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Tuesday 5 April 2022

Covid-19. What any competent medical system would have done to avoid social distancing, face masks, lockdowns, and all the damage associated with these policies

We have suffered two awful years with the Covid-19 pandemic - and still it continues. The awfulness has not been so much about the infection, or the illness, or the grossly exaggerated death toll: it has been the dreadful policies that government has pursued in order to combat it. Governments around the world pursued these policies at the behest of medical science, and the pharmaceutical industry that controls them both. 

Social distancing, face masks, lockdown, all of which have led to so much damage to our personal, social, and economic lives. And this is not to mention the vaccines, which government data now shows to have caused so much patient harm. This is now a matter of record, even though most people still don't realise just how damaging they have been - they have not been told.

  • So was there a better policy to pursue, one which would have done less harm? 
  • Perhaps Natural Medicine would have come up with different ideas.... 

1.    Do not chase the virus. The virus is not really the problem. It only affects people who are vulnerable or susceptible to the virus, the potential host. Social distancing, face masks, and lockdowns are all policies that seek to chase, or more accurately to run away from the invisible enemy. We cannot see the virus; we do not know where it is; so we were told that we have seek it everywhere, to avoid everything in order to make sure we don't come into contact with it, or to pass it on to others. This was wasted effort. For most people it was not necessary.

2. Look after the host. For some people the Covid-19 virus was nasty, and caused them serious problems. Many died from the virus - although nowhere near the 160,000+ that conventional medicine claims. The fact is that most people, most potential hosts, had little or no problem with the virus. They were able to cope with it, without any need for the 'protection' these policies allegedly provided.

3. Protect the potential host via the host's immune system. We live with bacteria and viruses all the time. Our bodies are riddled with them! And, most of the time, our immune system protects us from serious harm.

What we needed, when the 'pandemic' began, was a reliable test able to gauge the strength of our individual's immune system. The New Scientists informed us in September 2021 that there was a cheap Covid-19 antibody test shows that would have informed us about the strength of our personal immunity, and done so within 5 minutes! It was never used because we were too busy "chasing the virus", and protecting people who did not need to be protected!

The NHS website told us that there was a test to check whether someone had already had Covid-19 (and so had a natural immunity to the virus). Go to that website now and you will see that the service was closed down in March 2022 - presumably because the vaccine had been so successful in stopping the spread, and re-spread of the virus!

4.    A Public Campaign to support and strengthen the immune system. The public health campaign we suffered seemed more designed to spread panic about the dangers of the virus than to help anyone protect themselves. We could only flee from the virus, whilst we were waiting for the vaccine - only the vaccine could save us!

This is palpably untrue, and medicine has known this to be untrue for a very long time now. Conventional medicine clearly wanted to re-educate us. Only the vaccine could save us. It was almost as if the immune system no longer existed!

So there was no public campaign to tell everyone what we could all do, in terms of diet, exercise, etc., easily, routinely and cheaply, for ourselves, to protect us from the virus. This is something that I blogged about in March 2021, and was advising from the very start of the pandemic. Conventional medicine ignored our personal responsibility for our own health, to support and strengthen our immunity - we all had to wait, patiently, in fear and isolation, for the vaccine.

5.    Protecting those who need to be protected. In the early stages of the pandemic there was some recognition that there were people with weakened immune systems (not least those patients who were taking immunosuppressant drugs) who had to be protected. This was soon lost behind the new 'understanding' - that we all had to be protected, regardless of the state of our immune system. We all had to lockdown, to wear masks. It was the only way to protect ourselves!

In doing so, in agreeing to the 'solutions' of conventional medical science, we set about destroying our emotional, social and economic lives. In concurring with shutting down normal life in fear of the the virus we mistook two things. It was not the virus that threatened our lives, it was the policies pursued by conventional medicine that did so. We did not have to do it, we should not have done it! There was a more sensible route to protecting ourselves, our society and economy, from the virus.

6.     Keep society running. Keep hospitals, residential homes, schools and workplaces open. Those people who had confidence in their natural immunity should have been allowed to continue living their lives as normal, except perhaps when, and if, they came into contact with vulnerable people who need special protection. That was when we all had a responsibility to keep them safe.

Yet even here, in such situations, some kind of sensible and rational judgement should have been permitted. Was it really necessary for people to die alone, lonely and abandoned? Or to allow them to enter deeper into dementia, never knowing why they had been deserted by loved ones? Or to allow young children to live in a world where they had limited access to education, and where they could not see people's faces?

7.    Prevention. It is important to point out that during the pandemic natural medical therapists, like homeopaths, naturopaths, et al, continued to treat their patients. Indeed, it was a busy, busy time when they had to respond to their patients who were being scared out of their wits by the public campaign of hysteria and fear. The use of natural medical therapies is anathema to the conventional medical establishment, even when the CME had no means of preventing or treating Covid-19. They preferred that everyone waited for the development of the vaccines. They were the only thing that could save us! 

Those of us who knew this was nonsense were able to ignore such self-interested myopia. Most people believed what they were told by the 'experts', the conventional medical establishment, the 'medical science', politicians, governments, conventional medical 'authorities', and the mainstream media - all united together to convey to us the official Covid-19 narrative.

We do no have a medical system that believes in anything other than pharmaceutical medicine. There was no interest in comparing medical therapies, to see which worked best, which had the best outcomes. So the experience and expertise that could have been offered by natural medical therapies were sidelined, locked down alongside everyone else, and ignored.

8.    Treatment. Conventional medicine had no treatment. Once some had contracted the virus it was a matter of 'waiting to see', 'time would tell'. And it was not just the use of natural medical therapies that could have been called upon. Conventional medicine, and medical science knew that only the vaccine would save us. They had not other treatment, so we all had to wait.

Yet even that was untrue! Some conventional medical doctors said that some of their old drugs, like Ivermectin and the cheap steriod drug, dexamethasone were effective treatments. So, as thousands died, waiting for the vaccine, were these drugs used? They were not! At least not outside a small section of the conventional  medical fraternity who did not buy into the official narrative.

So there were alternatives. The government selected the policies, and imposed them on everyone. Anyone with a different view were expected to conform, threatened with legal penalties if they didn't, and not only were given no voice, but were completely censored in the mainstream media, and on social media too.

We are now paying the price of misguided policies.

In so many different ways.