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Sunday 31 May 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19. An agonizing journey to death. There is no medical treatment. So for many, it has been death without treatment when treatment was available.

At the time of writing 378,582 people are reported as having died with (although not of) coronavirus COVID-19. For all these people it has been an agonising death; and for many it may eventually be seen, one day, as an unnecessary one. Let's take a look at the what this journey to death has been all about for so many people.

Prior to Coronavirus
Prior to 2020 no one had heard of the COVID-10, except perhaps for a few medical scientists in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Our patient, who we will call Nigel, living in the UK, would have been leading his life without any indication of what laid ahead for him, his family and friends.

Coronavirus hits the headlines
Then knowledge of the virus began to percolate into the news, with fears that it might become a serious epidemic, even a pandemic. The conventional medical establishment soon realised that it had no treatment: it has admitted this throughout. The UK government, in turn, realised that this would put the NHS; after all the NHS was always in crisis during the winter and early spring every year, but with the threat of this epidemic it might be even worse. The NHS might break down, and this could not be allowed to happen.

So there was panic amongst the medical establishment, quickly transferred to the newly elected Tory government. The media, dutiful as always, picked up thse fears and began to relay the panic to the general public.
  • It's a killer disease that will cause death to hundreds of thousands (that was the estimate),
  • there is no conventional medical treatment,
  • everyone must help protect the NHS from total failure.
The best advice doctors and politicians could give us was to wash our hands and just wait and hope that we don't come into contact with this invisible killer virus which (we were told) could strike anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Nigel gets the virus
Nigel may have been unlucky. Somehow, for whatever reason, he contracted the virus; maybe it was luck; maybe his immune system could not cope with it. He gets some of the symptoms, but there is no treatment. The symptoms get worse and it is confirmed that he had the virus. Hand washing is too late now, he must self-isolate at home, to protect the NHS, and to protect others.

Nigella is Nigel's next-door-neighbour. Nigel is aware that she has this rather strange belief in natural medicine. She is in contact with a local homeopath who has recommended that she supports her immune system, mainly through diet and nutrition. It was, she said, the best way to protect herself from any virus. Nigella told Nigel that she was also taking a remedy regularly with a strange name, Oscillococinum, as a preventative measure. This was all nonsense, of course, homeopaths say they have treatments for all these flu-type symptoms and illnesses, but Nigel's doctor had told him there is absolutely no evidence that it works.

Nigel's symptoms got worse, and he is admitted to the local hospital. They have no treatment but they do offer the very best possible nursing care, for which he is grateful. He feels dreadful, but at least his every need is being seen to, and everyone is so kind and concerned. It's a pity he could not see his family, he is scared now and that would cheer him up. He is feeling so bad, and seems to be getting worse every hour.

Nigella is okay. Whenever she sniffs, or sneezes, or coughs, or has a sore throat, she wonders - is this the virus? She knows her neighbour, Nigel is now seriously ill, and this worries her. She does not want to go down with it.  Her homeopath tells her to have plenty of vitamin C, so she is eating grapes, grapefruit and oranges like never before; and shee took another Oscillococinum whenever she felt symptoms. The symptoms did not develop, so she was pleased. She had been told that even if she catches the virus, a strong immune system will mean that the symptoms will be short lived, and less severe.

Intensive Care
Nigel's symptoms continued to get worse. There was still no treatment but the doctors took the decision to move him to an intensive care bed where is was connected to lots of tubes and machines, and the intensity of the nursing care was even greater. To the extent that he was aware now, he thought they were quite brilliant. They were doing everything they could

Nigella and Sally
Nigella's friend, Sally, has developed COVID-19 symptoms, and was now very unwell. Nigella spoke to her. She is very anxious indeed, has developed a dry cough, and having sneezing fits. She has a high temperature and feels she is burning up. She also has diarrhoea. Sally had never seen a homeopath, but she agrees that Nigella should phone her homeopath to describe her symptoms. The homeopath questioned Nigella for a couple of minutes then suggested that she gives her Arsenicum. She said this was the remedy being used in parts of India, and the symptoms fitted. Nigella had some in her homeopathic first aid kit.

Moving to a Ventilator
Meanwhile Nigel's symptoms were getting worse. He was now struggling to get sufficient air through to his lungs. It felt like he was suffocating. He was scared. Nothing was working. He knew that thousands of people were dying with the condition, and he wondered whether this would be his fate. He desperately wanted to see him family but lock-down rules meant this was not allowed. His family were desperately worried about him; but they were not allowed to see him. There was no medical treatment so perhaps the ventilator would help him survive. It was certainly his last chance.

Sally received the Arsenicum remedy from Nigella, silly little white pills. She had little knowledge and no confidence that they would help, but then nothing else was helping. There was no medical treatment, and doctors were now talking about admitting her to the local hospital. So she took them. Within a few minutes she felt something happening, was she breathing just a little easier? But she still felt bad. She took another remedy after an hour, and then again after another hour, according to the instructions she had been given. The symptoms did appear to be easing. Within a few hours she was feeling much better, the fever was reducing, she was more relaxed now, although very sleepy. She felt she was on the mend. She looked at the little bottle of white pills. These surely could not have worked. There was no medical treatment.

Nigel Dies
Nigel knew little after being given the drugs he needed before he was connected to the ventilator. This kept him alive for a while but doctors saw that his vital organs were continuing to close down. They had no medical treatment. Ultimately there was no alternative, they switched off the ventilator.

Sally and Nigella
Sally thanked Nigella for providing her with the remedy. She was feeling much better now, but she knew that there was usually a long period of recovery to face. Nigella reached for her first aid remedy kit. Her homeopath had suggested that Gelsenium was known to help patient recover more quickly from influenza. So she took a few over the next few days, and she soon recovered fully.

Sally's doctors were surprised. She had been lucky. She must have a strong constitution. No, it could not have been the homeopathy; there was no scientific evidence that homeopathy worked. There was no treatment for coronavirus COVID-19. Perhaps she contracted a mild form of the virus.

Sally and Nigella both listened, unconvinced. Despite the denials, something had happened, and it had happened so soon after taking the Arsenicum it could not have been a coincidence. So Sally became another convert, a disciple of homeopathy, forever thankful for this gentle, safe natural therapy.

Nigella and Nigel's Family
Only a handful of Nigel's family were allowed to attend his funeral. It was an unavoidable consequence of the virus. The NHS had to be protected. And people lives were at stake. So who should be allowed to go, his parents, his wife, his children? They had lost a loved-one, someone they loved, and so many who wanted to attend were unable to do so. What a dreadful disease. How sad there was no medical treatment to save his life.

Nigella spoke to Nigel's family, at a safe distance, gave them here condolences, and in response to their enquiry, confirmed that she was well. Her friend, Sally, was well too - even though she had contracted the disease. She must have been very lucky they said. It was difficult for Nigella to say anything about the role here immune system, and homeopathy.

How sad, she thought, that Nigel had died without being offered homeopathic treatment. How sad that nurses worked so hard to save his life, but had to watch him die. Nigel had believed what he had been told by his doctors: there was no way that homeopathy could possibly work.
  • NIGEL does not exist. Yet in fact there are 371,58278igels, people who have died thinking there was no treatment, believing they were being offered the best treatment available, and there was no alternative.
  • NIGELLA does not exist. Yet in fact there are thousands of Nigellas who place their trust in their immune system, and rely on natural medical therapies to support it, to keep them well, and to make them well when they are sick.
  • NIGELLA'S HOMEOPATH does not exist. Yet homeopaths, and other natural therapists around the world, continue to work with their patients - sick people who are unwell, and healthy people who wish to remain healthy.
  • NIGEL'S DOCTOR does not exist. Yet conventional medical doctors around the world repeat the mantra that pharmaceutical medicine is winning the battle with disease; and convincing their patients that homeopathy is just 'placebo', and does not work.
  • SALLY does not exist. And there are, indeed, far too few Sally's around; people who would have died if they had not been offered homeopathic, and other natural medical treatment.
How many Sally's could there have been? The evidence from the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 suggests there could have been many. But conventional medicine does not want us to know about this. Homeopathy is being offered to patients by health services in India and Cuba - so why not elsewhere?