It would appear that when Big Corp can make a profit from something, they are not too bothered about our health. And certainly not to keen to tell us. I usually focus on the activities of Big Pharma - but Big Wireless is equally culpable. So, too, is the mainstream media, of course, who rarely if ever bother to report information of this kind.Earth Day II, A Day Without Wireless, has been a gone - it took place on 17th April. I am sorry I did not see this earlier! However, the message remains important - wireless waves are a danger to our health, and as appears normal, we are not being told about it.
Here is the back to 'Earth Action Day'.
Imagine waking up in a city with no sparrows; walking out into a garden full of beautiful flowers with no bees, butterflies, or other insects; seeing splits in the bark of trees and bushes throughout the garden.
This is becoming the reality in many cities. Why? Fifty years after publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring we have substantially reduced the levels of many chemicals we release into the environment, but we haven't fully followed her lessons of precaution.
Since the beginning of the digital revolution, our planet's exposure to a potent biologically-active toxin - pulsed modulated radiofrequency (RF) microwave radiation from wireless devices - has increased exponentially. Safety limits in the U.S. allow exposure to a quintillion times the background RF radiation levels at 1.8 GHz. The most conservative standard for inside homes in Salzburg, Austria allows only 100 trillion times the background RF radiation levels at 1.8 GHz. (
One cellphone call exposes every bystander 10 feet away to one trillion times the background RF radiation levels - talk about second-hand "smoke". Also, remember microwave radiation from wireless devices is pulsed and modulated while natural background radiation is not.
The essentially uncontrolled proliferation of wireless puts wildlife, including insects, bees, amphibians, birds and vegetation, at risk. The Report on Possible Impacts of Communication Towers on Wildlife Including Birds and Bees, commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, calls for a precautionary approach due to the evidence of potential harm to humans and wildlife. Its recommendations include revisiting safety standards and tightening siting regulations - even to the extent of removing problematic towers ( ).
Why exercise the precautionary principle extensively? Bee colony collapse disorder has become a global epidemic. Trees have developed bleeding fissures in their bark, have been defoliated, even died ( Exposure to pulsed modulated microwave radiation from wireless devices has been demonstrated to decrease coordination, affected growth, and increased mortality in frogs (
Humans are suffering as well. The rates of ADD/ADHD (, autism ( ), asthma, diabetes, sleep disorders, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various cancers are climbing as exposures to pulsed modulated microwave radiation from wireless devices and other sources of exposure to RF radiation are increasing.
Countless people have had their lives destroyed by wireless technology. From Australia, Dr. Federica Lamech writes in an open letter ( about her experience with the smart meters installed in her city:
Since the completion of the smart meter roll-out in my area, I have been very, very sick. I have continuous palpitations, chest pain, a weird taste in my mouth, loss of appetite, lethargy, dizziness, faint attacks, inability to concentrate and complete insomnia. I have the feelings at home, in the street, in all the streets of my area and at the shops. I am not able to function. I can't work. I can't look after my family. I need my husband, who is now the only breadwinner, to take care of me.
My symptoms only disappear when I am in an area without smart meters, in a large park or on the beach. When my husband drives me through the Melbourne suburbs, I tell him when I feel my symptoms abate, he stops the car and looks at house fronts and, sure enough, he sees the old-style meters. This can be reproduced very predictably.
In late 2010 and early 2011 numerous people in the United States wrote to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division in its proceedings RIN 1190-AA61 and RIN 1190-AA64, detailing the difficulties that they have had obtaining basic services (including medical care), socializing, participating in community life and family events, traveling, shopping, attending school or visiting the public library, in short conducting ordinary daily business due to the proliferation of wireless technology.
Respect the Earth. Turn off wireless devices for Earth Day. Work to reduce your wireless exposure everyday.
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