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Tuesday 10 March 2020

Why our Pharmacewutical Medicine, and our NHS, always needs more money

I want to do a journey today
but my car won’t work...
There are lots of sick people 
who just want to get better

Perhaps my car needs more
petrol in order to go properly ...

The NHS needs more money
 in order to make sick people well

Trouble is, when I put more petrol
in the car it still doesn’t go anywhere 

Trouble is, when NHS gets more money
it still doesn't make people well

So let’s put more petrol in the car
So let’s give the NHS more money

... but we are still not moving anywhere

but patients are still not getting better

We need more petrol, 
if we want to start journey
We need more money as even
more patients are getting sick

We had better re-arrange 
the car's engine
We had better re-organise 
how the NHS is managed
We still cannot go, 
we need more petrol
People are getting sicker
they are queuing at the door now

We are getting nowhere fast

There is actually more sickness now 
than at any time in the past

We obviously need more petrol, 
problem is we haven't got enough

We obviously need more money
the problem is we are under-resourced

If we put enough petrol in 
it is bound to work - eventually

If we keep ploughing money into the NHS
it is bound to work - eventually

More Petrol?
Oh! Yes please,what else can we do?

More Drugs &Vaccines, perhaps
Oh! Yes please, of course
Thank you very much