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Friday, 28 February 2014

Militant Skepticism and the Homeopathy Denialists

This is an old Persian story - which seems to sum up the position of Homeopathy denialists!

"A man who had always lived in the city visited a farm and saw some chicken roosting and resting on one leg as they do.

"Based on his observation he reported to his older and wiser friend that chickens have only one leg!

"His friend could not change this man's observation no matter how hard he tried and how many photographs of birds and chickens all having two legs!

"He formed a group of prominent people who all confirmed that Chicken have only 1 leg!

This appears to be the way that Homeopathy Denialists function. They regularly attack these blogs. They believe that homeopathy does not work, that there is no evidence that homeopathy works, and that it is nothing more than placebo.

  • Every person who was sick but has been treated successfully with homeopathy is an 'anecdote'.
  • The many millions of former patients who can testify for the effectiveness of homeopathy are still just 'anecdotes'.
  • Evidence produced by scientific research is not acknowledged by them: it is either ignored altogether or is 'not of sufficient quality'.
What is the best way to deal with people whose beliefs and prejudices appear to overcome what everyone can see? 

Ignore them! Allow them to continue to believe that chickens have just one leg, and continue healing illness and disease, and curing patients through Homeopathy.

Recently, I have been blogging a lot from the "Why Homeopathy?" website, which seeks to examine and compare the homeopathic and conventional treatment of a variety of illnesses and diseases. In all of them conventional medicine either has nothing to offer (and admits it on the NHS Choices website), or offers drugs which can known to cause the most serious adverse reactions, or DIEs. Homeopathy offers gentle, safe and effective remedies, and in most of the illnesses covered, there is is scientific research to support it.

What is the militant skeptic response to these articles. Have a look at these typical examples, all sent to me via Twitter over recent weeks.

"Why Homeopathy is best treatment for Asthma"
It isn't, you complete charlatan.
Dangerous bullshit
Dangerous bollocks
Complete and utter twaddle
You dishonest charlatan
That fuckwit is currently advocating sugar pills for painful female problems which sometimes indicate serious conditions.
The public has a right to know... that you are a dangerous delusional fuckwit who smears opponents.
There's no homeopathic treatment for tetanus. Dangerously stupid and irresponsible.

So who do we have to thank for these insightful comments? Nat (@SecuLawyer); Enoch (@FruitOfNoah); Dragonblaze (who states that Homeopathy is 'faith based'); Vix (@lillal23); Anarchic Teapot; Paul Morgan; Secular Bloke, and many others.

You can see from the quality and the rationale of these comments that these are just the kind of people who, once they believe that a chicken has one leg, will continue to believe that chickens have just one leg.

But don't dismiss these people entirely, even though they produce no evidence to support their prejudices, even though their language is deplorable, even though they are clearly full of bile. There are some Homeopathy Denialists amongst theme who should know better. One of these is Edzard Ernst. Wikipedia describes him as follows:

"…. an academic physician and researcher specializing in the study of complementary and alternative medicine. He was appointed Professor of Complementary Medicine at the University of Exeter, the first such academic position in the world.

Perhaps we might expect something rather more edifying from him. I will be outlining some of his Twitter statements in a future blog, and unfortunately they are little better in terms of evidence and reason than his colleagues quoted above. Ernst, too, it would seem, is the kind of person who cannot be persuaded that chickens have two legs!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Tonsillitis. Why Homeopathy is a safer and more effective treatment

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils in the throat. It is a common infection in children, although it can also affect adults too. The symptoms include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, high temperature, coughing, which can  be painful, headache. nausea, and swollen neck glands. 

Conventional Medical Treatment

As the NHS Choices website openly admits, there is no “specific” treatment for tonsillitis. Instead, it recommends several things that can be done to help alleviate symptoms, such as:
         * paracetamol or ibuprofen / Nurofen to help relieve pain - with all the usual warnings about the harm they can cause, of course
          * plenty of bed rest, and drinking plenty of fluids
          * antibiotics if the cause is a bacterial infection, although it rarely is

NHS Choices goes on to say that most cases of tonsillitis get better within a week. “A small number of children and adults have tonsillitis for a long time or it keeps coming back. This is known as chronic tonsillitis and may require treatment with surgery”.

So conventional medicine can, on their own admission, offer little effective treatment for tonsillitis. And when the condition becomes chronic it can offer only the surgical removal of the tonsils. And this operation has, in recent decades, been found to be damaging to our longer-term health (however, there is no mention of this in the NHS Choices website).

Perhaps this is why, for many decades, conventional medicine appears to have considered the tonsils to be an unnecessary, even useless organ! Through most of the 20th century, tonsils were removed, almost routinely, by surgeons. Indeed, it is widely admitted that the purpose of the tonsils was largely unknown. Only since the 1960’s was it gradually understood that the tonsils played an important role in our body’s immune function. The absence of tonsils is now even thought to have contributed to the outbreaks of Poliomyelitis. Now, our tonsils are known to be part of our first line of defence against pathogens - they are an integral part of our immune system. 

               “Tonsils are filled with lymphocytes which detect harmful intruders and fight off infections. When danger is discovered, the tonsils swell with these guardian cells to ward off the invaders, a process which often causes a sore throat."

So, inflamed tonsils did not indicate dysfunction, as conventional medicine appears to believe, but are organs that are importantly, and actively involved in protecting us. Despite this, conventional medicine continues to be prepared to remove them.

The Homeopathic Treatment of Tonsillitis

Homeopathy offers many remedies that are known to treat tonsillitis successfully, even where the condition has become chronic - with repeated and painful episodes. The main aim of homeopathic treatment is to avoid surgery, and the damage that this can do to our immune system. A good description of the many homeopathic remedies known to treat Tonsilitis is given on the Similima website (click here), from which these remedy pictures are taken.

BELLADONNA - congested’ red, hot face and skin, ‘Strawberry’  tongue, right side is worse

ARS-IOD - Scrofulous affections. Tonsils swollen, burning, Persistently irritating, corrosive  discharges, Breath fetid and glandular involvement

CAPSICUM -Tonsillitis, burning and smarting sensation as from cayenne pepper, not better by heat, Constriction of throat. Intense soreness, Inflamed, dark red, swollen

CANTHARIS - Inflammation of throat with severe burning and rawness, Great constriction of throat and larynx, with suffocation on any attempt to swallow water

FERR PHOS – Chronic enlarged hyperaemic tonsils, smooth swelling. Right sided. The typical Ferr Phos subject is nervous, sensitive, anaemic with the false plethora and easy flushing. Prostration marked. Worse Night, 4-6pm, touch, jarring, motion. Better for cold applications

KALI-IOD - Suited to pale, delicate, subjects with glandular swellings. Extreme sensitiveness of parts affected. Nocturnal aggravation. Discharges are ichorous, corrosive and green

LACHESIS - Left tonsils affected, tendency to go to right. Throat purplish. Sense of constriction, as if something was swollen which must be swallowed. External throat extremely sensitive to touch
Liquids more painful. Pain radiates to ear. Better hot drinks. Worse after sleep

LAC CANINUM - Begins on left side, changing from side to side every few hours or days. Sensitive to touch externally. Constant inclination to swallow, painful almost impossible. Pain extends to ears
Sore throat and cough are apt to begin and end with menses. Probably no remedy presents a more valuable pathogenesis in symptoms of the throat

LYCOPODIUM - Chronic enlargement of tonsils, which are covered with small ulcers. Affects right side, right to left. Children weak, emaciated, with well developed head, but puny, sickly bodies. Worse 4-8 pm, cold drinks. Better for warm drinks

MERCURIUS - More advanced stage, when pus has formed, great swelling, whole fauces deep red
tonsils darker than any other parts, ulcers form. Profuse sweating without relief. Profuse salivation, breath offensive. Tongue large flabby with imprint of teeth. Moist tongue with thirst. Worse at night, damp, cold rainy weather

MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS - Right  sided. Throat affections with greatly swollen glands. Tongue  coated thickly yellow at the base. Constant inclination to swallow. Better for cold drinks

MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER - Left sided with  marked glandular swelling. Parenchymatous tonsillitis. Will often abort peri-tonsillitis if given frequently

BARYA CARB - Suppurating tonsils from every cold, stitching and smarting pain, worse for empty swallowing. Can swallow only liquids. Tonsils inflamed with swollen veins.

HEP.SULPH - Sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat. Quinsy with impending suppuration.

ECHINACEA - Tonsils purple or black, grey exudation extending to post.nares and air passages.
Eucalyptus, Tonsils enlarged, ulcerated and throat inflamed

NITRIC ACID - Suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark  complexions, black hair and eyes. Catches cold easily. Sensation of splinter in throat, worse from touch. Extreme fetidity and corrosiveness of all discharges. Chilly, loves salt and fat. Depressed and anxious. Worse, evening and night, cold climate. Better riding in car.

KALI MUR - Valuable remedy in a/c or c/c tonsillitis with much swelling. Almost a specific in follicular tonsillitis. Throat has a gray look, spotted with white

NAT MUR - Especially for the anaemic and cachetic. Great emaciation, losing flesh while eating well
Great liability to take cold. Craving for salt, aversion to bread. Consolation aggravates. Worse in heat of sun, by sea shore. Better in open air, cold bathing

NUX VOMICA - Patient Is irritable and oversensitive to external impression. Coryza dry at night, fluent by day, worse warm room, better cold air. Easily chilled, avoids open air. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool. Worse morning, cold air, damp wet weather 

IODUM - Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, dark complexioned with enlarged lymphatic glands
Great emaciation, ravernous appetite. Acute exacerbation of c/c inflammation. Hot patients, worse in warm room, better walking in open air

PHOSPHOROUS - Adapted to tall slender persons of sanguine temperament. Great susceptibility to external impression. Thirst for very cold water. Burning sensation in throat. Hoarseness and aphonia, worse evening. Worse lying on left side. Worse evening, thunder storm, from warm into cold air

PHYTOLACCA - Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. Right sided tonsillitis, dark red colour, uvula large dropsical, almost translucent. Burning as from a coal, of fire or red hot iron, dryness. Sensation of lump in the throat. Pain shoots from throat into ears on swallowing. Quinsy. Worse hot drinks

PSORINUM - Especially adapted to psoric constitution. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fails to relieve or permanently improve. Great sensitiveness to cold. Tonsils greatly swollen, difficult painful swallowing. Profuse offensive saliva. Tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually. Eradicates tendency to quinsy. Worse for change of weather. Better for heat

PULSATILLA - Mild, gentle, yielding disposition. Symptoms ever changing. Discharges are thick, bland and yellowish green. Aversion to fatty, warm food and drinks. Thirstlessness with dry mouth.
Desires open air. Worse for warm close room, in the evening. Better open air, cold air and room

SANGUNARIA - Right sided tonsillitis. Burning sensation. Circumscribed red cheeks
Tongue white, feels scalded. Quinsy

SEPIA - Left side inflamed, much swelling with little redness. Sensation of lump in throat. Waked with sensation  as if had swallowed something which has struck in the throat. Contraction of throat when swallowing. Sepia is chilly, indifferent. White or gray coating at the base of tongue. Intolerant to cold and closed places

SILICEA - Cold, chilly, hugs the fire. Wants plenty of warm clothing, hates drafts, hands and feel cold, worse in winter. Scrofulous rachitic children, much sweating about the head. Ailments, caused by suppressed foot sweat. Periodical quinsy, pricking as of a pin in tonsil. Colds settle in throat. Bad effects of vaccination

SOLANUM-NIGRUM - Throat sore as if burnt, stitches in right side of throat. Raw sensation, painful swallowing, solids or liquids, worse on swallowing, at times stitches shooting to drum of right ear. Left tonsils swollen. Feeling as if splinter in right tonsil.

SULPHUR - When carefully selected remedies fail to produce a favourable effect, especially in acute cases. Chronic  sore throat. Burning and dryness in throat. Complaints that are continually relapsing. Scrofulous, psoric, chronic diseases  that result from suppressed eruption. For lean, stoop shouldered persons, standing is the worst position. Children dislike washing. Worse when standing, and for warmth of bed

TUBERCULINUM - Tubercular diathesis, tall, slim, flat, narrow chest. Active and precocious mentally, weak physically. When symptoms are constantly changing and well selected remedies fails to improve. Patient takes cold from the slightest exposure. Emaciation rapid and pronounced. Enlarged tonsil. Aversion to meat

THUJA - Swelling of tonsils and throat. Accumulation of a large quantity of tenacious mucus in mouth. Throat feels raw, dry, as from a plug, or as if it were constricted  when swallowing. Ill effects of vaccination. Sweat only on uncovered  parts or all over except head, stops when he wakes. Profuse sour smelling fetid at night. Worse in cold damp air, at night, 3am and 3pm

GELSEMIUM - Painful spot deep in tonsil, hurting out of proportion on swallowing, Red, inflamed throat, pain streaking to ear, rapid progress.

GUAIACUM - One of the most useful remedies at the commencement of an attack, especially of catarrhal tonsillitis. The characteristics are violent burning, headache, throat hot, chill and aching in back and limbs; abscesses form quickly. In the 1x frequently repeated it will often abort. 

RAPHANUS - Heat and burning in throat, at times, chiefly in tonsils, with lancinations. Swelling, redness and pain in tonsils, as if raw. 

STAPHISAGRIA- Tonsillitis, on swallowing a stitch runs up from throat into ear. Both tonsils inflamed and swollen. 

SABADILLA - It is useful when the  disease begins on the left side and extends to the right. The pain is worse from empty swallowing and is relieved by warm drinks. Sometimes there is a sensation as of a thread or string in the  throat or else,  a sense of constriction

COLCHICUM - Tonsils inflamed and swollen, here and there spots covered with pus; difficult swallowing; Throat dry, with flow of watery saliva; nausea and discomfort 

CUPRUM MET - Tonsils, palate and fauces red and inflamed; dull, piercing pain in left tonsils. Worse from external touch 

DROSERA - Dry, but not shining, mucous membrane. Muscles of pharynx swollen. Deglutition painful; incessant cough, sometimes ending in vomiting. Colour of throat of a dark coppery red. 

ELAPS CORALUM - Tonsils swollen so that no passage is visible, deglutition impossible, throat sensitive to touch 

MANCINELLA - Great swelling and suppuration of tonsils, with danger of suffocation; whistling breathing. Yellowish-white ulcers on tonsils, with violent burning pain; great elongation of uvula; offensive breath. 

PETROLEUM - Angina granulosa, with stitches in ears during swallowing and burning in neck; slimy, flat or putrid taste in mouth, with mucous secretions or dry sore throat. 

PLUMBUM MET - Tonsils inflamed, covered with small, painful abscesses. Angina granulosa, going from left to right; fluids can be swallowed, but solid food comes back into the mouth 

RANUNCULUS - Swelling of tonsils, with shooting stitches in them; scraping or burning in throat 

SINAPIS NIGRA - Sore, hot pains, with sensation of extreme dryness of throat and tongue, Tongue thickly coated, fissured in median line; voice nasal; hardly any thirst.

SANGUINARIA - Rough, dry constricted, burning. Right tonsil sore. Swallowing difficult. 

TEPLITZ - Pain in throat without redness, on swallowing. Swelling of uvula and tonsils with difficulty in swallowing. Swelling of cervical glands. 

USTILAGO - Frequent attack of tonsillitis. Tonsils are congested and enlarged. The left tonsils is esp. affected. It looks large and dusky. There is intense pain on swallowing, lancinating pain extents from the tonsils to ear. The throat is dry and there is feeling of lump, behind the larynx which make the swallow constantly.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Headache, Migraine and Homeopathic Treatment

Migraine is a disorder marked by extremely painful and recurring headache, often alongside nausea and vomiting. Migraine attacks can be a frequent, almost daily event, or an occasional problem. There is often a trigger that brings on a migraine, such as stress, hormonal changes, or with certain foods and drinks, including cheese, chocolate, alcohol, and much else. Some people experience an ‘aura’ that precede the head pain, and the sufferer may also experience flashing lights, loss of vision, dizziness, and numbness. Migraines vary in intensity, from moderate to severe to intolerable. Any physical movement can be difficult.


The NHS Choices website offers the following on the treatment of migraine, probably reflecting most peoples experience of treating migraine with conventional drugs:

“There is currently no cure for migraines”

It goes on to outline the treatment conventional medicine offers to the migraine sufferer.

    Painkillers, like paracetamol and aspirin, pointing out some (but by no means all) the known problems with taking these drugs, and also pointing out that for some people they can make migraines worse. Moreover, whilst they may dull the pain, on a temporary basis, they do nothing to cure the condition itself

    Triptan Drugs, often sold over-the-counter, like Sumatriptan. These drugs carry with them a long and detailed list of serious adverse reactions, and a longer list of lesser side effects, which should be checked before you decide to take them

    Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, like Ibuprofen (Nurofen?)Diclofenac, Naproxin and Tolfenamic Acid - and again this suggestion comes with warnings, and contraindications about the dangers of these drugs. 

    Anti-Sickness Drugs (these drugs are not named and any adverse reactions to these drugs are not mentioned).

    Combination Medicines (described as a combination of painkillers and anti-sickness drugs).

    Migraine Clinics.

Pregnant women are told by NHS Choices to limit all treatment, no doubt because of the harmful DIEs of these drugs.

There are literally hundreds of homeopathic remedies that can be used in the treatment of headaches and migraines, and a qualified and registered homeopath will seek to match the sufferer with a remedy that will work for the individual. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms. The following are just a few relevant remedy descriptions taken from “The Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology” by Roger Morrison, MD.

Nat Mur. The main remedy for migraines and headaches in general. Bursting pain. Sensation of small hammer in one spot. Vise. Favours right side. As headache stops on one side it comes on the opposite side. Worse morning, on waking; from grief; in sun, heat, during menses. Better cold applications, perspiration, for pressure, closing eyes; must lie down in dark room. Visual disturbances and vomiting from headache.

Belladonna. Excellent remedy for both acute and chronic headaches and migraines. Intense pain, throbbing, exploding, maddening; pressing outward sensation ‘as if eyes will pop’; pain comes and go suddenly, or start slowly and end suddenly. Right sided. Worse night, going down steps, coughing, sneezing, shaking head, motion; light, sun, heat. Better lying in dark, quiet room, cold applications, closing eyes; hard external pressure, sitting up in bed. Bounding pulse in head; sharp pain with each throb. Vomiting with headache; eyes bloodshot; hands and feet icy.

Sanguinaria. Congestive migraine headaches.Right side starts should or neck radiates to right forehead, eye. Throbbing, burning.. Worse: daytime, light, noise, odours, jarring, Better: for sleep, after vomiting, passing wind; pressing head against something hard. Vomiting with headaches. With indigestion, burning in stomach. Flushed face.

Iris Versicolor. Classic migraine. Begins with visual aura and ends with vomiting. Spots before eyes, shimmering, blurry vision. Weekly, especially at weekends.Right sided. Worse in cold air, sitting or resting; relaxing after study, for cough. Better; in open air, standing, walking, constant gnetle motion. Blindness or blurry vision with headache.

Spigella. Severe migraine headache. Left forehead above left eye. Pain extends back into head. Stitching or neuralgic pain. Violent pain. Usually in one spot. Worse, morning, comes and goes with sun; for motion, jarring; for cough, pressing at stool, for touch, stooping, standing; for cold or open air; for wind, smoke, noise. Better for heat or hot bathing; keeping eyes closed; lying down, with head elevated. Headache associated with palpitations or other heart problems.

Bryonia. Chronic migraine headache, acute fevers. Pain beings over left eye, extends to whole head, sometimes to shoulders and back. Dull heavy pains, stitching pains. Increases slowly with heaviness congestion, fullness. Worse: morning on rising, slightest motion, jarring, for cough, exertion, for ascending steps; when constipated; for heat, sun, eating, for walking. Better for pressure, lying on painful side; in dark; washing in cold water; for cool air. Nausea or vertigo on attempting to sit up.

Lachesis. Congestive headache with pulsation, fullness and pressing outward. Left side or forehead; begins on left side,  moves to right. Frontal headache extending to nose. Bursting sensation, as if brain will burst or eyes will pop out. Worse morning on waking; heat; sleep; tight collars; anger; excitement; menses. Better for pressure, cold air and cold applications; for menstruation, and all discharges; for vomiting. Headache associated with hypertension.

Sepia.Headaches associated with nausea; sick headache; periodic coming in waves or sometimes sudden shocks. Left forehead and above left eye. Worse, for menses, pregnancy, menopause; for light, mental exhaustion, stuffy room, motion sickness. Better for open air, vomiting, eating, sleeping; lying in dark; vigorous exertion; for pressure. Empty sensation in stomach during headache.

Glonoinum. Intense pounding headache as if the head would burst. Face flushed and pulse bounds in carotids. Pain increases and decreases with the sun’s rise and fall. Worse, sun and heat. Menopause or before menses; jarring, motion, tight collars. Better for pressure, lying in dark room, cold applications or cold washing; bending head forward; betting into shade. Faintness during congestive headache.

Calc Carb. Chronic headaches and migraines from stress and over-worry. Worse for cold, damp; getting head wet; mental exertion; for light, menses, exertion, ascending, lifting heavy weights, shaking head, stooping. Better for pressure or binding the head

Gelsenium. Severe and exhausting headache. Heaviness in head, especially in forehead, with droopy eyelids; can scarcely hold head erect or eyes open. Headache alternating with abdominal pains.. Hammering in head; maddening headache; dull, stupid headache. Worse 10am, 2am; for wine; lying flat; motion of head; exertion; mental exertion. Better, for urination, for vomiting; lying or reclining with head elevated. Pupils dilated, cold feet and cold perspiration during headache. Weakness, prostration and trembling during headache.

Phosphorus. Migraine headaches with burning or pulsing pains. Headache every other day. Worse for fasting, lying on left side; for hot food or drinks; menses, light, mental exertion, before storms, sneezing, motion. Better after sleeping, eating running; for cold air or cold applications. Markedly hungry during headache.

Silica. Chronic headache and migraines. Start top of head and extends for forehead or eye. Headache with chronic sinusitis above root of nose. Worse for cold, or drafts; for light, jarring, noise, fasting, exertion, mental exertion. Continuous daily headache. Better for covering head; warm applications, for pressure, after urination. Clammy sweat on forehead during headache.

Ignatia. Migraine headaches, especially after grief and sorrow. Headache associated with back or neck spasms. Pains increase gradually and cease suddenly. Pain as if from nail, especially on side of head. Worse for emotions, grief, anger, fright; studying or concentration; for odours, smoke and fumes; for light; for stooping; for straining at stool. Better for lying on painful side; for alcohol, for warm applications. Empty sensation in stomach with headache.

Ipecacuanha. Headache with severe nausea and vomiting. Sensation as if  head or skull brised. Worse standing. Better Open air.

Kali Bich. Blindness before headache. Sight returns as headache increases. Headache in small specific spots. Wandering pain. Worse, exactly same hour each day. Lying on painful side; cold wet weather; with sinusitis.

Mag Phos. Migraines and facial neuralgia, often on right side. Headache extending into face. Worse, cold. Better, hard pressure.


Homeopathic Treatment of Migraine in Children: Results of a Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. February 2013, 19(2): 119-123. doi:10.1089/acm.2011.0821.

Conclusion. “The results of this study demonstrate the interest of homeopathic medicines for the prevention and treatment of migraine attacks in children. A significant decrease in the frequency, severity, and duration of migraine attacks was observed and, consequently, reduced absenteeism from school”.

Straumsheim P, Borchgrevink C, Mowinckel P, Kierulf H, Hafslund O
British Homeopathic Journal, 89:4–7. 2000

“The neurologists' trial evaluation showed a statistically significant reduction in attack frequency in the homeopathy group (P= 0.04) and non-statistically significant trends in favour of homeopathy for pain intensity and overall evaluation”.

Whitmarsh TE, Coleston-Shields DM, Steiner TJ
Cephalalgia,17:600–604. 1997

Brigo B, Serpelloni G .
Berlin Journal on Research in Homeopathy, 1:98–106. 1991

“An analysis of the homoeopathically-treated patients demonstrates a significant reduction in the periodicity, frequency, and duration of migraine attacks”. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Measles. Why risk the MMR vaccine? Use Homeopathy

Measles is a childhood disease that was once a major killer. It is no longer. But it still continues to cause concern for parents as the conventional medical establishment continues to insist that it is. So, parents have to make a decision about injecting their child with the MMR vaccine when aged about 15 months. This page seeks to provide information for parents regarding that decision.

Conventional Medical Treatment of Measles

Conventional prevention of measles is through the MMR vaccine, The NHS Choices webpage describes the vaccine, and when it is given to children; but it does not provide any information about the adverse reactions known to be caused by the MMR vaccine. 

Parents do not appear to be told about these adverse reactions by conventional doctors, and therefore, parents have to do their own research in order to decide whether they are being entirely honest about the dangers of this vaccine.

The NHS Choices website states that “there is no specific treatment for measles”. Advice is to rest, and to use painkilling drugs, like Paracetamol or Ibruprofen. It also suggests other routine care advice, plus the suggestion to use vitamin A.

Many homeopaths feel that contracting measles naturally is better for children who are otherwise healthy. Once, mother's would organise 'measles parties' for their children in order to allow their children to acquire natural immunity in this way. Homeopathy is relaxed about such strategies as it has remedies to treat measles, especially if it persists, or become severe. 

Other homeopaths will use the measles nosode, Morbillinum, for prevention.

Homeopaths have been treating measles for over 200 years with success. These are the main remedies used for the condition..

  • Useful in the early stages
  • Sudden onset, with apprehension
  • Dry croupy barking cough
  • Worse, cold dry wind; otherwise chilled
  • Catarrh and high fever before rash confirms this remedy
  • Shivering, or violent fever
  • Hot dry (itching) skin
  • Thirsty
  • Much sneezing with pain at root of nose
  • Runny nose
  • Red eyes, dread of light
  • Restlessness, restless sleep
  • Drenching sweat with hot and cold spells
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hot heavy head, bursting, throbbing
  • Throat feels constricted
  • Throws off bedclothes
  • Chilliness when uncovered
  • Pains unbearable
  • Stitching pains in chest
  • Worse, in evening, at night; before midnight; for touch; light and noise; from being in cold wind
  • Better, for cold water and drink; for fresh, open air; for rest

  • Useful in early stages of measles
  • Sudden onset of HIGH fever; violence of attack; fury. Child may cry out thinking there are monsters, wild animals
  • Excited behaviour or incoherent
  • Drowsy, delirious: drugged expression
  • Dry, hot, red face with large pupils, staring eyes Inflammation of eyes
  • Burning dry hot body, moist sweat on covered parts
  • Arms, legs may twitch or jerk
  • Icy cold feet and hands, hot head
  • Sneezing with runny nose
  • Rash bright red.
  • Throbbing headache
  • Tickling in larynx with dry cough 
  • Icy cold feet and hands, hot head 
  • Usually thirstless
  • Unable to sleep
  • Worse, afternoon, 3pm to midnight; cold; draughts to head; light (sensitive eyes), touch, noise, jarring; lying down
  • Better for bed rest, lying propped up; keeping still; warmth

  • Useful in early stages of slow measles
  • Slow onset of measles
  • Tired, weak, dull and shaky
  • Heavy relaxation of  body,  won’t  eat, drink, move eyelids heavy, droopy, looks sleepy
  • Red eyes
  • Runny nose that burns upper lip, sneezing
  • Thirstless
  • Harsh croupy cough
  • Dusky, red face (also useful during rash-stage of measles, and post-measles fatigue)
  • Occipital pain (back of head)
  • Cold shivers up and down back with no sweat Feels alternately hot and cold
  • Aching, bruised, sore muscular pains
  • Weakness, weariness
  • Numbness
  • Mouth and lips very dry; burning nasal discharge 
  • Tickling cough better near fire/ heater
  • Sore throat
  • Worse, anticipation, emotion; change from dry weather to cold, damp weather; lying propped up; for Sun
  • Better for urination, sweating; keeping quiet; open air

  • Catarrhal symptoms of eyes and nose predominate
  • Profuse bland non-irritating streaming nasal discharge. 
  • Abundant burning acrid tears stream from eyes
  • Eyes red, unusually bright, swollen
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Intense sensitivity to light; constant winking
  • Loose daytime cough with much mucous
  • Dry and hoarse cough at night
  • Throbbing headache: improves once rash appears
  • Worse, Evening, Sunlight; from warmth, warm room; lying down (nasal discharge worse)
  • Better, open air; lying down; bathing eyes, wiping eyes
  • When rash appears late; symptoms appear gradually
  • Chest affected, right-side
  • Stitches and tearing pains in chest; clutch chest when coughing
  • Irritable; want to be left alone; don’t want to be moved; want to go home (when at home)
  • Cough hard, dry, painful; little/no expectoration; weeping before cough
  • Foul, dry tongue
  • Soreness limbs and body
  • Twitching muscles in face, eyes and mouth
  • Pale twitching face, red eyes, chewing motion of jaw Eyes held still with headache
  • Pains stitching, like little needles, bursting aching
  • Dry mucous membranes, dry tongue, dry mouth
  • Feels dried out, hot and irritable
  • Frontal headaches
  • Tickling in throat
  • Intense thirst
  • Stiffness in head, legs, arms and back 
  • Constipation
  • Worse, least movement, like jarring, sneezing or coughing; Right side; excitement; Headache worse cough; becoming hot room, weather; eating; on waking, 9 PM
  • Better, thirsty for large amounts of cold fluids at infrequent intervals; pressure, like holding painful part, or lying on it; when quiet and still in their own room; for cold air
  • Once the rash is out (and fever is down or gone)
  • Mild, gentle child, possibly weepy
  • Desires sympathy, better for consolation
  • Changeable, shifting symptoms
  • Skin red, dry and hot alternating with paleness 
  • Nasal catarrh: bland, thick, yellow or green 
  • Eyes water profusely and stick together
  • Dry mouth, thirstless
  • Cough dry at night, loose during day
  • Chilliness even in warm room; intolerant of heat 
  • Eye problems that linger after measles
  • Earache (otitis media) 
  • Changing shifting symptoms 
  • Nausea, queasiness during diarrhoea
  • Worse, warm rooms, warm covering; after lying down, night; twilight and morning; from fats and rich food
  • Better, uncovering, cold fresh open air; cold food and drink; cold applications like washing; gentle motion like cradling; after weeping

Kali Bich
  • Useful during the later stages of measles
  • Affects mucous membranes
  • Ropy thick yellow stringy nasal mucous
  • Burning copious tears from eyes
  • Eyes sensitive to light if crusts torn from nose
  • Nasal crusts, scabs hard to detach; cause pain
  • Salivary glands very swollen
  • Rattling cough
  • Pain in small spots
  • Sinusitis
  • Painful earache
  • Stitching pains from ear into head and neck 
  • Pressure at the root of nose
  • Throbbing and burning in nasal cartilage
  • Chilly
  • Sensation of hair on tongue
  • Worse, night; 2-5 a.m. becoming cold; morning, on waking; hot weather
  • Better, warmth of bed and warmth in general; warm applications; motion; short sleep

  • Skin dusky, purplish
  • Rash slow, or does not come out 
  • Convalescence is slow
  • Child weak and prostrate
  • Cough and diarrhoea worse in morning 
  • Offensive secretions (stool, urine, sweat) 
  • Reddened mucous membranes 
  • Thirsty
  • Will scratch eruptions till bleed, itching worse for scratching 
  • History of eczema or other eruptions, especially pustular
  • Itching anus
  • Has many questions, many ideas
  • Indifferent about personal appearance 
  • Untidy
  • Stick feet out of bed at night
  • Itchy skin
  • Pains are burning; discharges burning, excoriating
  • Like sweets and hot, spicy food
  • Worse, bathing (especially itchy skin), getting heated (clothing, sunshine), early morning, 4-5 a.m. (diarrhoea, coughing), standing, speaking, any effort, high places, milk, scratching
  • Better, snacking at 11 a.m.(hungry), open air (warm-blooded children), dry warm weather, movement
Apis Mel
  • Rash goes in and brain symptoms appear 
  • High fever: but no rash 
  • Delirious, stupor
  • High-pitched screaming
  • Restless
  • Irritable
  • Skin swollen, pink, puffy: like bee-sting - oedema 
  • Inflamed eyes and lips
  • Tearful
  • Scanty urine
  • Stinging, burning pains
  • Earache: right-sided
  • Thirstless
  • Don’t  want  to  be  touched
  • Worse, for heat, hot drinks or food; hot room, baths, right side; late afternoon; after sleeping
  • Better, open cool air, uncovering, cold baths

  • Severe cases of measles
  • Extreme weakness and prostration, yet restless
  • Anguish; anxiety and distress; fear of death
  • Delirium
  • Extremely chilly and shivery
  • Fastidious: hard to please
  • Diarrhoea: offensive and exhausting
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Nose blocked or dry; alternating with burning, watery discharge 
  • Teasing cough
  • Exhausted
  • Want someone in the room with them
  • Eyes sensitive to light; burning, red and watery
  • Burning pains here and there, relieved by hot applications 
  • Want to lie in warmth with head propped up (and window open) 
  • Rash itching and burning
  • Worse, after midnight, 1pm to 2pm; changes in temperature; cold (but wants window open)
  • Better, being with someone to calm; anxiety, fears; heat and warm applications, warm bed; sips of water, sips of warm drinks.

Young children are vulnerable to the adverse reactions to vaccinations, and having these remedies at hand should ensure that your child is safe against measles.