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Thursday, 13 January 2011

Warfarin and heart patients - find something safer!

Researchers at the University of Cincinanati say that heart patients should not be taking the drug Warfarin. It is taken to prevent stroke, but the new research suggests that most patients are getting no benefit, and could be at risk of excessive bleeding.

It is good that this has been discovered. After all, Warfarin has been given to rats as a poison for a long time, and it kills them by causing - excessive bleeding!

The researchers say that a safer drug should be found. But they don't say what drug, or whether there is a safer one! Anyone who looks at the life-history of all pharmaceutical drugs will probably conclude there isn't one!

People with atrial fibrillation and who have had a stroke might be better looking for a safer health therapy, like homeopathy!

(Source: Circulation, 2010; doi: 10.1161/circoutcomes.110.958108)

Thanks to WDDTY for the story