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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Aspirin and the Media (BBC News)

Once again this morning (6th August 2014) I awoke to more ‘good news’ from the conventional medical establishment, forwarded by their most trusted supporter - BBC News! We were all told that another study (no doubt funded by Big Pharma) has shown that regular Aspirin was good for our health!

This blog has regularly reported on the Media’s failure to inform the public (their readers, listeners, viewers) of the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. Yet whilst most media is dependent on advertising revenues (of which Big Pharma, and related industries are a major source), and so unlikely to ‘bite the hand’ of their main supporter), the BBC is a public broadcaster, funded by the licence payers. It should not be beholden to the drug companies in the way it seems to be. It should be able to provide us with news that does not focus on ‘good news’ and ignores ‘bad’ news. 

BBC News should be providing the public with a balanced and unbiased view on health issues - but is routinely failing to do so.

The BBC does know that Aspirin is not the ‘wonder drug’ that it so often tells us it is. In the past they have published articles stating the problems associated with Aspirin, and indeed other painkillers.

Even as recently as June this year the BBC published this article.

Yet the BBC does not focus on these problems. And when they do discuss them they go to the only people they consider to be ‘experts’ - conventional medical practitioners - the people who are giving us pharmaceutical drugs and so cannot be expected to question their use, or their value.

Instead, the BBC parrots, usually without question, the ‘good news’ about Aspirin. This morning the feature did mention gasto-intestinal bleeding (but does not mention that this can cause death) - but this is not the only major problem that Aspirin, and other similar NSAID painkillers represent to our health.

If the BBC were aware, or if they were prepared to feature anything about conventional health which was not ‘good’ news, they might be discussing the major problem that painkilling drugs now present to the conventional medical establishment. Doctors are fully aware that they are rapidly losing their battle against pain, as all their painkillers are now deeply implicated in causing serious disease, dependency and death. Painkillers are known to be extremely harmful to our health. What is more, if the BBC is not aware of this, are doctors are! Our doctors are debating this very the problem amongst themselves, although not, of course, with patients!

But as with the failure of Antibiotic drugs, the failure of Painkilling drugs is not being debated my our media, and certainly not by the BBC!

Patients are being left in the dark. The government does not inform us because of Big Pharma investment in our economy. The NHS does not inform us because they are dominated by Big Pharma, and Big Pharma interests. Our doctors do not inform us because they would be castigated and probably struck off if they dared break ranks.

Our mainstream media does not tell us because they are dependent on their advertisers.

BBC News does not tell us because ………??

Ebola Virus. It is not an untreatable disease!

Ebola Haemorraghagic Virus (or Fever) is in the news, and the news is frightening everyone. Ebola is, of course, an untreatable disease.

But wait, let us step back and try to define what an 'untreatable disease' really is! It is a disease for which the conventional medical establishment has no treatment.

So actually, this does not mean that it is a disease for which there is no treatment.

GreenMedInfo has recently published an article that says that natural treatment are available, although, of course, they are not treatments that the conventional medical establishment would ever consider using! As with most such diseases, for which they admit there is no treatment, they would rather patients die than admit that such treatments exist! So what are these treatments, according to GreenMedInfo?

"Coffee, fermented soy, homeopathic spider venom and vitamin C, may all hold promise as anti-Ebola virus therapies, despite the common belief that nothing can stop this lethal virus from spreading uncontrollably worldwide".

I am aware that 'homeopathic spider venom' has been suggested as a potential treatment, although I am not aware of anyone actually using it (I admit however this might be entirely down to my ignorance). The remedy to which the article refers is probably Crotulus Horridus, a remedy made from the venom of the rattlesnake. It is known to be a remedy useful in conditions which have bleeding, or haemorrhagic tendencies. Click here to see the research that has been undertaken on this remedy in the treatment of Ebola.

But I am also aware of much discussion going on at the moment within the homeopathic world about the treatment of this 'new' killer disease. One homeopath has undertaken an extremely valuable, and quite exhaustive repertorisation of the known symptoms of Ebola, and she has come up with another remedy, Cinchona Offiicinalis. Looking at the known symptoms of both Cinchona and Crotulus, they could both be useful in the treatment of the disease.
  • So, if the conventional medical establishment has no treatment for Ebola, can the homeopathic community expect a knock on its door, in the near future, asking for assistance? 
  • Will the Media, in search of anything that can avoid the dreadful scenario they are painting, be interested in publicising this possible treatment?
I regret to say that this is unlikely! The talk in the media is about developing new pharmacological drugs, at the cost of many £millions, drugs unlikely to be tested, or ready for use for many years. Not much good for patients! So they are also talking a using an untried and untested Big Pharma drug. Yet with the record of harm caused by Big Pharma drugs that have been tested, the harm that is likely to be caused by an untested drug musts be immense!

By comparison, using two well known homeopathic remedies might seem to represent common-sense. They are well-known, and well-used remedies that require nothing whatsoever to develop! And because they would be given to patients in homeopathic potency, they would be entirely safe! Surely, a no-brainer?

But the conventional medical establishment cannot, and will not admit that a disease for which they have absolutely no answer might respond to a simple homeopathic remedy!

They already take this stance with a large number serious (and for them 'untreatable') diseases such as Rabies, Arthritis and Dementia -so why should they do so with Ebola? Big Pharma is not in the business of being shown up - by a safer, more effective, and less expensive medical therapy!

So, the answer for anyone who is suffering from an 'untreatable' disease is not to rely on conventional doctors, or conventional drug-based medicine - it is to consult with a homeopath. Nothing is, or can be guaranteed - but it has to make sense!