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Sunday, 28 December 2014

Use Homeopathy and stay healthy for a long time!

People who use Homeopathy to keep themselves healthy, and help them recover from illness, stay healthy over the long-term. This has been the experience of many people who rely on this highly effective, and completely safe, medical therapy for over 200 years.

Now, what so many of us have believed and experienced for so long, to our benefit, has been reinforced by academic research. And Homeopathy has been found to have a long-lasting benefit.

The question the researchers asked was "How healthy are chronically ill patients after 8 years of homeopathic treatment?" and they set up a long-term observational study to discover the answer. A total of 3,709 patients were studied, and their perceived change in both complaint severity, and quality of life was analysed. The conclusion was simple, concise and extremely clear.

"Patients who seek homeopathic treatment are likely to improve considerably" and "these effects persist for as long as 8 years".

To read more about this research, see these links:

Claudia M Witt, Rainer Lüdtke, Nils Mengler, and Stefan N Willich

So if you suffer from an illness, especially if it is a long-term illness, and despite ongoing conventional medical treatment; or if you just want to stay healthy, you no longer have to believe the 'there is no evidence' school of thought, so loved by our mainstream media!

There is plenty of evidence that Homeopathy works, safely and effectively.

And the main evidence comes from people who use it!

Friday, 19 December 2014

New 'Game-Changing' Heart Drug. Or new threat to our health

Pulse announced today (19th December 2014) that a new 'game-changing' heart drug was to be fast-tracked through the drug approval system. The drug is called LCZ696 and is being developed by Novartis. It is a combination of two 'antihypertensive' drugs, Valsartan (Diovan), an 'angiotension II receptor blocker, and a new drug, Sacubitril, a 'neprilysis inhibitor'.

So, as with most conventional medical drugs, the purpose and function of the new drug is to 'block' and 'inhibit' bodily functions

As a result, I predict danger, and massive harm to the patients who will be given this drug, probably as soon as September 2015. But, of course, I could be wrong! This could be a first for the Big Pharma industry - a safe drug - that actually works.

But this is not the usual process. Normally, drugs are introduced by pharmaceutical companies as 'game-changing', and doctors, the NHS parrot these hopes, and the media comply with such assessments, without question. Then, reality begins to dawn!
  • Soon, 'side-effects' are noted. Then 'adverse reactions'. These are downplayed, balanced by some game of 'risk-benefit' analysis.
  • Then, when the harm the drug is causing becomes more obvious, drug regulators place them under restriction, and place 'black-box' warnings on the packaging. But the drug is too profitable, and doctors who have prescribed it are reluctant to admit that they may have damaged their patients. So it is kept on sale, and the suffering continues.
  • Then, the harm caused by the drug begins to clearly outweigh any possible benefits, which it has been found anyway, have been severely over-hyped.
  • So the drug is withdrawn, as quietly as possible. Or on some occasions, drug regulators will actually ban it.
I have described this process elsewhere. Will this new 'wonder drug' fit into this regular, too predictable pattern? I intend to follow and report on the progress of this drug on this blog over the next few years - so we will see!

But the signs are not good. Both drugs restrict, interfare and meddle with the normal functioning of the body. Fast-tracked drugs have had, in the past, an even worse record then those that go through the normal process. And Valsartan, one of the drugs used in this new combination, already has a record of serious 'disease-inducing effects'.

Valsartan (Diovan).
Shortness of breath, pounding heartbeat (or weak pulse and slow heart rate), fluttering in the chest, weakness, confusion, rapid weight gain, fainting, muscle weakness, headache, dizziness, flu symptoms, nausea, stomach pains, diarrhoea, back pain, blurred vision, skin rash - et al.

And as Wikipedia has already pointed out, tests on this new drug have already identified that the problems are likely to be similar to all antihypertensive drugs.

               "Common adverse effects the main study were cough, hyperkalemia (high potassium levels in the blood, which can be caused by valsartan), renal dysfunction, and hypotension (low blood pressure, a common side effect of antihypertensives). 12% of the patients withdrew from the study during the run-in phase because of such events."

Yet the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are happy to fast-track new drugs if "the medicine is expected to be of major public health interest particularly from the point of view of therapeutic innovation".
In the Pulse article it outlines what Novartis are saying about the new drug, prior to launch.
               "Treatment with LCZ696 was shown to significantly reduce cardiovascular deaths and heart failure hospitalisations when compared with 'gold-standard' treatment....." with other drugs.
Pulse report that 'GP experts' have told them that the "drug could be a ‘game changer’ in the management of heart failure, because it appears to be so much more effective than established treatments".

So LCZ696 is really something for us all to look forward to! It is already being proclaimed as another triumph for the conventional medical establishment, who cannot get it to us quickly enough! And naturally, nowhere in the article is anything mentioned about side-effects, adverse reactions, or disease inducing reactions to the drug!

So, just watch this space over the next few years, and we will see whether the hype of the conventional medical establishment, backed by Big Pharma funding, is correct. Or whether my more mundane prediction is more accurate!

Thursday, 11 December 2014

The rise of Superbugs. The failure of conventional medicine

It has been reported that 'drug-resistant infections' will kill an extra 10 million people a year worldwide by 2050 - more deaths than currently caused by cancer apparently.  Already, it is estimated that they are causing about 700,000 deaths per year.

Jim O'Neill, who was appointed by the Prime Minister to review the problem of antimicrobial resistance, has also estimated that the costs of this disaster would be around £63 trillion.

The deaths would be caused by the many new Superbugs, and by resistance to drugs once thought capable of treating diseases such as Malaria, E-Coli and TB. As a result he predicts serious population reduction, and a large reduction of economic output. But many surgical interventions, such as joint replacements, transplant surgery, Caesarian sections, et al, will also be affected as they rely on antibiotics to prevent infections.

So what is the conclusion reached about this pending health disaster?

More and better drugs, and using these drugs in a way that will reduce the rise of resistance! Yes, the very cause of this potential disaster is seen as its solution! Indeed, some might say that this is a triumph of hope over experience! O'Neill has apparently said that some scientists were more concerned about this problem than they were about climate change.

Presumably, in order to tackle climate change, the strategy of these scientists will be to burn more fossil fuels, and to increase the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere!

So if antibiotics has led to the creation of superbugs, we just need new antibiotics. The warfare waged between our bodies and the chemicals we have developed to fight and destroy many different organisms (that mostly live quite happy around and within our bodies) is to be intensified! The assumption must be that we can develop drugs so powerful the bugs and bacteria and viruses that attack us will not be able to resist anymore.

The problem with such a bellicose medical strategy is quite simple - will we ourselves be able to survive such an onslaught by Big Pharma chemical?

The lesson we need to learn is quite different - that the maintenance of health, and the recovery of good health, is not a battle between what is happening within our bodies and the efforts of the conventional medical establishment to control it. The bugs, the microbes, the viruses which the pharmaceutical companies have fought to destroy are actually part of us. We have, I believe, always lived quite happily and peacefully with MRSA until antibiotics sought to destroy it. Now, it would seem, it has evolved in a ways that can destroy us!

This is the main lesson that alternative medical therapies teaches us. Homeopathy, Herbalism, Acupuncture, Reflexology, et al, all recognise that life, and good health, is not a battle, a declaration of war against the elements that surround, and are part of us. It is all a matter of co-operation and balance. We don't need drugs that are 'anti-' anything. We don't need drugs that 'suppress' or 'block' or 'inhibit' the natural functions of our bodies.

Whatever it is that we attack with drugs will resist, adapt, and change, to such an extent that we will no longer be able to live in harmony with them. What conventional medicine has sought to do for centuries, but particularly over the last 100 years, is a road leading to inevitable disaster.

So more of the same will not help us prevent the impending disaster being predicted. What is necessary is to recognise why conventional, drug-based medicine, has been a mistake, a wrong turn, and the cause of the disaster, not its solution.

The science that has transformed our world, in terms of travel, communications, technology, and much else over the last 100 years and more, has failed to transform our health. Why? It has failed disastrously because it has never recognised the basis of illness. It studied the sick body, analysed meticulously what was happening within it, but then mistook the body's reaction to disease with the disease itself! It was, and continues to be, a fundamental mistake.

What science has so brilliantly observed was the body trying to heal itself! Fever, for example, is in most cases a defence mechanism, not a threat to health. In many similar ways, particularly with the bacteria and viruses that live alongside us, what medical science observed within the sick body was not necessarily an enemy, but a friend that should not have been attacked and destroyed. Effectively, conventional medicine has made an enemy from what should have been an ally.

In the years to come, good health is likely to become the preserve of those who recognise the difference between working alongside the body, and its incredible ability to heal itself through its immune system, and a now dominant medical system that sees illness and disease as something that has to be fought and destroyed.

The failure of antibiotics, as with the failure of all conventional drugs over the last century, is not a disaster. It is an inevitable consequence of conventional medicine's failure to understand that to live in harmony, and in good health with our world, we have to stop attacking it!

The solution to drug resistance is not more drugs. It is to discard drugs, to recognise their failure, and to move towards adopting gentler, safer, more effective medical therapies.

50% of population now on drugs that cause disease

The Health Survey for England seeks to monitor trends in the nation’s health. It has carried out a Health Survey for England each year since 1994. For their 2013 survey 8,795 adults and 2,185 children were interviewed. This year's survey, recently published, comes to these amazing conclusion, highlighting the amount of drug taking now prevalent within the UK.
  • "43% of men and 50% of women reported that they had taken at least one prescribed medicine in the last week. 
  • 22% of men and 24% of women reported that they had taken at least three prescribed medicines in the last week. 
  • This proportion increased with age, with more than half of participants aged 65-74 and more than 70 per cent of those aged 75 and over having taken at least three prescribed medicines.
The Conventional Medical Establishment (led by the NHS, and our GPs) agree that each of these drugs cause side-effects and 'adverse reactions'. What is not admitted is that these 'side-effects' and 'adverse reactions' are, in truth diseases. Let's reflect on what this means.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs are causing 'side-effects' (that is, creating disease) in 43% of men, and 50% of women. 
  • That percentage of people taking multiple drugs are likely to be suffering from more 'side-effects' (disease) not just from each drug, but from the unknown consequences of taking more than one drug - polypharmacy.
  • Older people, those whose bodies are less likely to withstand the assault made on them by these drugs, are most at risk of polypharmacy.
One doctor, interviewed by the BBC Today programme this morning (11th December 2014) said that this was a good thing, because the drug were 'preventing future disease'. Naturally, the BBC allowed him to get away with this bland re-assurance, a subterfuge so often practiced by conventional medicine.
  • Drugs and vaccines are good for us!
  • We are healthier, and living longer, because we have access to pharmaceutical drugs!
  • There are no dangers to taking prescribed drugs!
The dangers of conventional drugs and vaccines are rarely, if ever discussed. So it is small wonder that so many people take them, thinking (as they have been told) that they keep them health, and not knowing the full enormity of the harm they cause.

So we now experience disease at epidemic proportions, some of them diseases that have only been known since pharmaceutical drug taking took off with the NHS in the late 1940's, 1950's onwards.

Autism, Alzheimers, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Crohns, Diabetes, Depression, Eczema, Epilepsy, Heart Disease, ME, Ulcerative Colitis, and so many more.

And for each of these diseases, one of the known causes are the prescribed drugs that so many people are now taking. Some of these known causes are admitted by the Conventional Medical Establishment. Some are actually named after the drug that caused the disease - see, for example, Steroid Induced Diabetes. Most, of course, are denied. 

But it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the 'disease-inducing-effects', or DIEs of pharmaceutical drugs. One of the commonest drugs being prescribed are Statin drugs. Doctors continue to tell us they are 'entirely safe', and our media will not question this; but these drugs are  known to cause:
  • Muscle damage
  • Diabetes
  • Cataracts
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver failure
The Health Survey showed that 40 million prescriptions of Simvastatin, the most 'popular' Statin drug, were made in one year. What proportion of these patients would need to develop any of the above DIEs before it caused an epidemic? How many of these would then need some other form of drug to correct the 'side-effect'? And what 'side-effects' would these drugs cause?

We are not told! We do not know because we do not ask. Our mainstream media is asleep, content to parrot the excuses of the conventional medical establishment. Big Pharma are never challenged. Perhaps they are too big to fail, to powerful to challenge.

So the NHS is in financial difficult, once again. GP's need more money. Hospitals need more money. And the political parties are once more in the process of out-bidding each other before the General Election. "We will spend more than they will!" So more money will be spent on more drugs and vaccines, and the additional DIEs this creates will, in a short time, create another funding crisis, with more demands for more spending.

Until, that is, we begin to recognise the the Conventional Medical System is failing, failing badly, and is making us sicker the more it medicates us.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Vaccines Don't Cause Autism (?). Listen, you fools (!)

Vaccines don't cause Autism!


Are you listening? How many more times must you all be told by the Conventional Medical Establishment?

Just listen, and be told! JUST LISTEN, AND BE TOLD!

Doctor's tell us they are safe. The NHS tells us. The government urges us to protect ourselves by accepting vaccines. Our mainstream media stays silent and regularly lets us know about the promotion campaigns of the Pharmaceutical companies (Big Pharma).

Yet still, despite all this, these parents keep telling us that their previously 'normal' children became victims to Autism, and other diseases, after they had a vaccination. See here, fore example.

There are so many of these personal testimonies, so many such family tragedies. Many, many more are not known about, because parents accept what they have been told.

Vaccines do not cause Autism. VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM.

So the fact that the epidemic rise in Autism over the last 40-50 years, a condition unknown until the 1940's, 1950's, closely  mirrors the rise and rise of vaccines during the same period, is just coincidence, 'bad luck', and misfortune.

Autism just happens. There is no cause. And conventional medicine has no cure either!

And if vaccines are the cause of epidemic Autism, the Conventional Medical Establishment, would surely not hide it from us? And if they did, our Media would investigate it - surely?

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Viagra? An erection at any cost to our health?

Okay. I know this drug is not only popular, it is the cause of much mirth! It is, of course, a drug used for male impotence, or erectile dysfunction. Indeed, it is widely used ‘recreationally’ by men who want to improve their sexual performance, and to increase the size of their erection. 

There is a widespread belief that it is effective in doing this, although the evidence for this remains less than certain.

Yet what most men don’t realise is that this drug has a multitude of adverse reactions, not often spoken about - many of which can actually damage male potency, and fertility, not to mention our general health. 

Just by listing them here makes this a large article! And this extensive list comes from the ‘NetDoctor’ website.

Most common reactions
Aches or pains in the muscles
Bloody nose
Difficult or laboured breathing
Pain or tenderness around the eyes and cheekbones
Redness of the skin
Stomach discomfort following meals
Stuffy or runny nose
Trouble sleeping
Unusually warm skin

Less common reactions
Bladder pain
Burning feeling in the chest or stomach
Burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling feelings
Cloudy or bloody urine
Increased frequency of urination
Pain on urination
Stomach upset
Tenderness in the stomach area

Rare reactions
Abdominal or stomach pain
Abnormal visions
Abnormal dreams
Behaviour change similar to drunkenness
Bleeding of the eye
Blurred vision
Bone pain
Breast enlargement
Chest pain
Clumsiness or unsteadiness
Cold Sweats
Convulsions (Seizures)
Cool or pale skin
Deafness and hearing loss
Decrease in amount of urine, or frequency of urination
Decreased vision
Diarrhoea or stomach cramps (severe or continuing)
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty in swallowing
Dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position suddenly
Double vision
Dry eyes
Dry mouth
Dryness, redness, scaling, or peeling of the skin
Ear pain
Excessive hunger
Eye pain
Fainting or faintness
Fast, irregular, or pounding heartbeat
Feeling of something in the eye
Fever or chills
Headache (severe or continuing)
Increased amount of saliva
Increase in size of the pupil
Increased skin sensitivity
Increased sweating
Increased thirst
Lack of coordination
Loss of bladder control
Lower back or side pain
Mental depression
Migraine headache
Nausea (severe or continuing)
Numbness of the hands
Numbness or tingling of the hands, legs, or feet
Painful, swollen joints
Prolonged, painful erection of penis
Rectal bleeding
Redness or irritation of the tongue
Redness, soreness, swelling, or bleeding of the gums
Redness, burning, or swelling of the eyes
Redness, itching, or tearing of the eyes
Restless sleep
Ringing or buzzing in the ears
Seeing shades of colours differently than before
Sensation of motion, usually whirling, either of one's self or of one's surroundings
Sensitivity to light
Sexual problems in men (continuing), including failure to experience a sexual orgasm
Skin lesions with swelling
Skin paleness
Skin rash, hives, or itching
Skin ulcers
Slurred speech
Sore throat
Sores in the mouth and on the lips
Sudden weakness
Swelling of the face, hands, feet, or lower legs
Tense muscles
Trembling and shaking
Trouble breathing
Twitching of the muscles
Unusual feeling of burning or stinging of the skin
Unusual tiredness or weakness
Vision changes
Vision loss, temporary
Waking to urinate at night
Worsening of asthma

Incidence not known (!!)

What all this amounts to is a big price to pay for a slightly larger erection!

The Dangers of Common Painkilling Drugs (NSAID drugs)

Non Steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs (NSAID) are painkilling drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are used to reduce pain, fever and inflammation. People have taken NSAIDs to obtain temporary relief from pain for decades, and continue to do so - usually without knowing, or being told, just how harmful they can be to our health.

Your doctor will often prescribe these drugs for many conditions, including arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, back pain, headache, migraine, sprains, strains, dental pain, post-operative pain, menstrual pain, and to reduce temperature. And sometimes, people will get stuck on these drugs for many years as conventional medicine often has nothing else to offer. And we take them without knowing the harm that they can do to us.
Moreover, NSAID painkillers are readily available as 'over-the-counter' (OTC) drugs that most people widely considered to be safe to use. They included many of the commonest painkillers, such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Paracetomol. Indeed, their ready availability makes them not only popular, but masks the many important contra-indications to taking them!
However, the fact that these drugs are common and well-known does not make them safe. Far from it. It is now well established that that they cause gastro-intestinal bleeding, renal problems, and increase the risk of heart problems. Most of the major damage caused relates to their effects on the stomach and bowels (Abdominal bleedings, pain, diarrhea, and stomach ulceration. It is estimated that about 10%-50% of people are unable to tolerate NSAID treatment because of their side effects, and that some 15% of people on long-term NSAID treatment develop a peptic ulcers.
Common adverse reactions include Headache, Nausea, Diarrhea, Constipation, Excess gas, Extreme weakness and fatigue, 
More serious adverse reactions to NSAID drugs include muscle cramps, numbness and tingling, abdominal cramps, heartburn, indigestion, rapid weight gain, black or bloody stools, bloody urine or vomit, allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the lips, the tongue or face, decreased hearing or ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Common NSAID painkillers, such as ibuprofen, are also associated now with heart conditions. One study showed that NSAID drugs caused a 30% increased risk of the first hospital admission for heart failure ( 
Indeed, NDSAID’s may cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular events, hypertension, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and stroke, which can be fatal; and these risks increase the longer the drugs are used.

16th March 2017. An Update.
The doctor's magazine 'Pulse' has reported today that researchers have called for all 'over-the-counter sales' of the drug Ibuprofen be restricted to pharmacies. The study found that this NSAID drug raised the relative risk of cardiac arrest ‘by 31%’.

Ankylosing Spondylitis? Homeopathy or Conventional Drugs?

Ankylosing spondylitis (or AS) is a long-term or chronic condition in which the spine and other areas of the body become inflamed. NHS Choices state that the symptoms of AS can vary but usually involve:

    * back pain and stiffness that improves with exercise and is not relieved by rest.
    * pain and swelling in other parts of the body, such as the hips, knees and ribs.
    * fatigue (extreme tiredness).

These symptoms tend to develop gradually, usually over several months or years, and may come and go over time.

Conventional Medical Treatment
NHS Choices says this about conventional medical treatment for AS

               “There is no cure for ankylosing spondylitis (AS), but treatment is available to help relieve the symptoms. Treatment can also help delay or prevent the process of the spine fusing (joining up) and stiffening. In most cases, treatment will involve a combination of exercise, physiotherapy and medication.....” 

The treatments outlined by NHS Choices are:

1. Physiotherapy an Exercise.

2. Painkillers
These include NSAID painkillers, Paracetamol, and Codeine, all of which have serious adverse reactions, especially if taken over a long period of time. Click on each one, above, to see a description of the dangers of these painkillers. 

3. Anti-TNF Medication.
Apparently only used if painkillers do not work, and “their long-term effects are unknown”. NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) have produced guidelines limiting their use, as this description in NHS Choices indicates how cautious (and therefore how dangerous) these drugs can be.

“If your rheumatologist recommends using anti-TNF medication, the decision about whether they are right for you must be discussed carefully and your progress will be closely monitored. This is because anti-TNF medication can interfere with the immune system (the body’s natural defence system), increasing your risk of developing potentially serious infections”.

Steroid drugs also need to be recognised for the harm they can do. Click on the link for an explanation of the dangers of Corticosteroids.

5. Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs
NHS Choices says that DMARD drugs are an alternative type of medication often used to treat other types of arthritis, but may be prescribed for AS, “although they are only beneficial in treating pain and inflammation in joints in areas of the body other than the spine”. NHS Choices make no comment about the adverse reactions to these drugs.

6. Surgery
NHS Choices says that in cases where a joint has become severely damaged, joint replacement surgery may be recommended to improve pain and movement in the affect joint. It also says that in rare cases, corrective surgery may be needed if the spine becomes badly bent.

The Homeopathic Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Important Note. 
Homeopathy does not treat illness or diseases. It treats the individual who has been diagnosed with a particular illness or disease. The distinction is important, and if you wish to read more about this, click on the chapter “Illness Diagnosis” above. 

Homeopathy provides an alternative to conventional medical treatment of AS, and is, of course, a lot safer.

One excellent description of the homeopathic treatment of AS can be found on Dr Nancy Malik’s website (see Homeopathy and Ankylosing Spondylitis). Here are brief descriptions of some of the remedies that are often used in the treatment of AS.

Aesculus hippocastanum
Important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Marked stiffness and pain over the sacroiliac joint. Worse: Rising from a seat or from stooping.

Aurum metallicum
Serious or advanced rheumatism with marked stiffness. Rheumatism with stiffness or spasms of the chest wall. Severe spasm or tearing pains. Pains also described as “paralytic.” An important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis. Wandering arthritis; moving spot to spot from one week to next. Worse: Night. Morning in bed. Hip pain worse rising from a seat or from walking. Chest wall pain and spasm worse first motion and inspiring. Better: Motion. Location: Wandering arthritis. Back. Chest and ribs. Hip.

Bacillus 7
Sensation of stiffness and ankylosis of the articulations. Shoulders painful, stiff, movements limited and difficult. Dorsal pains, aggravated by movements. Pains of all the articulations, drawing with the sensation of being drawn and rigid, aggravated when waking up after a long rest. Aponeurotic and ligamentary retraction.

Butyricum acidum
Morbus coxae senilis. Ankylosing spondylitis. Tired feeling and dull pain in small of back, worse walking. Pain in ankles and up back of leg. Pain low down in back and limbs.

Colchicum autumnale
Pain with ankylosis of the back and neck. Burning pain in the neck, ameliorated by movement. Pain in the renal region. Pain in the left scapula, aggravated on waking, by movement, and by lying on the left side. Ankylosing arthritis of the vertebral joints. Non-inflammatory chronic rheumatism of the hip and knee.

Cuprum metallicum
Cramps in calves and soles. Jerking, twitching of muscles in hands and feet. Clenching of thumb in palms. Cramps in palms, calves and soles. Coldness of hands. Joints contracted. Great weariness of limbs. Ankles painfully heavy. Ankylosis of shoulder joint. Knees double up involuntary when walking, bringing him down.

Fatigue and rheumatic pains in the limbs, and legs feel like rubber. Heaviness in the calves. Stiffness at the nape of the neck , with pain starting at the 7th cervical vertebra, spreading up the nape and accompanied by right frontal hemicrania. Pain between the shoulders. Pain in the right shoulder, spreading towards the neck. Dorsal pain and stiffness, like ankylosis. Severe pain, and stiffness in the lumbar region, when seated or when walking. Pain in the lumbar region , with drawing pains around the thighs. Drawing pains in the sacrum , ameliorated by urinating or expelling wind, worse when standing.

Ferrum metallicum
Partial immobility of the arm and slight ankylosis of the wrist.

Kalium iodatum
Weakness, emaciation. Arteriosclerosis. Cachexia. Contraction of muscles and tendons, chronic arthritis with spurious ankylosis.

Mercurius solubilis
Local signs of inflammation, marked deformity, extreme atrophy of muscles, swelling of soft parts, subcutaneous nodules, fibrous or bony ankylosis. Marked deformity, extreme atrophy of muscles, swelling of soft parts, subcutaneous nodules, fibrous or bony ankylosis. Marked pain.

Paralysis of spine, especially the sacrum, from spondylitis. The chest becomes rigid or immovable. Pain, heat and burning in the spine and sciatic nerve. Sensitive, tender spinous process – especially the dorsal spine. An important remedy in ankylosing spondylitis with rigid spine and fixed chest wall. Worse: Cold. Rising from a seat. Lying on the left side.  Laughing. Crossing the legs in bed. Better: Heat. Lying on right side or on back. Rubbing. Motion.

Radium bromatum
In Europe, Ra-224 [isotope with a half-life of about three and a half days] was used for more than 40 years in the treatment of tuberculosis and ankylosing spondylitis. The treatment of children was abandoned in the 1950s, but the ability to relieve debilitating pain from ankylosing spondylitis in adults has prolonged its use.

Rhus toxicodendron
Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Tension as from shortening of muscles. Numbness of limbs on which he lies; esp. arms. Stiff and paralysed sensation in joints from sprains, over-lifting and over-stretching. Of internal coldness in limbs. As if skin around diseased parts were too tight. PA Tearing, in tendons, ligaments and fasciae. Rheumatic, spread over a large surface at nape, loins, and limbs; amel. motion [Agar.]. Soreness of condyles of bones. 5 Rheumatic gnawing, & desire to move limbs frequently, which amel.. Drawing or tearing, in limbs during rest. OB Hot, painful swelling of joints. Limbs stiff, paralysed. Paralysis; trembling after exertion. Paraplegia; after parturition; sexual excess; fevers. Lameness, stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in morning; amel. continued motion; but soon fatigued, requiring rest again. Cold hands and feet. Cracking of joints when stretched. Synovitis; spurious ankylosis.

Sarcolacticum acidum
Cramping pains predominantly in the back and lumbar region, aggravated when standing. At the extremities : cramp, paraesthesia, articular numbness and pains. Difficulty in brushing hair. Tiredness of the wrist when writing. Ankylosis , muscular contracture and jerking, paresis (partial paralysis) when trying to climb.

Silicea terra
Synovial cysts.  Enlarged bursa over patella.  Large cyst on patella; not inflamed but extremely sensitive.  Chronic synovitis of knee with great swelling and ankylosis. Icy coldness of feet; or foot-sweat, often very offensive; or suppressed foot-sweat.

Thuja occidentalis
Here, Dr Nancy Malik provides some case histories using this remedy.

Spinal Curvature - The spine from the fifth to the twelfth vertebra bent backwards, the lung dorsal muscles in the region atrophied. The patient, a boy, aged eleven, cannot stand erect, is bent forward and supports his body by putting his hands upon his knees. When sitting upon a chair, he supports himself by holding fast to the back of the chair; when sitting upon the floor, his head sinks down upon his knees. His hair is thin and of slow growth; the urethra is reddened; his belly is enlarged (pot-bellied) and his nose is always stopped up. I gave Thuja 3c. A month after this he was much better; he moves about more handily and can sit erect in a chair for a short time; the improvement continued, but the restoration of the back to the normal state took about two years. C. Kunkel.

Paralysis- A woman, aged twenty-two, of feeble constitution and earthy, pale countenance came to me with stooping gait and faltering steps. Since her fourteenth year, she has had frequent vomiting and water-brash. For two months the vomiting has ceased and she now complains of her back and legs being very weak, almost paralyzed; her eyesight is very poor and she can only read a line at a time. For some time past she has had urinary tenesmus and incontinence. Menstruation has always been irregular and is sometimes suppressed; she often has leucorrhoea. Thuja 30th first relieved the urinary symptoms, then the leucorrhoea and menstruation returned regularly. Then the paralytic symptoms were much relieved and there developed much desquamation of the skin. In four months the patient was well, except slight anæsthesia of the legs. Dr. Rueckert.

Tuberculinum residuum Koch
Acts primarily on the fibrous tissues and produces fibro-chondro-osteo-mesenchymatic sclerosis! Lean weak people with grey colour of face and blue lips. Cicatrices. Dupuytren’s contraction. Chronic rheumatism with ankylosis. Periarthritis. Arthrosis. Ankylosis of the vertebral column. Tubercular rheumatism.

Viscum album
Arthrosis. Painful post-traumatic osteoporosis, linked with vaso-motor and tropho-cutaneous complaints. Dupuytren’s disease. Periarthrosis of the scapula and humerus. Arthrosis of the hip. Ankylosing spondylitis. Gonococcal rheumatism. Juvenile growth disorders.

Wiesbaden aqua
Rheumatism and gout. Abdomen full and tense. Passive or atonic gout. Contractions of muscles and tendons. Complete ankylosis. Stiffness of old fractures.

Monday, 13 October 2014

PMT, PMS. Why Homeopathic treatment is best

PMT (Pre-Menstrual Tension) or PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) is characterised a variety of unpleasant experiences just before your monthly period. Any woman who suffers from regular monthly symptoms prior to menstruation is probably suffering from this condition.

There are a whole variety of symptoms, and each woman’s experience is different. Symptoms range from mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, fatigue, weakness, weepiness, poor concentration, bloating, fluid retention, cramping, breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, menstrual discomfort, weight gain, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, food cravings, skin infections, and many others.

It has been estimated that up to 80% of women suffer from this condition.


          “There is no cure for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but there are treatments that can help you manage your symptoms so they do not interfere with your daily life”.

Not a very encouraging introduction, but one that many women experience when they present conventional doctors with this problem. NHS Choices provide sensible advice concerning diet and exercise, and even suggests psychological therapy (only PMT is not a psychological illness). The treatment offered includes the following: 
  •   The oral contraceptive pill, which do not help all women, and which also carries the risks associated with these drugs. And of course, many women will not wish to use them.
  •   Oestrogen only patches and implants, a treatment available only for women under the guidance of a gynaecologist.
  •   SSRI drugs. These are anti-depressant drugs, which are known to have severe adverse reactions, such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness, loss of libido. For a more comprehensive list of dangers, click here.
*    Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues, an injection of hormones, recommended only when all the above treatments have failed.


Important Note. Homeopathy does not treat illness or diseases. It treats the individual who has been diagnosed with a particular illness or disease. The distinction is important, and if you wish to read more about this, click on the chapter “Illness Diagnosis” above. 

Rebalance your hormones with Homeopathy (these remedy descriptions are taken mainly from the HomeopathyPlus website). Homeopathic remedies seek to correct the underlying imbalances that cause PMS, PMT symptoms. 

Bryonia alba (Bry)
Key Symptoms: Irritable and easily angered. Prefers to be alone and dislikes being disturbed. Painful, swollen breasts that hurt with movement. Breasts must be supported during movement. Stitching, shooting pains in the breasts. Thirsty for large drinks.
Supporting Symptoms: Much better for being quiet. Anxiety about business affairs or finances. Dryness of mouth. Hard constipation. Headaches before the periods, often in the forehead and back of the head, worse for movement. Feels worse during the heat.

Chamomilla (Cham)
Key Symptoms: Extremely irritable and angry. Rude and short-tempered. Dissatisfied – cannot be pleased no matter what is done. Oversensitive to pain or environmental stimuli such as noise, odours, and touch.
Supporting Symptoms: Does not want to be spoken to or touched. Symptoms worsened by coffee. Physical symptoms caused by anger. Pains in the uterus from anger. Painful cramps before the periods. Feels worse once periods start.

Lachesis muta (Lach)
Key Symptoms: Irritable, sharp-tongued, vindictive, jealous, or suspicious. Witty, sometimes with meanness. Passionate and talkative – may hardly pause for breath. Premenstrual symptoms or cramps settle as soon as the period begins.
Supporting Symptoms: Overactive mind, especially in the evening and before midnight. Tight clothing is unbearable, especially around the neck. Headache before the periods, pulsating in temples.Left-sided symptoms or complaints. Feels the heat. Feels worse after waking from a sleep.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc)
Key Symptoms: Weeping before the periods. Lack of confidence. Anxiety about new things. Feelings of helplessness. Avoids responsibilities. Digestive disturbances – bloating and flatulence. Craving for sweets.
Supporting Symptoms: Bossy or rude with family members or subordinates. Headaches from overheating. Dry blockage of nose at night. Worse between 4 – 8pm. Symptoms worse on the right side, or starting on the right and moving to the left.

Nux vomica (Nux-v)
Key Symptoms: Driven. Fussy and fault-finding. Extreme behaviour. Irritable or angry if hindered, to the point of rage. Desire for stimulants (eg, coffee) or relaxants (eg, alcohol).
Supporting Symptoms: Competitive and ambitious. Quarrelsome, even to violence. Jealous. Feels the cold. Symptoms from becoming cold. Cramps. Worse in the morning. Desires fatty food.

Pulsatilla Pratensis (Puls)
Key Symptoms: Weepy and moody. Feeling alone, unloved, and as if nobody cares. Wanting sympathy, affection, or to held and cuddled. Tears and irritability if ignored.
Supporting Symptoms: Mild and yielding. Symptoms worse at times of hormonal change (puberty, periods, pregnancy, menopause). Changeable symptoms – no two menstrual cycles or periods are alike. Sensitive to heat. Everything feels worse in a stuffy room and better for fresh air.  Little or no thirst. Symptoms from rich or fatty food. Headaches before the periods.

Sepia (Sep)
Key Symptoms: Irritability and anger. Sarcastic. Desire to be alone. Not wanting to talk. Better for work, keeping busy, or strenuous exercise.
Supporting Symptoms: Dislikes being touched or shown affection. Weeping before the periods. Craves sour things or chocolate. Dragging pain during periods. As if everything was going to ‘fall out’ during periods. Chilly. Exhausted.

Homeopathy Plus states that the immediate symptoms of PMT are easily treated by yourself in the home situation, but notes that PMS is a chronic complaint which may need a series of remedies for complete improvement. It recommends that you see a fully qualified homeopath if the symptoms are severe, or long-term.

You can see more on the homeopathic treatment of PMS here: 

In two studies conducted by Hadassah Hospital (Jerusalem, Israel) in the 1990’s, 90% of women treated with homeopathy over a 3 month period experienced improvement in their PMS symptoms. The main remedies (there are others) for the treatment of premenstrual symptoms are listed below. Most should be found in home-use kits.

Yakir M, Kreitler S, Brzezinski A, Vithoulkas G, Oberbaum M, Bentwich Z (2001). Effects of homeopathic treatment in women with premenstrual syndrome: a pilot study. British Homeopathic Journal; 90:148–153.

More research evidence demonstrating the effective of homeopathy is given in this updated version of this page.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Autism, the MMR Vaccine, and Media Censorship

The Conventional Medical Establishment has been lying about the link between the MMR Vaccine and the epidemic rise of Autism, and has been doing so for at least 10 years. What is now clear is that there is a link. And the evidence has been suppressed. A major fraud has been perpetrated on the public throughout the world.
  • The news is all over the internet
  • Yet the news is no-where to be seen in the conventional, mainstream media!
I am not going to repeat the news here. Basically, a leading scientist Dr William Thompson, working within the CDC (US Centers for Diseasse Control and Prevention) has revealed that the organisation suppressed evidence of the connection between the MMR vaccine and Autism, and instead published 'scientific' evidence that there was no such link. This is what he said.

          “I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.” In other words, it confirmed the serious omission highlighted by Hooker.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the rest of the statement reads like something written by lawyers on behalf of a man afraid of professional reprisals. 

The details of this revelation can be read elsewhere, and here are just a few of the reports that have appeared on the internet during the last 2 weeks (since 27th August 2014).
And there are, of course, many many more such articles, all discussing the enormity of this massive cover-up by the conventional medical establishment, led of course by the powerful Big Pharma corporations.

The mainstream conventional media that is ignoring this huge story includes the BBC news service. Unlike other news services the BBC is not owned and controlled by Big Corp. Nor is it dependent on the advertising of Big Pharma, and related industries. The BBC is a public broadcaster, paid for by licence payers, who are also, incidentally, patients of the National Health Service (NHS). Therefore, its culpability is censoring this information is more serious.

The BBC hase a duty and a responsibility to report health matters, especially when a vaccine, given to the vast majority of our young children, is causing Autism, and destroying the lives of thousands of children and families.

And their failure to report on this matter (some two weeks after the revelation, at the time of writing), indicates that the BBC are not only implicated in the cover-up, but are, at least in part, responsible for the thousands of children who have contracted Autism, via the MMR vaccine, during the last 10 years. Their silence seems to indicate that:
  • fabricating medical research evidence is not a news event worthy of reporting.
  • a major vaccine that has been given to our children since the early 1970's, and which is causing a major life-long health issue for increasing numbers of children, is not a news event worthy of reporting.
  • the anger of parents, whose children have been diagnosed with Autism, is not a news event worthy of reporting.
  • the BBC's ongoing and continuous libel against Dr Andrew Wakefield, is not something the BBC feels obliged to offer an apology.
And so the enormity of the cover-up by the BBC, and the rest of the mainstream media, goes on!

What should we do about it?  We must ask the BBC one important question. 

Why are you failing to report this important news?

And this is what I am asking everyone to do, right now if possible. Write to BBC News, and ask them this question. If necessary, make a complaint to the BBC about their censorship of important medical news. The simplest way of doing this is to use this link:

From this page you can either make a comment, and if you wish refer to this blog, asking why this news has not been published, why it has effectively been censored. And you can also go quickly to the complaints page too, if this is necessary.

Moreover, the BBC is currently renegotiating its Charter, so it is certainly appropriate to write to your MP, asking them to question why the BBC, and indeed the NHS Establishment, and the Government, have not seen fit to comment on these events.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Ashya King and Patient Choice

It is likely that this story will soon diminish and dwindle into obscurity, and most people will consider that there has been a 'happy' ending, with the family re-united, and Ashya getting the treatment his parents wanted for him.

Yet to consider the story in this way is to ignore the bigger implications of what has been allowed to happen. The trials of Ashya's family have been about Health Freedom and Patient Choice.

What did his parents do to get themselves arrested and imprisoned? What did they do to deserve having their son made a Ward of Court by the English judicial system?

Quite simple, they ignored medical advice! Note well that word - advice: A ‘recommendation about action’, ‘somebody’s opinion about what another person should do’ - then consider the consequences for anyone who does not conform to conventional medical advice!
  • The Police and the Crown Prosecution Service acted upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
  • The local authority act upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
  • And our courts of law acted upon this advice, without question, and without reservation.
So the result for Ashya’s parents not following medical ‘advice’ was to end up in prison, their very sick young child denied access to his family, and legal control of Ashya taken away from them, and given to the state.

So what was the quality of this ‘advice'? 

It transpires that the parents did not place their child in danger. They were unhappy about the treatment the medical 'experts' were giving him. They identified another form of treatment that had been denied to him. And they were told this treatment would not be beneficial for their son.

In other words, they questioned the medical 'expertise' of the medical experts, and had been denied their patient choice. This was a denial of health freedom/

And, true to form, our mainstream media presented the story exactly as the conventional medical establishment presented it to them. The only questions they bothered to ask was directed to other ‘experts’ within the conventional medical establishment'.

A nice cosy story for the media to run with, then? 

Well, not for long. Soon the enormity of the actions initiated by the medical authorities began to quickly unravel. Soon we were told that there as no evidence to support the European Arrest Warrant. So after several days the parents were released. The police and prosecution services have said that they would 'review' the quality of the evidence given to them by the medical authorities (although I suspect we are unlikely to hear any more about this). And the 'alternative' treatment asked for by the family is now to be provided for the family, at a reduced rates, with public offers of funding the treatment became available.

Public sympathy was quick to develop in this case, regardless of the attitude of the conventional medical system, the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, and the mainstream media.

The 'Medical Mafia', as more and more people are describing the conventional medical establishment, had overstepped the mark. They had miscalculated. So much so, the rest the the Establishment could not save them - although no doubt they will seek to reduce the impact of their gross error of judgement in future weeks.

The fact is that the conventional medical establishment wants to develop a complete and total monopoly of health provision within the NHS. And they are almost there! Go to any GP surgery, or any NHS hospital, and you will be offered one type of treatment, usually based on pharmaceutical drugs that are known to be largely ineffective, and usually harmful to our health. The NHS is not set up now to do anything else. Anyone who asks for something different to what is offered faces opposition from an NHS bureaucracy largely opposed the concept of patient choice.

Am I exaggerating to situation? 
  • If you think so, go to see your GP, and ask him/her for a non-conventional medical treatment! I did this several years ago and had an 11 month battle with the GP surgery, the then local PCT, and went through the entire complaints system before I was given the homeopathic treatment I asked for. 
  • Listen to the voices of those so convinced of the benefits of vaccines (and so closed to any suggestion that they may cause harm), and be aware that they want to stop non-vaccinated children attending pre-school and nursery provision.
  • Anyone over 50, or considered at risk of heart disease, are now supposed to be taking Statin drugs, regardless of their wishes or reservations, regardless of whether they are told about the serious harm this drug can cause.
  • The NHS is seeking to close the few Homeopathic Hospitals in this country.
  • And if you have a dog, try getting it into a kennel without proof of vaccination!
That is what caused the problems for Ashya's parents. They had the audacity to question medical orthodoxy. They dared to suggest that the treatment treatment their son was receiving was dangerous. They did not like what they were being offered. They asked for another form of treatment, and were even willing to pay for it themselves, but they were denied.

Patient Choice and Health Freedom is not alive within the NHS.

So this situation can and will happen again, unless and until we begin challenge the arrogance of the conventional medical profession, and the monopolistic ambitions of the pharmaceutical drug companies. We can be certain that they will continue to insist that we all take their dangerous drugs and vaccines. 

So whilst I am happy that things now seem to be working out for the King family, the real issues of Patient Choice and Health Freedom, central to this situation, are being ignored, and so the lessons are not being learnt.

Post Script (March 2015)
Today, 24th March 2015, the media has announced that Ashya is now free of cancer. So the family were put through this ordeal for not good reason, other than the arrogance of the conventional medical establishment, who always seem to think they know what is best for us!

Well done, the King family. A tremendous victory for Health Freedom.