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Thursday, 21 December 2023

Veoza: Another Wonder Drug: this time for the Menopause

Pharmaceutical medicine regularly heralds medical breakthroughs, almost on a weekly basis. The latest drug to get this treatment is "a new type of non-hormonal menopause treatment for hot flushes, and night sweats". Indeed, this kind of reporting of wonder drugs can be repetitive, even monotonous. Inevitably the story is always the same. This weeks new "wonder drug" is, according to BBC News:

     "The daily pill, Veoza - or fezolinetant" which "works on the brain's temperature-control centre to alleviate the symptoms".

The report is typical, and follows the same routine pattern.

The outcome is also always the same. The new 'wonder drug' is rarely (never?) heard of again. And the disease survives and continues, unabated. I have written about a variety of these drugs in previous years, pharmaceutical drugs which I have listed as a footnote below. See if you can find one that you have ever heard about!

Where do these 'wonder drug' reports come from? It is clear that all the mainstream media do is to replicate a news release from the drug company. How can we know this? Because the news story is usually carried by all mains news outlets, the wording is identical, and the same people have (apparently) been interviewed. This news story  on Veoza, for instance, has been carried not only by the BBC, but by ITV News, the Guardian, and the Mirror, alongside many others. Little attempt has been made to change the wording, or to question the information.

For the Pharmaceutical Industry this is subliminal advertising at it most effective, as I described here in 2021. The drug companies pay not a penny for the promotion, beyond writing and distributing the news release. Yet patients, in this case women passing through the menopause, see it and want to get access to the drug. Why shouldn't they? The drug is a 'game changer'. And it must be safe because no serious side effects have been mentioned! (WARNING: the side effects of Veoza are mentioned here in this link). So it is unabashed advertising and promotion; but without the honesty that is usually expected from advertisers

But with Veoza, and this particular 'wonder drug' promotion, there is another objective. The drug has been approved by the MHRA (the UK's drug regulator) but it has not been recommended to be prescribed, free of charge, by the NHS. This will require another review, by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). So by subliminally promoting the drug in this way now, women will want it, and thereby will put pressure on NICE for approve its use within the NHS. 

All good promotion and propaganda for the drug companies!

Footnote: A selection of Pharmaceutical Drugs Previously Marketed as "Wonder Drugs", free of charge, by the Mainstream Media

Thursday, 31 August 2023

How Strong is your Baby's Immune System?

This is a question that all prospective and new parents need to ask, as a matter of some urgency. Yet it is a question not asked nearly enough, and too often the answers focus on the importance of vaccine immunity.

The strategy for maintaining and strengthening our natural immunity as children and adults is well known, particularly by those whose understanding is not dominated by the “only vaccines will protect us” ideology of the pharmaceutical medical establishment.

It is a strategy that focuses on diet, exercise, and life-style choices - and the avoidance of pharmaceutical drugs, which I have written about here. Click here for more details about this strategy.

Maintaining and strengthening natural immunity is important throughout our lives, so I would recommend that every new and prospective parent learns about the important principles to which this blog referred. But I am aware that this blog did not deal with the immune system of babies and infants. It should have done as it is slightly different, not least because a baby's immune system is not fully developed when they are born, and for a few months afterwards.

In the Womb

The foetus, especially during the last 3 months of pregnancy, is protected by the mother’s antibodies through the placenta, and this protection continues through to when the baby is born. During birth, the baby picks up the mother's antibodies during its passage through the birth canal. The importance of natural birth has become more apparent in recent years. Babies born vaginally have different gut bacteria (their microbiome) than those delivered by caesarean. It has been discovered that vaginally born babies obtain most of their gut bacteria from their mother, caesarean babies have more bacteria associated with the hospital. This suggests that vaginal birth gives babies a better natural immunity, although whether this persists into later health is not known.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of this protection from the mother depends on the mother’s own level of immunity.

Immediately after the Birth

After birth, the mother passes more antibodies to the baby from the colostrum, and then during breast feeding. Breast feeding, for as long as possible, is one of the best ways of protecting the child from infections. Breast milk contains the proteins, fats, sugars that help build and strengthen the baby’s immune system. 

So when a mother comes into contact with an infection, again depending on the strength of her natural immunity, she will make antibodies to help her fight it, and these are then passed on to the baby through the milk.

It is important to stress the importance of breast feeding because in (too many) parts of the conventional medical establishment, especially in certain periods of the recent past, the vital part breast milk plays in developing a baby's immunity has been heavily discounted. 

Formula milk is just NOT an adequate substitute. Nutritionally it might be an acceptable alternative where it is necessary, but it does little or nothing to strengthen the child's immune system.

The Infant

As the child becomes more self functioning, and the immunity received from the mother declines after just a few months, they will start to make their own antibodies. As they come across infections, children will increasingly rely on their own natural immune system.

Yet a baby's immunity is a delicate matter, and there are some important things that can be done to protect them further - all similar to the things we should continue throughout our lives.

1. A healthy diet; with lots of fruit and vegetables; the avoidance of processed foods, including processed baby foods; and don’t ‘treat’ them with (too many) sugary drinks and sweets. Read up more on diet and nutrition from natural medical websites, or consult with a local natural health practitioner or nutritionist.

2. Good sleep is important, as this enables the child to refresh and recharge. A tired baby is more vulnerable to infection.

3. Keep the child active and stimulated, both their minds and their bodies. Exercise is always good for us, regardless of age; and physical and mental fitness is an important part maintaining and strengthening a healthy immune system.

4. Reduce levels of stress wherever possible; for instance, make sure that the baby knows that he/she is loved, and is being protected.

5. Avoid pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. In particular, don’t believe the vaccine propaganda we all get, ad nauseam, from the conventional medical establishment. If in doubt, read the patient information leaflets that will outline the adverse reactions of the vaccine, if only some of them - the one’s accepted by the drug regulators. For example, you will not find anything about autism; or about allergies; two of the biggest dangers of vaccination. 

And antibiotic drugs are equally to blame for the decline in our children’s health - largely because they disrupt the stomach’s microbiome, the bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microbes that naturally live inside us, and fulfil an important role in our immune systems, enable the proper digestion of food, and produce the energy and vitality that helps us stay healthy.

I hope this gives you some idea of the things you can do to help your baby stay healthy; but a word of warning; point 5 above is very important indeed - but you will rarely hear about it from anyone within the conventional medical establishment, including the mainstream media.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Donanemab: Another Wonder Drug. So many heralded! But what happens to them?

Donanemab is the latest of a long list of so-called "Wonder Drug" to be announced by the mainstream media. This one, we are told, is "a turning point in the fight against dementia".

The entire media, and the dementia health charities, use the same wording. Donanemab is being hailed as a turning point in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. This follows a global trial, published in the health journal JAMA, that "confirms it slows cognitive decline" by 35%.

But behind this 'good news' are the usual caveats

  • It does not cure all dementias, only Alzheimer's disease.
  • It is not a cure, even for Alzheimer's - it is claimed only that it slows the progress of the disease.
  • It costs £20,000 per patient per year.
  • It works best when Alzheimer's is diagnosed early, much earlier than most people are diagnosed
  • It has not been approved by drug regulators yet.
  • The drug is known to have severe adverse reactions (mentioned in some, but not all news reports), including brain swelling; plus 3 people died as a result of dangerous swelling in the brain.
  • The drug is made by Eli Lilly; but we are not told who paid for the trials.

Do you remember the drug lecanemab. This made headlines around the world in December 2022, less than 8 months ago. I wrote about it here, "Alzheimers drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough in the treatment of dementia". What happened to it?

Lecanemab, was rejected by the European drug regulator over both safety concerns, and a lack of any firm evidence that the drug was effective for patients.

Do have a read! You will get a strong feeling of deja vu - with the same optimistic headlines are being repeated, time and time again. So how will Donanemab get on? Watch this page!

But it will probably do little better than the other so called "wonder drugs" that have been heralded during the last 50 years and more! I have written about this, here, in September 2019, in a blog entitled "New Pharmaceutical Drugs, New Medical Breakthroughs. New Wonder Drugs. New Miracle Treatments. No Benefits".

So these "good news" stories happen on a regular basis, and usually end up in the same way - failure. The stories raise people's hope that pharmaceutical medicine will eventually cure us of illness and disease. It has never done so yet. They bring hope, only for hope to be dashed, usually very quickly.

About 15 years ago, I wrote a blog entitled "the Ages of Conventional Medical Drugs", taking them through their usual journey of birth, childhood, adulthood, old age and death. It was first written in my E-Book, "The Failure of Conventional Medicine"

The only thing that has happened since then is that these stages now seem to pass very much more quickly than they used to!

Friday, 10 February 2023

Ignoring the main cause of disease: Cancer

"Together we will beat cancer"

This is the very successful, long-time slogan of Cancer Research UK, a charity that has been in operation for over 120 years, and just one of hundreds of health charities around the world. It's website says.

        "Cancer is relentless. But so are we. Whether you fundraise, pledge to leave a gift in your will or donate. Every part supports life-saving research. Play your part and together we will beat cancer.​"

And many millions of people have played their part - organising events, making donations, getting sponsored for swimming, walking running, cycling, et al. The charity has raised £trillions in this way. Their strategy, they say, is to focus on making discoveries, driving progress, and bringing hope to those affected by cancer.

So how successful has this strategy been?

The problem is that, despite all this charitable effort, by Cancer Research UK and others, is that cancer levels have continued to increase to epidemic levels, particularly during the last 100 years.

And in a recent report, Cancer Research UK has told us, clearly and unequivocally, that the cancer epidemic will continue to grow.

        "The number of people in the UK who will be diagnosed with cancer will increase by a third by 2040, according to new figures.

        "This will take the number of new cases every year to more than half a million, rising from 384,000 per year now to 506,000 in 2040.

The chief executive states that “today’s analysis provides a stark reminder of the challenges the NHS in England is set to face in years to come. Cancer patients are already facing unacceptably long waits for diagnosis and treatment, and staff in cancer services are working very hard”. 

The charities chief clinician stated that "the NHS risks being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new cancer diagnoses” unless the government takes action”.

So why have these charitable efforts to "beat cancer" been such a clear and obvious failure? My submission is that one of the main reasons for this failure is that one of the main causes of cancer is being totally ignored - pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.

Over time I have read many articles that outline "the causes of cancer", many describing the causes of cancer under the headings (i) toxins, (ii) infections, and (iii) biological factors. According to the medical research company American Medical Research, toxins are responsible for 70-75% of cases, infections about 20-25%, whilst genetics cause less that 5%.

Obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, air pollution, the ageing process, ultraviolet and ionising radiation, and viral and bacterial infection, are all regular mentioned.

Obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, air pollution, the ageing process, ultraviolet and ionising radiation, and viral and bacterial infections are all usually mentioned on these lists.

Yet when it comes to toxic chemicals, or carcinogens, pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are rarely mentioned. Iatrogenic causes of cancer, or anything concerned with conventional medicine, are ignored!

Yet there is ample evidence to identify iatrogenic causes, particularly pharmaceutical drugs, as a major cause of cancer? So if Cancer Research UK cannot accurately identify a major cause of cancer, how can they expect to overcome it, and find treatment that can successfully treat it? 

The evidence that implicates pharmaceutical drugs is overwhelming, and I have written about this in more detail here. The list of drugs known to cause cancer is a long one; and all the evidence is contained within conventional medical literature itself. So Cancer Research UK should be fully aware of the association between the following drugs and cancer. They are all widely prescribed by doctors, and have been for decades.

  • antidepressants,
  • antipsychotics,
  • benzodiazepines, and other hypnotic drugs,
  • amphetamines, and other stimulant drugs,
  • anticonvulsant drugs,
  • HRT (Hormone Replacement)
  • the Contraceptive Pill,
  • statins,
  • antibiotics,
  • proton pump inhibitors,
  • ACE inhibitors,
  • and many, many others, outlined here.

Cancer can also be caused by many other treatments provided by conventional medicine, including some creams, breast implants, X-ray and scanning technology.

There is strong circumstantial evidence too. Cancer has grown to epidemic levels, and continues to grow, and it does so alongside the massive growth in the consumption of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines over the last 100 years.

So why does Cancer Research UK ignore one of the main causes of cancer? Why do they never mention it? In fairness they are not the only charity that does not do so. Most other medical charities and patient support groups do likewise when they deal with the illness/disease on which they focus.

The problem is that Cancer Research UK, and most other medical charities and patient support groups, are now dominated and controlled by pharmaceutical interests.

And Big Pharma has no interest in pointing a finger at themselves. They do not want the safety of their drugs and vaccines assessed. They are happy to look at anything else; but everything else is probably a less significant cause of cancer.

There will be, and can be, no diminution in the incidence of cancer as long as there is no recognition of one of the main causes of cancer - for which there is an easy and obvious cure: avoid taking the pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines known to cause it!