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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The NHS Debate (NHS in Crisis Spring 2011)

The NHS wobbles from crisis to crisis. The political debate at present focuses on the structure of the NHS, and the future involvement of private for-profit companies. What is not in doubt, we are told, is that reform of the NHS is a given - it has to happen.

The problem with the NHS debate, as usual, is that the on-going funding problems has to do with an important monopoly that is alive and well within the NHS. 

The monopoly of conventional medicine. 

This blog focuses on the safety of medicine. But equally important is effectiveness, and cost. The NHS has put all its eggs (and £110 billion per year buys a lot of eggs) in one basket. And that basket is the least effective, least safe, and most expensive of all. So for over 60 years we have been investing in failure - the failure of conventional, drug-based medicine. The investment causes a triple whammy:

1. Pharmaceutical drugs, and related treatments, are the most expensive available.

2. Pharmaceutical drug treatment is ineffective; that is, it does not resolve illness; people take the drugs, don't get well, and are therefore forced to come back for more treatment.

3. Then there are DIEs, or disease-inducing-illness. The drug bonanza of the past 60 years has seen the enormous explosion of 'chronic' disease of all kinds - and it is not difficult to realise that conventional medical drugs have played a big part in this when you examine the 'adverse reactions' they cause - which are all basically chronic diseases!

Until the NHS decides to offer patients other medical therapies, which are more effective, safer, and less expensive, the ongoing crisis of the NHS will stumble on. For a more detailed analysis of this argument, go to my e-book, 'The Failure of Conventional Medicine.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Do GPs know the harm drugs cause but just don't bother to tell us?

It would seem that our doctor's/GPs know something about their medicine that they are not prepared to tell us!

New research suggests that when faced with a choice of treatments, doctors often choose a different option than they recommend to patients. The research was published on 11th April 2011, in the 'Archives of Internal Medicine'.

          "It's a pretty clear message: There's a discrepancy between what doctors recommend to their patients and to themselves," said Dr. Timothy Quill, author of an accompanying editorial in the journal.
Most people were aware that during the most recent (ConMed engineered) panic about Avian Flu that about 60% of GPs were not prepared to have the 'flu jab they were routinely recommending to patients. So perhaps they know something about the DIEs (disease-inducing-effects) of the drugs they recommend to us - but aren't prepared to tell us.
The misinformation about health stems from Governments, Drug Regulatory agencies, the Big Pharma drug companies, the NHS, the mainstream media (who refuse to tell us the truth); but at the end of this shameful process, it is GPs who have given us the toxic drugs that have caused such harm to our health for so long.
This makes the right of patients to choose the medical therapy of their choice more vital than ever. Patient choice is an important part of the UK government's health policy. We now have to ensure that they actually implement it. Patient's are not just looking for medicine that makes them better. They are looking for medicine that is safe.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Leptospirosis. Homeopathy triumphs; but Conventional Medicine ignores!

The triumph of homeopathy over Leptospirosis might count as 'old' news now, if it had not been so ignored by governments, the Conventional Medical Establishment, and even the Medical Journals. A study published in August 2010 described the successful use of homeopathy in preventing the annual epidemic in Cuba. It helped over 2 million people, and as such is one of the largest homeopathic trials in the medical literature.

Leptospiros is a bacterial disease, one that is becoming a world-wide problem. It has caused many thousands of deaths every years. The use of homeopathy began in October 2007, and quickly proved both cheaper, and more effective, than conventional vaccines.

The outcome was spectacular. Within 2 weeks there was a 90% decrease in the incidence of the disease in the areas covered by homeopathy; no decrease was apparent in the areas covered by conventional vaccines.

This was repeated in September 2008, but this time, 2.3 million people received the homeopathic remedy. Again, in the areas receiving the remedies, disease rates were significantly below the average, with no decrease in the other areas.

"The total annual incidence of Leptospirosis was reduced in the intervention region by 84% from 2007 to 2008, while incidence rose in the non-intervention region by 21%. The researchers considered numerous variables besides homeopathy that may have influenced the trends, but all were shown to be statistically non-significant.

See also

Yet, the (conventional) Medical Journals, whose task it is to publish medical evidence of this sort, have refused to publish this evidence. This should not be too much of a surprise (it is certainly not to the world of homeopathy). The medical journals are fully under the malign influence of the Big Pharma companies - who certainly would not want this kind of evidence to be widely known.



More pharmaceutical drugs causing more problems

More webpages outline the problems taking Pharmaceutical drugs. They just keep finding out the disease-inducing-effects of these awful drugs.

This study shows that people taking NSAID painkillers (many, many millions of people throughout the world) run the risk of getting heart disease - and dying. And this is so even with short-term use.

This report from Reuters refers to long-term studies linking Diabetes drugs with bladder cancer.

This popular painkiller (sold over the counter, I believe) is now linked with blood cancer.

And last, but not least, what about Aspirin? Surely nothing wrong with this (apart from destroying the lining of our stomachs)! Well this has now been linked to Erectile Dysfunction!

The mayhem caused by ConMed drugs, and the profits accumulated to Big Pharma, just continues. I have seen none of these mentioned in the mainstream media. This means that we are being let down by our government, the ConMed establishment, including our doctors, and the media.

Vaccinations: are they safe? Or not?

The safety of vaccines are a concern for everyone. The conventional medical (ConMed) establishment tell us they are safe. Yet the experience of so many people is that they cause enormous damage, and death, especially to children.

This video outlines the fact that governments are paying out $millions for the brain damage caused by vaccines.

This AHRP webpage has uncovered 83 cases where huge government payouts (that is, our money, not from drug companies) have been made

This website says that these 83 cases are only 'the tip of the iceberg'

And this website finds clear vaccine-autism links - from government data.

The government, the conventional medical establishment, and sadly even our GPs, are not telling us the truth about vaccines. We are just not supposed to know!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Asthma and Homeopathy, has recently published an article on Asthma and Homeopathy. I read through it, and thought the selection of remedies, the the descriptions of the remedies and their uses, was good, and having read it,I decided to check who had written it.

The piece was written in 1885! Over 125 years ago!

What this demonstrates is that homeopathy is a very stable form of medicine. It does not change, year in, year out, like ConMed. It does not need to. Homeopathic remedies are safe, and once we know what kind of conditions they treat, they are effective, and remain effective. And if they were safe and effective in 1885, they are safe today.

So I thought that I would reproduce the piece below, for your information. Thanks to for publishing this historical document - and demonstrating how timeless homeopathy is.

"The remedies for asthma must be considered in regard to their adaptability to the spasm and to the interval. Resort will be had to various methods and substances by the patient himself, in order to relieve the severity of the attack, and if anything has been found by experience to afford any relief in former fits, it is best to acquiesce in its continuance.

Remedies for the Attack
The chief remedies are: Aconite, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Ipecacuanha, Lobelia, Sambucus, Cuprum and Hydrocyanic acid.
Aconite — When the attack has been induced by cold, dry air, or subjection to a foggy atmosphere.
Arsenicum — For nightly paroxysms, with great restlessness and anxiety, and burning pains in the chest. There is perspiration of the whole body, with alternate hot and cold sensations, and prostration.
Bryonia — In addition to the symptoms of the spasm, there is some bronchitis, sharp pains around the chest, much worse by deep inspiration and by motion.
Ipecacuahna — This is the remedy used most frequently, and is recommended by all schools. The dyspnoea is very considerable, there is constriction of the throat and chest. The cough is constant, with rattling of mucus, nausea, and vomiting. The surface is cold and damp, and the face pale. The remedy is given when there is no immediate assignable cause for the attack.
Lobelia — is indicated for a paroxysm induced by gastric trouble. There is immense development of gas in the stomach, and little or no cough. The attack is often preceded by a prickling sensation all over.
Sambucus — Is of service when the degree of dyspnea is beyond that witnessed under Ipecacuanha, and the cough is less. The patient evidences extreme anxiety, the face becomes violet in hue, and asphyxia seems imminent. Loud sibilant rales accompany the dyspnoea. Sambucus is usually employed in the tincture.
Cuprum — Is especially useful in the purely nervous variety of asthma. Its onset is sudden, the respiration is very spasmodic, is complicated with cramps and convulsive twitchings, and terminates suddenly. The attack may occur in conjunction with the menstrual epoch, or in consequence of emotional excitement.
Hydrocyanic acid — Is recommended by Hughes for the class of cases which suggest Cuprum. He uses it in recent and uncomplicated asthma, when there is difficult and spasmodic respiration, with contraction of the throat, and feelings of suffocation.

Remedies for the Interval
Arsenicum, Nuz vomica, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Antimonium tart, Iodine, and Aurum.
Arsenicum — When this remedy is called into requisition for the paroxysm, it is frequently found to relieve also the habitual, wheezy, dyspnoeic state. The idications are : precordial anxiety, with exacerbations at night ; cough, accompanied by the expectoration of a transparent, frothy, viscid fluid. When chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or cardiac disease complicates the case Arsenic is often of service. It is also to be kept prominently in mind when the asthma is a neurosis, probably alternating with some other nervous disorder, as well as when it depends on a suppressed eruption.
Nux Vomica — For irritable persons who are accustomed to drinking coffee or liquor. After the subsidence of an attack the tongue exhibits a thick yellow coating. There is a feeling of fullness in the stomach, with belching, and constipation. As Dr. Bussell says of it, there remains a sort of physical memory of the struggle, and the patient feels that no liberties must be taken, either of diet or exercise. If the attack began with sneezing and fluent coryza, or if vapors of copper or arsenic started it, or if it is merely spasmodic, in consequence of a hypersensitive pneumogastric, Nux and Strychnia are most useful remedies.
Sulphur — This remedy stands well in the treatment of asthma when skin affections alternate with the dyspnoea, but it is even a more powerful agent in the complication of the asthmatic with the gouty constitution. The attack is marked by sibilant dyspnoea, bluish lips, and it recurs once a week, usually in the night.
Pulsatilla — For a case of asthma ill-defined in its onset; with an abundant catarrhal expectoration, vertigo, vomiting, prostration, and palpitation of the heart . It may have been due to deranged menstruation, hysteria, uremic poisoning, or a suppressed rash.
Antimonium tart — This has great abundance of secretions, with rattling of mucus, and difficult expiration. It is specially recommended for old people and young children.
Iodine — In the form of Potassium iodide (Kali iodatum) this remedy is in much favor among some old school practitioners, and Baehr points out its well-marked homeopathicity by its effects when taken for a protracted period. The attack usually starts about midnight, lasts half an hour, and is succeeded by lassitude and an irresistible desire to sleep. The patient is nervous and restless during the interval, and the asthma appears to be entirely of the spasmodic variety.
Aurum — For morning asthma, with bluish face and great palpitation of the heart ; suffocative attacks, with spasmodic constriction of the chest The accompanying symptoms are of involvement of the heart and pulmonary congestion.

Other useful remedies in the treatment of asthma are :
Belladonna — When the attack comes on in the afternoon or evening, with congestion of the face and head ; worse in hot, damp weather.
Cannabis — Is of use only in massive doses, and after thus using it once, may prove to be entirely ineffective in subsequent attacks. Its action is narcotic, and hence palliative. Given in the first attenuation it is said to be serviceable in humid asthma.
Chamomilla— For children during dentition, and often for hysteric asthma, especially if induced by anger, and accompanied with flatulence.
Carbo veg— For old and feeble people whose attacks come on after midnight, and so severe that they seem to be dying. There is distension with wind and inability to raise it.
Digitaline — For a purely nervous asthma, without accompanying lesions of the lungs, heart, or bronchi. The paroxysms are frequent and ol comparatively short duration. Digitalis is a palliative even when right ventricle dilatation coexists. The attack is preceded by palpitations, and there is marked venous congestion of the head during the spasm, followed by violent headache. It is also useful in men debilitated by sexual excesses.
Kali bichromicum is recommended in humid asthma, when the signs of mucus in the bronchial tubes exceed the amount actually present. The gastric mucous membrane is simultaneously affected.
Moschus — For asthma in people of a nervous, irritable, or hypochondriac disposition. There is a violent feeling of constriction in the throat, without cough.
Opium or Morphine in a low attenuation, will often give great relief without inducing narcotism. The respirations are slow and labored, the face is cyanotic, the sensorium depressed, and cough constant.
Pulmo Vulpis – Von Grauvogl used a first centesimal trituration of this as a remedy in an old subject suffering with asthma humidum, and met with brilliant success.
Sanguinaria is recommended in hay asthma and in post-climacteric asthma.
In the latter instance Dr. Ludlam gives it upon the following indications : severe dyspnoea, teasing, hacking cough, dryness in the throat, and an inclination to take a deep inspiration during the paroxysm.
Spongia has rendered some service in asthma due to phthisis, by mitigating the severity of the attacks. The spasm is marked by complete loss of voice, wheezing respiration, and contraction of the glottis.
Stannum, Plumbum, Zincum, Ferrum, Argentum have all been accorded a place among the remedies for asthma, but their indications are not always well defined, nor are they clinically proved to be reliable.
The following remedies may be consulted, as possibly indicated :
Apis, Asafoetida, Bovista, Bromium, Calcarea carb., Causticum, Cistus, Cocculus, Colchimm,Gelsemium, Graphites, Grindela, Hepar, Hypericum, Kali carb., Lachesis, Lactuca vir., Lycopodium, Mephitis, Natrum sulph, Nitric acid, Nux moschata, Phosphorus, Sabadilla, Salicylic acid, Sepia, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sticta, Thuja, Veratrum.

Article by A. K. Crawford MD – From: A System of Medicine Based Upon the Law of Homeopathy Ed. H. R. Arndt, M.D. Vol 1,1885.

Mums, Pregnancy and Homeopathy

One of the main reasons for families starting to use homeopathy is during pregnancy. Conventional  Medical drugs have been consistently damaging pregnant women since Thalidomide, and they continue to do so. Big Pharma don't appear to give a damn, and sadly, GPs continue to prescribe drugs either in ignorance that they can do harm, or not bothering to find out.

As WDDTY have said recently, there is no such thing as a safe drug for a pregnant woman, and virtually every prescription drug could cause birth defects. Yet as they go on to say, doctors are prescribing an ever-increasing number of drugs to women, often ignoring official warnings. This is according to a recently published survey that discovered many women were taking up to 4 different drugs. The survey found that 80% of pregnant women were taking some form of drug, an increase of 60% over the past 30 years.

Clearly, the drug companies, GPs, and the entire Conventional Health Establishment has learnt little since Thalidomide!

The study was done by researchers from Boston University Stone Epidemiology Centre, after reviewing a survey of 30,000 women. (Source: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2011; doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2011.02.029).

The WDDTY feature is at
and it is interesting to see their previous articles on this subject. They include articles on antibiotics causing birth defects, Prozac babies have birth defects, Antidepressant drugs cause birth defects, Fertility drugs and birth defects. And one that comes to this conclusion:

          "Women who are very young or pregnant are two population groups who should almost never be prescribed general pharmaceuticals.

WDDTY are doing a great service in warning us all about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs at this critical time. But rather than worrying, mums should relax, and get in touch with a local homeopath to make sure she has safe treatment available to her should she need medical treatment.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Vaccinations - they have had little or no impact

If you listen to the Conventional Medical Establishment, you would believe that it is vaccines that have 'saved' us from so many terrible, deadly disesases.

It isn't true, of course. I realised this when reading Ivan Illich's book 'Medical Nemesis' (I believe in the 1970s). He published several graphs that demonstrated that these diseases were in decline, and had been in significant decline long before vaccines were introduced.

Further, the graphs indicated that after the introduction of vaccines, there was no significant change in the decline of these disease.

I am delighted, therefore, to have found a website that has published several similar graphs. If you are someone who believes that vaccination has 'saved' us from these killer diseases, you should really look at them.

So the great triumph of ConMed is just another Big Pharma lie!

More pharmaceutical drugs causing more problems

The bad news just keeps on coming about the dangers of conventional medicine. Yet none of these stories, to my knowledge, are published in the mainstream media. And I don't suppose doctors and GPs are telling their patients.

We are just supposed to live in blissful ignorance about the dangers of Big Pharma drugs!

Actos, a diabetes drug, causes liver damage

Prozac doesn't treat common symptoms of depression!

Common blood pressure drug causes recurrence of breast cancer

ACE Inhibitors, usually taken for blood pressure, produce breast cancer

Why anti-cancer drug Avastin causes potentially fatal brain inflammation

GSK to settle yet another 1000 Avandia lawsuits

Everyone now has to look for safer medical therapies. Conventional Medicine is dominated by Big Pharma drugs, and they are not just useless, they are lethal.