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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Health Debate (3). The safety of Pharmaceutical drugs

Many consumers of the mainstream media, in all its many forms, believe that if there was a problem with pharmaceutical drugs, or with the conventional medical treatment we are offered by doctors, or if there was an important health issue we should know about, the mainstream media would tell us. 

Unfortunately, in matters of health, this is just not so.

The dangers posed to our health by pharmaceutical drugs has such a long and continuous history it should now be a matter of common knowledge to us all. The fact that most people are not aware of this is testimony to the abject failure of our media to tell the truth about conventional medical treatment, and the failure of the media to enter "the health debate".

If the media was doing its job they would be asking many questions about the safety of pharmaceutical drugs, and they would be seeking to inform is readers, listeners and viewers, about the safety of conventional medical treatment generally. They would be asking questions like these:
  • Is conventional medicine telling us the full story about the dangers of the pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines currently being prescribed to us by our doctors? And if not, why not?
  • Why is the public not told earlier by the media of the potential seriousness problems about pharmaceutical drugs? Information about drug dangers is usually well known many years before the media reports it! Why does the mainstream media leave it to internet magazines like 'What Doctors Don't Tell You' (WDDTY) and 'Natural News', to publish this information? Why do they not question why harmful drugs are prescribed many years before eventually being withdrawn or banned? Why does mainstream media fail to report it?
  • Why is the mainstream media failing to ask questions about the dangers to patients of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines currently being prescribed by the conventional medical establishment? Why do they not investigate, and tell the public about these dangers? When drugs and vaccines are known to be dangerous, why are conventional doctors not questioned about this, and what patients can do to protect themselves?
    • Why does the media not investigate the relationship between the alarming rise of chronic disease and the pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines that are known to be a significant cause of such diseases? Why does the media not ask questions about whether, and to what extent, conventional medicine is the cause of these diseases? Why does the media fail to investigate links between these modern disease epidemics and known drug and vaccine side effects?
    • Why does the media fail to ask questions about alternative medical therapies, such as homeopathy, what these therapies can offer patient, examine whether they are safer for patients?
    • Indeed, why does the mainstream media consistently seek to criticise, undermine and attack natural medical therapies - usually in line with the arguments used by the conventional medical establishment?
    Drugs are regularly withdrawn from the market, because they have been found to be dangerous. Yet rarely is this reported in the mainstream media. 

    Drug companies are consistently found guilty in US courts, and heavily fined, as a result of their drugs being unsafe and dangerous. Yet rarely is this reported in the mainstream media.

    Drug companies, in recent years, have regularly been associated with corrupt or illegal practices in the testing, promotion and selling of their drugs. Yet rarely is this reported in the mainstream media.

    The failure of the mainstream media to report on these matters is a failure to operate in the best interests of its paying customers, who are, of course, also patients and consumers of conventional medical treatment. The media seems completely unconcerned about the damage being done to its readers, listeners and viewers by conventional medicine! Indeed, they appear to be more interested in reporting 'positive' news about conventional medicine, and ignoring news that is 'negative' to its vested interests. 

    It is perhaps time that the media begins to ask itself the question: in whose interests, are they working when reporting on matters of health!