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Friday, 10 March 2017

Pharmaceutical drugs cause illness and disease

I have called my new E-book, "DIE's. The Disease Inducing Effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs. It is now live, with new illnesses being added every week. I hope it will be a book that many readers of this blog will visit regularly. This blog concerns the writing of each section, and some of the things I have found.

1. The Nature of Side Effects
We are persuaded to take pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines on the basis that they will all have 'side effects'. The term has almost a benign effect! Perhaps they will give us a mild headache, a dry mouth, or perhaps some redness around the injection site of a vaccine. Nothing to worry about!

Yet there is plenty to worry about! "These so-called 'side effects' of pharmaceutical drugs are much more serious than the term implies. Even the term 'adverse drug effects' is not sufficient to describe the damage drugs can do to our health. No pharmaceutical drug or vaccine in safe, and most have proven to be harmful to both human and animal health."

This weeks task is 'Birth Defects'. It has taken me much longer than I had imagined! Indeed, I have not completed it at the time of writing, as there are so many drugs that cause damage to the foetus in the womb. And it is sometimes difficult to find the evidence of the harm they do. Lots of information on the benefits of a drug, not so much on the harm they cause!

2. There is no gain without pain
If a drug does not have a side effect, if it does not have an 'active ingredient' conventional medicine considers it to be useless. It will have no effect. Therefore, if we want to treat any illness or disease we have to go through the game of 'Russian Roulette' with drug side effects, and just hope we do not get the loaded cartridge!

**** Most alternative medical therapies do not have significant side effects, but most conventional doctors will not tell patients about treatment alternatives!

3. Weighing the 'Benefits' with the 'Risk'
We will often hear doctors telling us that a particular drug constitutes a 'risk', but that the benefits outweigh the risk involved. Who undertakes this risk analysis? It is done by the drug companies, and drug regulatory agencies who are under the direct control of the drug companies. And so the analysis is done on the basis of
               (a) hyping or exaggerating the benefits of the drug or vaccine, and
               (b) discounting the importance or seriousness of the side effect.

**** The resulting advice is to take the drug - the 'risk analysis', we are told, is that the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.

4. The Under-Reporting of DIEs, or side effects
It has been estimated, several times, in several different times, that only 10% of drug and vaccine side effects are ever reported to drug regulators. Were you aware that doctors have a responsibility to report any drug side effect we report to them? Usually they don't. They say that the side effect had nothing to do with the drug, or they just change the drug. Yet it should not be the doctor who decides on the link between a drug and a side effect. They should be routinely reported so that the drug regulator can decide whether this is an isolated link, or whether there are sufficient to warrant further investigation.

**** What this means is that every pharmaceutical drug is 10 times more dangerous the conventional medical establishment knows or accepts!

5. Informed Choice
When conventional medicine asks us to take a drug or vaccine we take them on the basis of trust. Our doctor would not ask us to take a dangerous drug, we would be informed of any 'side effect'! Surely? Well, actually, no. We are not usually told, not fully, not completely, not honestly. We are not told about them if the side effect is still disputed, if it has not been 'proven' by medical science. There is usually a long wait from the time a side effect is first noticed to when drug companies admit it, and acknowledge it in PILs - the patient information leaflets. They work on the basis that 'there is no evidence',  meaning there has been no RCT's (randomised controlled testing) done on the issue. Our reports are just dismissed as 'anecdotal'. There is no proven correlation between the drug and the illness or disease it causes!

**** When we are not told about the possibility of serious side effects, or DIEs, no patient can make an informed choice. We just

6. The Result - Disease
Yet the most amazing discoveries I have made writing 'DIEs' for the last few months concerns just how culpable pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are in causing almost any illness and disease. There are often other causes too, of course, but where there is an illness or disease there are usually several prescription drugs that are known to cause the illness. On most pages I have provided this description.

               "Do you suffer from (disease name)? What caused it? Is it just chance, or bad luck? Pharmaceutical drug and vaccine 'side effects' are actually illnesses and serious disease. Could this be the cause?

**** Yet most people would not believe that they have become ill, often seriously ill, as a result of the drugs their doctor have prescribed to them over the years.

7. The 'new' disease is worse!
When a pharmaceutical drug is taken to treat an illness, the disease the drug causes as a 'side effect' is usually far worse, more serious than the original illness. Soon, we discover we are in a downward spiral - ill, more illness, more serious illness - more drugs to treat the illnesses, more side effects, and more illness.

**** It is not an ageing population that is putting conventional health services under severe strain. It is not bad management of resources that is bankrupting national health services. It is the reliance we have placed on conventional, drug-based medicine that have made us increasingly sick.

8. What to look for
So what diseases should we be particularly aware are caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines? Well, every disease really. The website already covers articles ranging from from Allergy to Violence, from a lack of libido to dementia, from depression to cancer. But in particular these tell-tale signs are indications that drugs could be the cause of the disease!

**** Illnesses where conventional medicine says there is 'no known cause'.

**** Illnesses where, instead of a cause being given, there is a description of what is happening to the body; such descriptions are not what causes the body to behave in this way.

**** Diseases described as a 'syndrome'.

**** Diseases that were unknown prior to about 1950, when taking drugs became more widespread, and often supported by government-backed national health service schemes.

**** Diseases that have always been with us, but which we now experience at unprecedented and epidemic levels.

8. Abstinence. A cure for lots of illness and disease!
Good diet, and exercise is good general advice for staying well, and disease free. But there is another essential rule to maintaining good health through into older age.

Abstain from taking ANY pharmaceutical drug or vaccine!

And instead look for safer, more effective medical therapies to use when you feel unwell.