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Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Vaccine Induced Injury. The USA governments pays out $4 billion to victims. But conventional medicine denies that vaccines injure anyone! What's to be done?

According to the Dr Mercola website Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the USA National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has denied that vaccines cause injuries and death. This is not a surprise - it exactly mirrors what conventional medicine consistently tells us - vaccines are entirely safe!

At the same time the USA Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), in their latest release of data and statistics, states that approximately $4 billion has been paid to vaccine-injured victims since 1988.

There can be only two conclusions drawn from these two contradictory facts. Either...

  1. Conventional medicine is seeking to cover-up, lie about the dangers of vaccination, and is in denial about the harm vaccines are doing.
  2. The government is spending public money inappropriately, and taxpayer money is being misappropriated by a government agency.
Which is it?

Every USA citizen needs to know, and it is time that they started to demand an answer to this question from their elected representatives, and the Federal government.