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Friday 28 December 2018

ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS. More problems for these wonder drugs, on which conventional medicine depends so heavily

The reputation of conventional medicine depends largely on the success of antibiotic drugs during the last 70 years. I am old enough to remember them being described as 'wonder drugs', and that they were also 'completely safe'. It is the kind of rhetoric, and false promise, on which conventional medicine has based its apparent success.

I wrote about it back in 2012 that "Antibiotics. The failure of conventional medicine's wonder drug", and in 2013 that "Antibiotics - not such a wonder drug?"

The ongoing failure of antibiotics has been described as "an antibiotic apocalypse" - the drug is considered to be that important to the viability of conventional medicine. The problem with antibiotics, as presented in the mainstream media, has focused mainly on bacterial resistance. Doctors have few antibiotics that actually work now, and the lifespan of the remaining drugs is time-limited.

Yet, as I said back in 2015, "Antibiotics. Not as safe as we have been told", resistance is only one part of the problem. As the blog outlined, the drugs are, and always have been, harmful to patient health - more harmful than has ever been admitted.

Now there is further news about the harm they cause. It has come from MIMS in October 2018 which reported that the EMA, the European Drugs Agency, has said that the use of quinolone antibiotics should be restricted "owing to disabling and potentially long-lasting adverse effects reported with their use". This is what it said

              "The EMA's Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee made its recommendations following a review of serious adverse effects reported with the use of quinolone antibiotics given orally, parenterally or by inhalation. Such effects have been reported very rarely and mainly involve muscles, tendons and bones, and the nervous system."

As ever, with all dangerous pharmaceutical drugs, these antibiotics have NOT been withdrawn or banned. Instead, doctors have been asked to use them "with caution", and not to prescribe them for certain conditions.

  • Have you read about this, then? No! Well, not a surprise as the mainstream media has not bothered to mention it, as far as I can see. Clearly they don't think we should know about drugs that cause "disabling and potentially long-last adverse effects".
  • So is this the conventional medical establishment acting, in a timely way, to protect patients? Hardly, doctors have been prescribing quinolone antibiotics since the early 1960's, so they have been causing patient harm for over 50 years!
  • Perhaps, then, it is just that doctors haven't noticed (or haven't accepted, or haven't reported) that they cause patient harm. Well, this does not stand scrutiny either - serious side effects have been known about for a long time. "The FDA first added a Boxed Warning to fluoroquinolones in July 2008 for the increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture."
The reality is that all pharmaceutical drugs are harmful, and that the conventional medical establishment just does not give a damn! 

Conventional medicine reacts to patient harm only when it can no longer continue to deny that they are causing patient harm!

And then, routinely, through censorship, or perhaps sheer embarrassment, patients are not told that they have been taking drugs that may have harmed them!

This is just one more example that demonstrates that the future of medicine does NOT lay with pharmaceutical drugs. They are all proving to be largely ineffective. They are all, without exception, dangerous. And drug companies are not even pretending, these days, to suggest they have new drugs coming through the pipeline.

Conventional Medicine - RIP - Quickly please