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Thursday 18 June 2020

Medical Science. The dishonesty continues - PubMed - the concealment of research data - next to useless as a scientific database and resource

The Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH) has discovered yet another strategy being used by the pharmaceutical medical establishment, with medical science, to keep the truth about health and medicine from us. Click on this link to see the full details of ANH's research into this. ANH says it has long been concerned about the concealment of research data "that prevents independent analysis and therefore scientific interpretation". They state that this means "clinical decisions and health policies are routinely made without full consideration of all relevant scientific data".

PubMed is the online National Library of Medicine database, owned and operated by the USA National Institutes for Health. It is the common starting point for evaluating biomedical literature, with PubMed claiming that its database comprises “... more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.” 

In its article, dated 17th June 2020, AHN discovered that PubMed is involved in concealing research data which will prevent independent scientific analysis/interpretation. This is serious.

               "..... PubMed is used by ... researchers, doctors, other clinicians, health policy makers, health journalists and even some citizens, including patients with serious diseases who are looking for answers and independent views of the science around their treatment options. Major public health decisions including those made by governments during this Covid-19 pandemic are based on science that is found in PubMed. It’s been the go-to engine for biomedical scientists for years – it is in many ways the Google of the biomedical world."

The detailed research can be found, in detail in the ANH article. Its conclusion was starkly ominous - "we've demonstrated that PubMed is next to useless as a database and resource for the kind of subject areas central to our mission and vision." ANH ponders on why this situation has come about, but noted that PubMed Central, a sister index, is funded by a list of private and international partners, at the top which is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

               "We simply don't know if this Foundation or any other interests were involved in the redevelopment of PubMed or the way in which PubMed is found by the internet search engines like Google."

Most alarming to me, personally, is that search engines other than Google are also complicit in this unethical scientific conspiracy, including DuckDuckGo, which is the search engine I usually use - but perhaps not for much longer now.

ANH are being characteristically tongue-in-cheek about 'not knowing' who is behind this! Everyone should realise that the wealthy pharmaceutical medical establishment, in all its many branches and guises, has been subverting the honesty of medical science for decades.