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Thursday 7 March 2019

Vaccination. It's becoming more difficult to discuss the vaccine issue. And the anti-vaxxers clampdown is set to increase vaccine revenues. How will they be used?

  • The conventional medical establishment states that vaccines are entirely safe and effective, and they protect us from dreadful killer diseases.
  • Anti-vaxxers disagree, pointing to evidence that vaccines are ineffective, unsafe, and protect us from diseases that are no longer a threat to our health.

The problem with the debate is that it is a very one-sided!

  • All our conventional doctors, nurses, and other medical staff, inform their patients that vaccines are safe.
  • The entire NHS structure, including medical science and drug regulatory agencies, confirms that vaccines are safe, all constantly striving to get us all fully vaccinated.
  • Pharmaceutical drug companies confirm that their vaccines are entirely safe, that they have been fully tested and approved by medical science.
  • And the mainstream media only provides information that confirms the safety of vaccines, talking only to conventional doctors, other representatives of conventional medicine, and the drug companies; and censoring anything that questions this orthodoxy.
The only place there is a debate about vaccine safety, and patient damage, is through the internet, and the social media.

Now, even these outlets are also being closed down, censored. Key internet companies (which once championed free speech, and access to information) such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, and related internet companies, are now getting on side with the medical establishment, and clamping down on 'anti-vaxxing' stories.

Unless patients are fully informed about the treatments available to them it is impossible for them to make an 'informed choice' about that treatment. Closing down debate does not help people make decisions. It keeps patients in the dark, unaware of any of the issues that the conventional medical establishment does not want us to know about. I have written here about this aspect of censorship on many occasions.

Yet, as the magazine 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' (WDDTY) informs us, any such censorship in the sphere of healthcare produces only one big winner. The Pharmaceutical companies.

               "Market research group HTF MI said the revenues from the MMR vaccine will see 'the hike' (in profits) by 2025, and other research firms have also been forecasting big revenue increases for the global market for all vaccines."

               "Market research group Research & Markets estimates revenues for all vaccines will increase to $57.5bn by 2025, compared to just $33.7bn last year."

               "Another market research group, Transparency, is forecasting vaccine sales revenues will reach $48bn by 2025."

WDDTY goes on to say that government initiatives, to promote vaccines, and silence the 'anti-vaxxers', is one of the big drivers of the increase profitability. It continues with its business analysis.

               "Although North America will remain the largest market for vaccines - where it is compulsory in most states and others are dramatically restricting the type of exemptions - the biggest growth will be in the Asia Pacific region, which has witnessed an increase in cases of TB (tuberculosis), malaria and dengue fever."

WDDTY also says that the global market is also being bolstered by pro-vaccine government initiatives, and that the Transparency report says that "This strategy has immense potential to increase patient acceptability and also increase the rates of immunisation."

All this information has been gleaned from business sources, not from the medical literature. These are the references given in the WDDTY article.

So how will these augmented pharmaceutical profits be spent? It will be additional money that can be spent on supporting 
  • the election funds of politicians, 
  • to support national governments in return for their compliance, 
  • to buy the positive approval of medical science, 
  • to subvert the drug regulatory agencies, 
  • to control national health services, 
  • and to spend on mainstream media advertising campaigns (now extended, no doubt, to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, and related internet companies) to ensure their censorship is kept in place.
The only losers will be the patients who do not have the time or the inclination to research the hidden evidence for themselves. They will continue to be unable to make an informed choice. They will continue to be damaged by the pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines they are urged to consume by doctors.

The only questions will be these:
  • why on earth isn't all this money we are spending on healthcare actually making us well?
  • Why are we getting sicker, year by year?
  • Why are we witnessing chronic diseases at epidemic levels?
  • How much more money does the NHS want?
And the only response we will get to these important questions will be:

Sorry, we are not allowed to ask such questions!
Just keep taking the drugs!
Do as you are told!
We know best.