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Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Myths of Conventional Medical Success. Whooping Cough (Pertussin)

It has been my intention for some time to write on Whooping Cough (Pertussin) in my blog series "The Myths of Conventional Medical Success", following my blogs on Smallpox, Polio and Measles - and, indeed, the Covid-19 vaccines. Each of these blogs highlights the outstanding success of the advertising and promotion of the pharmaceutical industry; whilst contrasting this with the abject failure of the drug companies medicine's to they claim to have 'conquered' or 'eliminated' these diseases.

The story of the Whooping Cough vaccines has been remarkably similar; great propaganda, but little or no evidence of effectiveness.

However, this blog has been effectively written for me in an excellent, and well researched article by Roman Bystrianyk, entitled "Whooping Cough and Vaccines: 10 things you probably didn't know, who was co-author of the equally excellent book, "Dissolving Illusions: disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history", written now over 10 years ago - but still as relevant as ever. So I will outline these 10 facts here, and rely upon you to read the Bystrianyk article in greater detail, and alongside his sources.

    1. Death Rate Dropped Nearly 100% Without Vaccination

Historical data from England and Wales, beginning in 1838, indicate that deaths from whooping cough, and other infectious diseases, had already dropped to near zero before the rollout of vaccines or antibiotics.

    2. Sweden Halted Vaccination; Deaths Unchanged

In Sweden, examinations in 1978 showed that 84% of children who were verified to have pertussis had previously received three doses of vaccine. As a result, the whole-cell DTP vaccine was deemed ineffective. 

    3. Vaccination Rates in England Dropped, No Increase in Deaths

A thorough examination of the complete, official data shows an obvious and dramatic drop in whooping cough deaths between 1902 and 2008. The DTP vaccine coverage rate was officially recorded in England starting in 1970. But by 1957, when vaccination began nationally, deaths from whooping cough had already all but vanished.

    4. Whooping Cough Had Become Mild

Whooping cough often instils fear in parents, conjuring images of children coughing and choking dangerously. However, in 1981, Gordon T. Stewart described whooping cough as "generally mild ... which most children escape or overcome easily without being vaccinated." Similarly, in 1995, Douglas Jenkinson studied 500 cases of natural whooping cough and observed that parents rarely noticed the characteristic cough, concluding that a “serious outcome is unlikely.”

5. Whooping Cough Bacteria Is Common

Some estimate that as many as one-third of adolescents and adults with a prolonged cough are infected with B. pertussis bacteria. This applies even to those who have been vaccinated or had the natural disease.

6. Vaccines Cause Neurological Damage

The debate regarding neurologic damage from the vaccine has been going on for decades (and this goes back to at least the 1940's).

7. Whooping Cough Vaccine Fades In Three Years

A study by Dr. David Witt, chief of infectious disease at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California, found that the pertussis vaccine lost its effectiveness in as little as 3 years (and more studies are referenced).

8. Whooping Cough Now Affects Adolescents and Adults

Before the pertussis vaccine was introduced, lengthy natural immunity was, in fact, the norm because of the natural family and community dynamics. In the 1940s, pertussis was considered only a childhood illness. If an adolescent or adult got it, everyone was astonished.

9. Vaccines Permanently Mis-programs The Immune System

The term “original antigenic sin” (OAS) was coined by Dr. Thomas Francis, who became well known during the Salk vaccine era when he oversaw and interpreted the results of the largest (and most controversial) polio vaccine trial in history. He explained the phenomenon of OAS using the natural influenza virus as an example.

10. Despite Failures, Vaccinologists Recommend More Vaccination

As had been the promise with all vaccines at their inception, there was an expectation that vaccinated people would be protected for life against whooping cough.... This is far from true. The DTaP vaccine compromises the immune system permanently.


These ten points outline demolish any realistic chance that Whooping Cough (Pertussin) vaccines played any significant part in either the reduction of cases, the seriousness of those remaining cases, or the safety of the vaccine. 

It is not so much that all these ten points are all proven, and do not require more debate, and further research. 

  • It is that most people are not aware of them, they are not, and never have been discussed by the conventional medical establishment,
  • instead, the conventional medical establishment refuses to debate or to do any further research on them, 
  • whilst continuing to maintain the conventional medical myth,

 ..... that the Pertussin vaccines are "safe and effective"; and have successfully eradicated Whooping Cough as a serious, killer disease. They most certainly have not done so.


Also read my other blogs on the Myths of Conventional Medicine.

The Myths of Conventional Medicine. Eradicating Smallpox.

The Myths of Conventional Medicine. Conquering Polio.

The Myths of Conventional Medicine. Conquering Measles.

The Myths of Conventional Medicine. The Covid-19 vaccines.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Covid-19 Vaccines: have two vaccines already been banned? And are we allowed to know?

(A) The original blog was deleted by Blogger because, they said, it violated their "community guidelines". If so Blogger is a censorship organisation that tries to stop people knowing about the withdrawal of two Covid-19 vaccines. This is a re-writing of that blog that emphasises this point.

(B) This blog was also deleted by Blogger because, they said, it violated their "community guidelines". They said that it was "flagged to us for review". I appealed; and it has now been reinstated. This not only confirms Blogger (a Google platform) as a censorship organisation, but there a people 'out there' willing to flag up blogs critical of pharmaceutical medicine regardless of the facts. These two Covid-19 vaccines HAVE been effectively banned!

I have heard (!) that two Covid-19 vaccines have now been withdrawn from the market because they were unsafe, and no-one wanted to buy them, or take them. The two vaccines had much in common:

  • they were both described by the Pharmaceutical Establishment, and Medical Science, as “safe and effective”,
  • national drug regulatory bodies were prepared to approve them, if only for 'emergency use',
  • government, the mainstream media, and the conventional medical establishment combined for over 3 years to repeat their 'Narrative' which persistently urged us to take the vaccines,

  • Governments, including the British government tried to mandate both these vaccines, that is, they tried to force people who wished to remain "vaccine free" to take them,
  • the mainstream media constantly castigate and dismissed as denying "medical science", "vaccine deniers", "disinformation peddlers", and "conspiracy theorists", anyone who declined to take the vaccines. 

The AstraZeneca vaccine was the one given to most British citizens in 2021. The company (fairly quietly) dropped the vaccine in 2022, they claimed on commercial grounds (the AZ vaccine was never approved in the USA and several other countries; it was effectively banned in a number of European countries, and was no longer being used in the UK). Another 'commercial' reason could be that the AZ vaccine is now subject to a large number of compensation claims by patients who have been damaged by the vaccine. Such claims, of course, will be strongly contested by government (who will have to pay any compensation awarded), and the pharmaceutical industry (who have been given immunity from any liability). Here are some of my sources to this information (which perhaps Blogger might like to confirm).


The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was given to 19 million USA citizens before it was (even more silently) withdrawn from the market in June 2023. Here are some references to this withdrawal


Again, if these references to the withdrawal of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine are in any way incorrect, then I confirm that Blogger has every right to take down this blog.
However, if these reports are correct little more needs to be said, except perhaps that most people who took these vaccines throughout the world remain blissfully unaware of the patient harm about the harm that these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs have caused. It is, therefore, legitimate to ask,

  • How many people actually know that these two Covid-19 vaccines have been withdrawn?
  • How many people have been damaged by these vaccines, and remain unaware of what caused serious harm to their health?
  • How many people will continue to accept the other Covid-19 vaccines, still available, because they have not been informed of their dangers?

And Blogger needs to ask itself whether these people have a right to know the fate of these two Covid-19 vaccines: or whether they should censor the information on their platform.

And it is important to note that the strident Covid-19 vaccine 'Narrative' goes on, albeit more quietly, less insistently than before. Government, mainstream media, and conventional medical authorities like the NHS in Britain, continues to offer annual Covid-19 'boosters', presumably on the basis that the Covid-19 vaccines are "safe and effective". If so, their position can be described as a triumph of hope over experience!

However, their position is worse than this. What we are facing here is massive dishonesty. I have written in more detail about this dishonesty many time previously on this blog, and elsewhere. I have always provided evidence of this dishonesty, for example at this link.

So I continue to insist on saying we have a medical system that is dominated and controlled by a pharmaceutical industry that has proven itself to be fundamentally dishonest, fraudulent and corrupt.

Blogger will have to decide for itself whether it supports arguments that are fully backed-up with clear and obvious evidence.

Friday, 6 December 2024

A Health Debate: "disinformation", "anti-vaxxer", "conspiracy theorist"

Twelve years ago I wrote a series of 7 article that argued we needed a serious health debate. The problem in having such a debate, since then and before, has been that one side, the Pharmaceutical Medical Establishment (PME), has not wanted to take part in any such discussion. And since the so-called Covid-19 pandemic their refusal to engage has been considerably worse.

Instead the PME has done its best to close down all discussion on important health issues. One of its principle weapons to end debate has been the simple strategy of using certain dismissive words/phrases - such as "disinformation", "anti-vaxxer", "conspiracy theorist", et al.

All these terms are used to stand down discussion on the basis that the best form of defence is attack! The best way of avoiding discussion is to disparage and dismiss anyone, and everyone who disagrees with you.

Essentially, this position happens mainly when one side of an argument, usually the dominant side, but which, for whatever reason, is losing the argument. Why risk a discussion when it might risk undermining the power dynamic, the status quo? It happens regularly, for instance, when a politician, ahead in the polls, refuses to debate with an election rival. It happens when an employee asks an employer for a raise.

Yet it has become commonplace within the field of health, dominated by an immensely powerful pharmaceutical industry. Why should the medical establishment want to risk its dominance? Why should it waste time on anyone who has the audacity to suggest that their drugs and vaccines are neither "safe or effective"? Why should they engage with anyone who suggests that diet and exercise are more important than popping their pills? And there is certainly nothing to gain from speaking to anyone who believes in natural medical therapies, like homeopathy.

So shut down discussion by dismissing all such people who are spreading "disinformation", "anti-vaxxers", or "conspiracy theorists". End of argument, end of discussion.

One ongoing problems is that whilst these terms are used by an elite they are picked up by those who have a closed mind, or those who do not want to consider anything outside what they are being told. Conventional wisdom rules! Leave things as they are. We are busy people, we have other matters to deal with. Those in power must surely know best; they are the experts.

Perhaps the use of "conspiracy theory" is the worst of these repudiating terms. After all there are some very peculiar, even laughable conspiracy theories, ranging from the Flat Earth Society, to Holocaust denial, to fake moon landings, to the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, and the destruction of the twin towers in 9/11.

Yet if and when we come across any of these alleged conspiracy theories it is incumbent upon each of us to consider them, and make up our own minds about their validity. We should not dismiss any one of these, completely out of hand! We should examine the evidence, we should listen to both sides of the argument and reach our own conclusions. This is what intelligent, informed people do.

This is especially important when it comes to health issues. Whether the earth is flat, or the Holocaust did not happen, etc., etc., they are not relevant to our day-to-day lives. They may be interesting, but they are not of immediate concern to our future lives. Health is relevant to each one of us, right now, today, tomorrow - and the medical treatment that we are offered and accept can have a devastating affect on our future wellbeing.

The PME has been telling us for over 200 years that their drugs and vaccines are “safe and effective”, that they have overcome, even vanquished many former 'killer' diseases. Indeed, in the last 4-5 years we have been pummelled with these argument regarding the Covid-19 virus. It was a dangerous pandemic that would kill millions, only the vaccine could save us, and then only if we all took it. And no contrary view or argument being allowed to interfere with the pharmaceutical narrative.

So much of what most people believe and understand about health, and medical treatment, comes entirely from pharmaceutical promotion, and this system of medicine's very specific approach to health. Alternative views are not well known or understood, not least because neither government, conventional medicine, or the mainstream media, are prepared to discuss them with us.

For most people, the health debate is just not happening. The pharmaceutical message reigns supreme, largely unchallenged, dismissed as "misinformation". 

And this at a time when national health services, around the world, are being "broken" by unprecedented epidemics of chronic sickness and disease.

The result is that all our politicians can think of doing is to throw yet more money at the same, old, failed pharmaceutical medical treatment!