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Monday 10 February 2014

Allergies? Why Homeopathy is better than ConMed

Allergies are now very common, indeed, they are at epidemic levels, levels never known before, and one of the major causes of this epidemic are conventional drugs and vaccines.

There are many substances known to trigger allergic reactions. These are called allergens, and include such everyday things as house dust mites, pollen, cat and dog fur, bee and wasp stings, feathers and a variety of foods.

Some of the most important allergic condition are AsthmaEczema and Hay Fever. All these conditions have been linked to conventional medical drugs and vaccines.

At its most extreme, allergies can cause Anaphylaxic Shock, which can be very dangerous indeed.

Conventional Medical Treatment of Allergies

NHS Choices says that “the best way to prevent an allergic reaction is to avoid the allergen that causes it”. Of course, this is not really prevention, as by this time the individual already has an allergy to the allergen! And as NHS Choices goes on to admit, this in itself is not easy, as allergens are usually common within the environment in which we all live. The advice given is also difficult, involving redesigning, refurbishing and redesigning your home, changing your diet, and banishing pets!

NHS Choices admits that “medication can't cure your allergy” but only “the common symptoms of an allergy, such as a runny nose, itchy mouth and sneezing”. The drugs used by conventional medicine include:

Antihistamines which Antihistamines treat allergies by “blocking the action of the chemical histamine, which the body releases when it thinks it is under attack from an allergen”.
Decongestants which aim to relieve a blocked noses caused by hay fever, a dust allergy, or a pet allergy - but with the warning “they should not be used long-term”.
Leukotriene receptor antagonists block the effects of ‘leukotrienes’, the chemicals released during an allergic reaction that cause swelling of airways, and are used to treat asthma when other treatments have failed.
CorticoSteroid sprays which act on the nasal lining and airways to suppress inflammation, particularly nasal congestion.
Another treatment mentioned by NHS Choices is Hyposensitisation or Immunotherapy. This works by “gradually introducing more and more of the allergen into your body to make it less sensitive to it”
But this, of course, in Homeopathy! In other words, it is a therapy that ‘cures like with like’. The conventional medical establishment, however, refuses to admit this!

There is no need for Homeopathy to ‘prevent’ Allergies, except perhaps to recommend that drugs and vaccines that cause allergy, and have to a large extent given rise to the Allergy epidemic, are avoided.

Homeopathic treatment for allergies is different to the conventional approach. It is not based on ‘avoiding’ allergens, but getting the body to react normally to them. Whilst any allergy treatment has to be individualised, and so requires the advice of a qualified Homeopath, in this scientific paper that looked at the clinical research in the homeopathic treatment of Allergies, the following remedies were highlighted:
  1. *For preventive treatments in hay fever patients, Arsenicum Album was the most effective remedy, followed by Nux vomica, Pulsatilla pratensis, Gelsemium, Sarsaparilla, Silicea and Natrum muriaticum. 
  2. *For Asthma patients, Arsenicum iodatum appeared most effective, followed by Lachesis, Calcarea Arsenicosa, Carbo Veg and Silicea. 
  3. *And for eczema and urticaria, Mezereum was most effective, followed by Lycopodium, Sepia, Arsenicum iodatus, Calcarea Carbonica and Psorinum.

Many Homeopaths will use remedies based upon the allergen from which the patient suffers, given these in homeopathic potency, and then, as in Hyposensitisation, or Immunotherapy, begin given the allergen in tiny, but increasing doses to the patient until tolerance is achieved. By not using injections, and eginning the process with high dilutions of the allergen, the process is both safer, and more effective.

Randomised Controlled Tests (RCTs)

Dana Ullman, a leading American Homeopath, has written this interesting and useful guide to scientific research into the homeopathic treatment of Allergy. The article contains full references to all the studies he mentions.

This paper looks at the clinical research into allergic conditions treated with homeopathy, including a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCT) for hay fever with positive conclusions, and two positive RCTs in Asthma. It also looks at cohort surveys that have shown improvement in asthma in children, and general allergic conditions and skin diseases. It also looked at some economic surveys that have shown positive results in eczema, allergy, seasonal allergic rhinitis, asthma, food allergy, and chronic allergic rhinitis, outlining some of the homeopathic remedies found to be useful in the treatment of hay fever, asthma, eczema and urticaria.

It is not surprising, then, that Homeopaths have been treating Allergies, safely and effectively, for many decades now.