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Monday, 19 October 2009

Suffering from Allergy? Try Homeopathy

People suffering from allergy, of one form or another, are on the increase. In fact, allergies are now reaching epidemic levels, even though it is a relatively 'new' condition.

A Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee report, in 2007, said that about one-third of the UK population would develop allergy of some kind during their lifetime, and that allergic diseases had trebled during the previous 20 years.

So Dana Ullman's article on Allergy, at, makes for re-assuring reading. There is a safe way of treating allergies, homeopathy, and there is an 'evidence base' supporting homeopathic treatment.

This is important for allergy sufferers, for allergic reactions can kill, and ailments like hayfever, asthma and other debilitating conditions can cause serious life-long problems.

For more information about the differences between the conventional and homeopathic treatment of allergy, click here.

To find a local homeopath, visit