I am not an "anti-vaxxer. I am one of thousands who wish to remain "vaccine free". And there is an important distinction between the two description. The former is negative. The latter is positive - I have good reasons for not wanting to take a vaccine, any vaccine.
If you genuinely want to know the difference this blog will provide my answer.
First, and most important - I have an immune system, which I have spent my life (most of it anyway) supporting and strengthening - because ultimately this is what I believe keeps all of us getting sick.
We all have an immune system. We have understood this since Ancient Greek times. The strength of our immune system is the criteria we should use to determine our personal susceptibility to illness and disease, and certainly not our vaccine status!
We are all born with an innate immune system. And as we come into contact with foreign bacteria and viruses - germs - it works to protect us; it learns how to do this; so on top of our innate immune system there is built acquired immunity. Together these are often referred to as natural immunity.
Yet as we each live our lives, we can do things that can undermine and compromise our natural immunity. Once our biggest problem was living in poverty, with malnutrition, in squalid and insanitary housing. Now it is more about poor diet and nutrition, lack of exercise, and life-style choices that puts pressure on our immune system, and will eventually compromise, and undermine it.
However, we can all do things that support and strengthen our immune systems - good diet and nutrition, a sensible exercise regime, and positive life-style choices.
So how strong is your immunity? One rule of thumb I often use is to ask the question - how susceptible are you to catching every cold, cough, infection that is going around?
- If your answer is “rarely” - then your immune system is strong; it is protecting you.
- If your answer is “always” then your immune system has been compromised.
Either way we can all do things to protect ourselves from illness: live our lives, and making life-style choices, that will actually support and strengthen our natural immunity.
So when we are confronted with a bug, the threat to our health depends to a large degree on the ability of our natural immunity to cope with it. And this ability depends largely on ourselves: not on pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. Moreover, this can explain what is happening to each of us when faced with infectious disease - including Covid-19.
Some people, with a strong immune system, will not know that they have faced a threat to health, or that our immune system has coped with it.
Others, with slightly weaker immunity, will get ill; the ability of the individual to cope with the illness, recover better or quicker will depend upon the remaining strength of our natural immunity.
- Those with heavily compromised immunity will suffer most, they will become seriously ill, struggle to recover, and many will die.
Infectious disease has always done this. The fittest survive, the weakest die. It happened with the Black Death in the 14th century; with the Great Plague of the 1660'2; with Spanish flu in 1918-19; and with every other epidemic known to humanity.
It’s only in recent years, not least with the Covid-19 pandemic, that another ‘understanding’ has arisen, one emanating from the pharmaceutical medical establishment. I have written about it here.
https://safe-medicine.blogspot.com/2021/10/the-immune-system-misinformation-and.htmlWe should all be aware that this is an attempt by the pharmaceutical medical establishment to ‘re-educate’ us about natural immunity - that our immune systems are no longer protective, that only 'vaccine immunity', an artificial immunity, will keep us safe from infections.
This idea certainly sells vaccines; but it is not how the our bodies work, or how they have ever worked!
- Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been told that there is no natural immunity, that only vaccines, and vaccine immunity, will save us from Covid-19.
- And even then, that vaccines cannot save us unless everyone is vaccinated (herd immunity, and other similar nonsense arguments).
Then, after people get vaccinated, more questions about immunity are asked, quite understandably. Who will suffer side effects from the vaccines? Which side effects? How severe are the adverse reactions of the vaccine likely to be?
The answer is exactly the same: those with strong natural immunity will suffer less than those with a weakened or compromised immune system. The immune system will always seek to protect us, even against vaccines injected into our blood stream, and it will always do so - if it is sufficiently strong.
The problem with this is that it is not what the conventional medical establishment have been telling us. From the very outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic we could have all been told about how best to support and strengthen our natural immunity; but this strategy does NOT sell vaccines. And buying some fruit, rich in vitamin C, is of no financial value to the pharmaceutical companies.
Yet something important now needs to be added to this process. The history of our health over the last 70-100 years has been that our rapidly increasing consumption of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines has actually undermined and compromised our natural immune systems. Just as smoking, fast food, sedentary lifestyles, obesity, and recreational drugs, they have overloaded our immune systems with toxicity.
As more toxic drugs and vaccines are added the immune system will initially struggle to cope with it, and eventually it will be overcome - to the cost of our health. There is increasing evidence, rarely reported to the general public, that natural immunity protects better against infections, including Covid-19, than vaccines.
https://dailysceptic.org/2021/12/15/danish-study-confirms-that-natural-immunity-protects-better-against-infection-than-the-vaccines/There are 144 research studies that have demonstrated that natural immunity to Covid-19 is superior to vaccine immunity.
Second, one of the most important ways of supporting and strengthening personal immunity from infection and illness is to stay clear of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.
All pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines can cause serious health problems. Conventional medicine call them ‘side effects’, often ‘adverse drug reactions’; but I call them DIE’s - or Disease-Inducing-Effects - they are that serious. This is why I now have nothing to do with conventional medicine, as I am not prepared to play a game of Russian Roulette with side effects that can ruin my health!
The Covid-19 vaccines are proving to be one of the most dangerous vaccines ever produced. The evidence of patient harm is coming through official channels, via national drug regulators, and patients reporting the harm that has been done to their health after taking the vaccines. I will provide you with the data from some of the official websites, and some assessments of this data made by small independent news agencies.
Official Statistics on Adverse Vaccine Reactions
** The situation in the UK - official statistics from the Drug Regulator
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting#annex-1-vaccine-analysis-print(Note, if you read this, how the UK drug regulator heavily discounts the serious adverse vaccine reactions being caused when their primary function should be to protect patients from harmful drugs).
** A summary of these UK statistics, taken from the UK government website.
https://yellowcard.ukcolumn.org/yellow-card-reports** Vaccine Safety Update.
https://dailysceptic.org/2021/12/18/vaccine-safety-update-21/** An assessment of the situation in the USA, from official VAERS statistics.
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-cdc-covid-vaccine-pfizer-moderna-johnson/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=daa9f6a6-5cb8-4e4c-9385-d04231fb11cc** Another assessment of the situation in the USA.
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/20000-deaths-reported-to-vaers-following-covid-vaccines/** Study in 145 countries shows sharp increase in transmission of virus and death since vaccines introduced
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/massive-145-country-study-shows-sharp-increase-transmission-death-introduction-covid-vaccines/** Two Pfizer documents that informs us about the safety of their Covid19 vaccine.
https://safe-medicine.blogspot.com/2021/12/covid-19-vaccines-allow-pfizer-to-tell.html** Europe. European Medicines Agency report 36,257 deaths: an “adverse Covid-19 vaccine reaction”!
https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/36257-deaths-and-3244052-injuries-following-covid-shots-in-european-database-double-vaxxed-13-year-old-dies-from-heart-attack/** Sharyl Attkisson. A summary of all concerns about adverse reactions to the vaccines
https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/11/exclusive-summary-covid-19-vaccine-concerns/#Summary-by-safety-concern** The treatment was worse than the virus
https://thetruthiswhere.wordpress.com/2021/07/18/official-data-shows-twice-as-many-people-have-died-due-to-the-covid-19-vaccines-in-6-months-than-people-who-have-died-of-covid-19-in-15-months/If you were not aware of the size of this problem, then ask yourself why - why is it that governments, medical authorities, and the mainstream media have not told you about any of this?
One vaccine, the AstraZeneca vaccine, has been suspended (=banned) in many countries around the world.
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/3/15/which-countries-have-halted-use-of-astrazenecas-covid-vaccinehttps://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-booster-immune-system-fatigue/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=ddfcdbac-ec58-435b-91ee-8c3c6cfd3156The same vaccine was never approved in the USA, yet has been widely used in Britain.
Third, the Covid-19 Vaccines have proven to be ineffective. People have been given the vaccine, risking serious adverse reactions, and the virus continues much as before the mass vaccination programme began.
** The vaccines do not prevent the the vaccinated contracting the virus!
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-number-reported-covid-cases-climb-fully-vaccinated/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=04efec71-8531-42cd-8bae-818ea0502083** Double vaccinated have double the infection rate: data from Iceland (a heavily vaccinated nation)
https://dailysceptic.org/2022/01/09/double-vaccinated-have-double-the-infection-rate-data-from-iceland-shows/** The boosters don’t work, medical authorities confirm evidence they are failing
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/eu-regulators-who-end-covid-boosters/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=b5be3851-e217-4fa4-afa8-e0ddac5c9bfdFourth, the Vaccinated continue to spread the virus
** Vaccination actually increases risk of spreading the virus
https://dailysceptic.org/2021/10/28/new-lancet-study-from-sweden-shows-vaccine-effectiveness-against-infection-dropping-to-zero-and-sharp-decline-against-severe-disease-as-well/Hospitalisations and Deaths amongst the Vaccinated Population
** Deaths caused by the vaccines are now mainly amongst the vaccinated population
https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/12/18/triple-vaccinated-account-4-in-5-covid-deaths/** Deaths, hospitalisations, highest in the most highly vaccinated countries
https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/06/highest-risk-of-covid-19-death-is-in-the-most-vaccinated-nations/Fifth, the impact the Covid-19 vaccines have had on Children and Young People. The mass vaccination programmes now include children and young people - despite the fact that they were largely unaffected by the virus. They, too, have suffered the consequences.
** Deaths of children caused by the vaccines
https://thewhiterose.uk/85-of-covid-deaths-are-among-the-vaccinated-child-deaths-have-risen-by-83-since-they-were-offered-the-jab/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-latest-news-from-our-blog_11** Increase in child deaths since vaccine rollout
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/uk-sees-44-increase-in-child-deaths-after-jab-rollout-for-young-teens-data-shows/** Evidence of childhood deaths following vaccination
https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/17/57-percent-increase-in-deaths-among-young-girls-over-12-since-covid-vaccine-roll-out/** Scientists & MP’s tell Government: end Covid-19 vaccination of children: risk outweigh benefits
https://dailysceptic.org/2022/01/08/end-covid-vaccination-of-children-because-the-risks-outweigh-the-benefits-government-told-by-mps-and-scientists/** Children at risk for lifelong health problems from Covid-19 vaccine
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/children-risk-lifelong-health-problems-covid-vaccine/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=ddfcdbac-ec58-435b-91ee-8c3c6cfd3156** Covid-19 vaccines more responsible for child deaths than virus
Sixth, the impact on women, especially pregnant women, perhaps the most vulnerable of all. There is now clear evidence that the Covid-19 Vaccines are not safe for them to take - despite what they have been told.
** New study reveals Covid-19 vaccine terminates 4 out of 5 pregnancies; spontaneous abortions
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33882218/** Miscarriages have been increased by the Covid-19 Vaccines
https://www.wddty.com/news/covid-vaccine-doubles-chances-of-miscarriage/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=wddty&utm_content=Covid+vaccine+doubles+chances+of+miscarriage&utm_campaign=FREE+MEMBERS+enews+-+%28Covid+vaccine+doubles+chances+of+miscarriage%29+16.11.2021&gr_s=BvO&gr_m=Ge&gr_x=a62e3,147 fetal deaths in USA following Covid-19 injections in pregnant and child-bearing age women.
https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/thousands-of-miscarriages-following-covid-19-injections-reported-in-vaers-are-being-censored-as-an-entire-generation-is-being-sterilized/Seventh, Sports Persons - the impact on fit and healthy people following vaccination - perhaps one group you might imagine would be most resistant to the harm caused by the vaccines.
** The surge in deaths of fit, healthy sportspeople following vaccination
https://thewhiterose.uk/341-athlete-cardiac-arrests-194-dead-after-covid-shot/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-latest-news-from-our-blog_11** 2021 epidemic of heart issues in athletes
https://airtable.com/shrbaT4x8LG8EbvVG/tbl7xKsSUIOPAa7MxEighth, one of the most concerning adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines is that they are now thought to be causing damage to our immune system.
** Official UK government data proves booster Covid-19 vaccines destroy innate immune system
https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/13/covid-boosters-destroy-immune-system-causing-ade/** Covid boosters may cause immune system fatigue, compromise ability to fight viruses
https://nationalfile.com//new-york-times-covid-boosters-may-cause-immune-system-fatigue-compromise-ability-fight-virus/Fully vaccinated people developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
https://thewhiterose.uk/fully-vaccinated-brits-developing-aids/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-latest-news-from-our-blog_11** Official German government data suggests fully vaccinated will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/02/german-gov-data-suggests-fully-vaccinated-developing-ade/Conclusion. None of this is what we have been told, what we have heard from government, conventional medical authorities, and the mainstream media. So you might be sceptical. You might even think that this is ‘misinformation’ - which is how it has been summarily dismissed for the last two years.
But information is not ‘disinformation’ because the government, or the mainstream media, calls it disinformation! In a democracy we always have to be careful about government information, especially when the official Covid-19 narrative for the last two years has been a message emanating from the pharmaceutical industry - who stand to gain most from the mass vaccination campaigns.
The drug industry is now so powerful that it can controls politicians and governments, it owns most of the mainstream media, and it dominates medical authorities around the world, including drug regulators, the authorities who should be acting to protect patients from dangerous drugs and vaccines.
My rule of thumb, when presented with any information, is to ascertain whether what I am being told makes sense of what is happening on the ground - so this is what I urge you to do.
In addition, have a look at what the Insurance Industry is now telling us about Covid-19 Vaccines
** Life Insurance data proves vaccinated more likely to die than Unvaccinated
https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/01/09/life-insurance-data-proves-vaccinated-more-likely-to-die/** Insurance companies report increased premature deaths since Covid-19 vaccines rollout
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/insurance-companies-report-increase-premature-deaths/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f9464c47-e2ff-4ee5-8f35-ca3143d27920Then read about what senior doctors around the world are now admitting - that the Covid-19 strategy, based on face masks, social distancing, test and trace, lockdown, and vaccines, has not worked.
** Leading Israeli immunologist says “It’s time to admit failure”.
https://dailysceptic.org/2022/01/12/treat-covid-like-the-common-cold-says-the-wellcome-trust-as-leading-israeli-immunologist-blasts-lockdown-consensus-its-time-to-admit-failure/** “There’s something awful happening”
https://thewhiterose.uk/dr-mike-yeadon-theres-something-awful-happening/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=the-latest-news-from-our-blog_11** CDC Director says Covid-19 policies have failed and must be abandoned.
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-director-covid-policies-failed/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=d8800cb1-6ca8-45e1-9766-b37231ff4113** ”It’s time to admit failure” - Israeli Microbiologist and Immunologist
https://swprs.org/professor-ehud-qimron-ministry-of-health-its-time-to-admit-failure/So, for one, I am pleased to remain vaccine free. I have gone one stage further by using natural medical therapy rather the conventional medicine - because it is much safer, and more effective. Throughout the pandemic, indeed for the last 30 to 40 years I have used homeopathy both to prevent influenza, and to treat other medical conditions that I have had over the years.
This is why I am passionate about health freedom. Individual Freedom and Personal Liberty are principles mankind has been fighting for now for millennia. Those of us who live in democracies like to believe that we have freedom, that we are at liberty to lead our lives doing what we want to do - as long as this does not infringe upon the freedoms of other people.
Please understand - people have fought, long and hard, for health freedom.
https://safe-medicine.blogspot.com/2021/10/mandatory-vaccination-or-forced.htmlAnd in accepting health passports, and mandated drugging is a threat to health freedom, perhaps the most fundamental freedom of all. It is alarming how easily so many people have been prepared to give it up, to accept that their government, and a medical system, should be allowed to dictate what we can, and cannot do with our body.
We have been bombarded for two years with constant publicity about the Covid-19 virus and the Covid-19 vaccines. Our government has told us, through the mainstream media, and conventional medical authorities, that these vaccines are safe and effective. Perhaps they do actually do believe this. Yet so many people seem prepared to allow the government, aided and abetted by the pharmaceutical industry, to force (mandate) them.
Forcing these vaccines on people who wish to remain vaccine free is a serious breach of our individual freedom and personal liberty.
I want you to understand this. I do not want the vaccine. This is my personal decision. It is based on many factors, but notably that the vaccines are proving to be dangerous, as well as ineffective.
Other people may disagree; within a democracy people have a right to do so; anyone can take the vaccine if this is their wish. But no government is entitled to force anyone to have any vaccine. We must all beware!
- First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
- Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
- Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
- Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
If we allow the pharmaceutical companies to get away with forced drugging now, soon other vaccines, and other pharmaceutical drugs will be forced on us.