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Friday, 4 May 2012

The Health Debate? (1) Why the mainstream media is refusing to take part

     “I am taking this pharmaceutical drug for my condition. It is working really well, and has been now for some years. I feel really healthy, indeed back to my old self. So I am quite happy taking the drug as I am sure it is doing me no harm. Indeed, I am happy to take it for the rest of my life.”
Well, when was the last time you heard anyone taking pharmaceutical drugs saying this with any conviction? Most people have become weary of the serious side effects, or 'disease-inducing-effects' (DIEs) of most conventional medical drugs. 

There is a growing realisation amongst patients that whilst these drugs may appear to be effective over a short period of time, the underlying condition or illness is rarely, if ever, treated effectively. Many patients have to take drugs for a lifetime, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing serious side effects, illness and disease. Many patients have to take multiple drugs, often to deal with the side effects created by earlier ones. And as drug effectiveness tends to decline with time, or when the patient becomes dependent or addicted to the drug, the underlying illness is not being addressed.

So patients don't feel well, and they don't get well. Indeed, their illness or illnesses just go on getting progressively worse.
So it's perhaps not surprising that there are a significant, and growing number of people who no longer have confidence in what conventional medicine (doctors, the NHS, governments, and the pharmaceutical industry) are telling us. Instead, they beginning to look for safer, more effective, drug-free medical treatment for their illnesses.
This is what constitutes "the health debate". It is going on within families throughout Britain, indeed throughout the entire western world - anywhere where health treatment is dominated by the Big Pharma drugs. 

Unfortunately, it is a very quiet debate as it is almost impossible to get any open discussion, or transparent information into the mainstream media about what is really going on within health services. So for those people who are looking for safer, more effective, drug-free treatments for their illness, it is a ‘debate’ that is just not happening.  
One problem is that the 'alternative' medical community, such as homeopathy, has only a tiny voice, and it is a voice that is often marginalised and neglected by the mainstream media. 

And of course, the voices raised against this small community are loud and powerful, voices that seek to undermine and belittle the health debate, and people's search for safe medical therapies. 
Foremost amongst these voices are the pharmaceutical drug companies. Their power, influence and wealth is quite extraordinary. They have achieved almost total dominance within national health services throughout the world. In is now difficult to obtain any other form of treatment within our health services.

And the mainstream media appears to believe conventional medical doctors are the only health experts that exist! 
The Conventional Medical Establishment have powerful contacts within politics, parliament and successive governments. The pharmaceutical industry, after all, is an important contributor to the UK economy, and most western countries, a major employer, and investor in industry and commerce. The story they want to project is that we are all healthier now than we have ever been, and that we are living longer - because of the success of conventional medical treatment.
Our so-called ‘Free’ press and media go along with this. They seem to be quite unable, and perhaps unwilling to question or criticise conventional medicine. Why? Perhaps because of the size of pharmaceutical drug advertising! Perhaps because those in charge of 'Big Corp' in other sectors stick together, and support each other. Certainly, the social social influence of the pharmaceutical industry seems to have much to do with its profitability and wealth, and what (and perhaps who) that money can buy to support their business. Indeed, the drugs industry seems to have very little to do with the ability to provide us with effective, safe or cost-effective medicine!
Even the BBC, who are not dependent on advertising revenues, are quite unable or unwilling to speak out - or even to allow ‘the health debate’ to happen.
Yet despite this deafening silence from the mainstream media, interest in ‘non-drug’ therapies is increasing. People are moving away from conventional medicine, either through bitter personal experience, or gleaning information from the dribs and drabs of information that the media cannot prevent reporting. Most important, people are turning to the internet, and to blogs like this one, to find more information about health. 

So despite the reluctance of the mainstream media to engage in "the health debate", information about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, and the people who have been damaged by them, is increasingly out here. The result is that people are now less inclined to believe in conventional medicine's claims of ‘miracle cures’, 'wonder drugs', and the media's slavish adherence to them. People are becoming aware that much of the illness, disease and death seen today, often at epidemic levels, has actually been caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.

So what are the components of "the health debate". What should the Media be discussing, but are choosing to ignore? I will deal with this in the second part of this series.

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These are the links to other blogs in this series