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Monday 30 November 2020

The War on Cancer

The 'war on cancer' has been waged over the last 50 years, and more. Switch your television on to see the heart-rending adverts asking for charitable donations to fight the war. Observe the number of people who regularly raise money for cancer charities by walking, or running, or swimming, etc. And this has been going on for as long as I can remember.

According to Wikipedia the 'war on cancer' was officially declared by the USA government in 1971, by President Nixon, alongside a huge pot of money being paid to cancer research. Since then many £$billions has been spent on a cancer cure, mostly via conventional medical research; all aimed at looking for a drug that would stop the cancer epidemic. So what has been the result of these plans and good intentions?

It has been a war that has been lost, decisively. In the 1940s 1 in 20 people got cancer. By the 1970's it was estimated that 1 in 16 people got cancer. So perhaps little wonder why there was a move to find a solution. The Big 'C' had arrived, and it was greatly feared.

In the 1990's, after 20 years of walking, running and swimming, and the many £$millions spent looking for a pharmaceutical breakthrough, the incidence of cancer had risen to 1 in 10 people. A major battle lost? Perhaps more effort was needed, perhaps; we must walk further, run harder, swim longer.

And this is what everyone did. Not only were more people contracting cancer, but cancer had spread. It was no longer a disease of older age. It was now affecting old and young, even children - even infants. So the level of concern rose, and many more £$millions were raised, all to be spent on medical research. 

Today, after 50 years of 'war on cancer' it is estimated that as many as 1 in 3 people can expect to contract cancer.

Yet the race to win 'the war on cancer' continues. Again, as always has been the case with conventional medicine, hope has triumphed over experience. And there has been a failure to ask an important question.

  • What has happened over the last 70-100 years that has led to the startling rise of cancer?

Lot's of theories have been put forward, but I find only one of them convincing, not least because there is compelling evidence to support it. The last 70 years has seen a prodigious increase in the amount of pharmaceutical drugs being taken, usually for illnesses unconnected with cancer. All of them have serious side effects, or adverse reactions. Cancer is just one of these side effect observed with most, if not all pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. These drugs include antipsychotics, HRT, Statins, Antibiotics, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI's), ACE Inhibitors, and many more.

  • Is there any proof for the link between pharmaceutical drugs and the cancer epidemic?

The proof is found in conventional medicine's own literature. Just look at the Patient Information Leaflets (PIL) that can be found with all pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. In other words, doctors know that the drugs they give us can lead to us getting cancer, as a 'side effect'. There is no need for 'disinformation', or 'fake news', or 'conspiracy theory'!

So rather than walking, running and swimming to develop even more pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, perhaps it is time to stop declaring warfare on cancer; and instead to declare war on the drugs industry; to stop raising money for them, and to stop taking their drugs.

If we were investing in a medical system that worked 'science' would have found a 'cure' for cancer decades ago. If medical science was competent it would not have taken 70 years to travel backwards towards the ever-increasing cancer epidemic. All technologies that survive usually have to show that they work, that they did not require 70 years to develop them; so we travel in cars; we can fly in planes; we can communicate with each other through the ether; we have supercomputers; and much else. 

If any of these technologies had  required 70 years of investment, and failed to show signs that they worked , they would have been abandoned, long since; they would never have happened.

The same rules do not apply to matters of health. We have been convinced by medical propaganda that pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines will work; and even if they don't work now they soon will. So we are prepared to continue with the same, old, unending warfare, the endless quest for a magic pharmaceutical solution - sometime in the distant future.

And this forlorn hopefulness is no more apparent than at the time of writing, with the endless COVID-19 pandemic. Conventional medicine has had no treatment for this coronavirus; they admit that. But medical science promised a vaccine, and has now come up with several. So, we are told, the end is in sight; the war with the virus will soon be won.

Perhaps it will, only time will tell. But the experience of conventional medicine over the decades would suggest that vaccines will not win this war with the virus, just as pharmaceutical medicine has not won the war with cancer; or indeed, any war over any illness or disease, during the last 100 years and more.

All chronic diseases, like cancer, are on a steep rise, towards and even beyond epidemic levels. And they have done so during the time of our developing pre-occupation and obsession with pharmaceutical medicine. There has never been a time when we have taken so many pharmaceutical drugs, or injected so many vaccines into our bloodstreams

There has never been a time when chronic disease has been so rampant. And avoiding cancer may be best achieved through avoiding pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.