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Friday, 26 April 2024

Another new 'game-changing' treatment for cancer? A real hope, or another false dawn?

"‘Real hope’ for cancer cure as personal mRNA vaccine for melanoma trialled"

This is a headline in today's Guardian newspaper, although you can find similar headlines in most, probably all the UK's mainstream media (I have not checked them all!). The news story is typical of what our media puts out on a regular, almost daily basis; so it can be quickly summed up.

  • This is a serious illness/disease...
  • There is a new treatment that will be a 'game changer' in its future treatment...
  • It offers patients real hope of a cure...
  • The cure is then described, alongside its benefits, usually with examples...
  • Any adverse reactions, slight or serious, are either not mentioned, or they are discounted (in this case they are not mentioned)...
  • Also, the cost of the treatment is usually not mentioned...
  • Or when the treatment might be made available to patients.

These regular media reports on medical 'breakthroughs;, appearing in a variety of different news agencies, are usually identical; that is, they come from an identical source. It is not difficult to assume that this source is a press release provided by the medical organisation/company that is producing the product.

As such it is free advertising! There will already be thousands of patients who will be wanting to access this treatment, and pressing their doctors to provide it. Goodness knows how valuable this free promotion is for the companies concerned. It is difficult to know what other industry is provided with this kind of advertising.

The question now is - what happens next? It always is. The drug concerned today is a new mRNA vaccine to treat skin melanomas, and lung, bladder and kidney cancer too. But it is not difficult to predict the future - because it happens on a regular basis.

  • There is a demand for the treatment to be made available on the NHS...
  • The cost of the treatment is high, if not excessive, and questions arise about whether the NHS can afford to offer it...
  • However the treatment is offered, there is too much demand to refuse, and patients, excited by the prospect, begin to take the treatment...
  • Then serious adverse reactions are noted...
  • Increasingly these become an issue; doctors seek to reduce them, or reduce those patients offered the treatment...
  • However, the seriousness of the adverse reactions continue to rise until the treatment is no longer defensible, or too unsafe for patients...
  • And the treatment is withdrawn or banned.

The vaccine is apparently used alongside an immunotherapy drug called Keytruda, already known to cause serious adverse reactions which (of course) are not mentioned in today's mainstream news story!

I have written about this kind of propaganda before, many times. The last one was two months ago, and concerned the weight-loss drug, Wygovy. Even now, Wygovy, and similar weight-loss drugs, described in recent months as new wonder cures for obesity, and struggling with serious adverse reactions. In this same blog I mention Acomplia, another weight-loss drug that went through the same process over 20 years ago.

I predict a similar outcome for the new mRNA vaccine, one from the same stable as the Covid-19 vaccines. And readers can certainly hold me to that prediction!

Post Script 1st May 2024

It is just 5 days since posting this blog, and already the new 'wonder' cancer treatment is being called into question.

All mRNA injections, including cancer vaccines, may accelerate the development of cancer.

            "Four days ago, the Guardian reported that there was "excitement among patients and researchers" in the UK as "personalised mRNA vaccines" for cancer entered their phase 3 trial....  However, patients may be less excited about these "groundbreaking" injection when they read a paper published last week. On 23 April, a pre-print paper (not yet peer-reviewed) was published in the journal 'Anthorea' that reviewed oncogenesis and autoimmunity caused by mRNA injections. It found that repeated mRNA injections reduce immune surveillance for cancer while at the same time inducing autoimmunity".

It would appear that the 'good' news coming from the pharmaceutical medical establishment is barely keeping ahead of the 'bad' news about the harm their drugs/vaccines are doing!

Of course, patients won't be more, or less excited by this news; because neither the pharmaceutical industry, government, or the mainstream media will not tell us about this.