMS headline, heralding a Lancet study that "found significant gains in life expectancy associated with a 'comprehensive contemporary regimen' comprising an angiotensin II receptor antagonist/neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), beta-blocker, aldosterone antagonist and SGLT2 inhibitor, compared with conventional therapy".

So should patients with heart failure feel reassured that pharmaceutical medicine has found a successful treatment for their condition?

The drugs mentioned by MIMS are well known; and each one of the pharmaceutical drug mentioned has well known and serious adverse reactions; that is, they are potentially very harmful to our health. This, of course, is not mentioned by MIMS.

Angiotensin II receptor antagonists/neprilysin inhibitors (ARNI)

This class of drugs includes valsartan and losartan. The known side effects of these drugs include mental confusion, irregular heartbeat, hypotension, chest pain, and much else (click on the individual drug above to see a full list of harmful side effects that conventional medicine already admits).

These drugs have been marketed to patients with heart conditions for decades. They include Acebutolol (Sectral), Atenolol (Tenormin), Bisoprolol (Zebeta), Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL), Nadolol (Corgard), Nebivolol (Bystolic) and Propranolol (Inderal, InnoPran XL). They all have well known side effects which include fatigue, weight gain, depression, shortness of breath, insomnia, and much much more.

Aldosterone antagonists

These include epleronone and spironolactone, both of which have long list of serious side effects, including irregular heartbeat, seizures, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, and much else.

SGLT2 inhibitors

These include canaglifozin, empagliflozin and dapagliflozin, which all come with very long lists of serious mental and physical side effects too.

In addition to the known side effects caused by each of these four classes of drug, combining them will inevitably lead to drug interactions, which will add to the already long list of potential side effects of this combined treatment.
MIMS, of course, talks up the prospects of this polypharmaceutical madness. They confirm that the researchers "found that over a lifetime of use, assuming consistent treatment effects, the comprehensive regimen could add up to 8 years of survival free from cardiovascular events and hospitalisation due to heart failure."
Yet notice that the comparator used in this research is not a safer, more effective natural therapy, like  homeopathy, but "with conventional therapy" - that is, treatments that has failed to treat heart failure over many decades, and which has probably added to the epidemic levels of heart failure that we are now experiencing.
The best predictor of future performance is past performance, and if so, MIMS unbridled optimism flies in the face of all experience of pharmaceutical medicine, especially in the last 70 years. There is no doubt this treatment will now be used with hundreds of thousands of patients with heart failure around the world. 
  • Let's hope that no patient undertakes this treatment without first being warned by doctors about the long list of serious side effects that will inevitably be involved. 
  • Let's hope no-one agrees to this treatment without checking for themselves the appalling track record of each of these drugs.
  • Let's hope the outcome for all these patients fulfills the optimism of MIMS rather than past performance of pharmaceutical medicine.
But I, for one, will not be holding my breath -
This is pharmaceutical drug treatment best avoided at all costs.