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Tuesday 3 November 2020

Homeopathy and Wellness. Why be sick? Decide to become an insider?

The homeopathic community works like a secret society

- it has to!

Homeopathy is everywhere under attack; certainly here in Britain; certainly in the rest of Europe, certainly in the United States; indeed, in most countries around the world where pharmaceutical (or conventional) medicine is dominant.

Can you remember? When did you last heard your government, or your doctor, or your national health service, or your news provider, have a good word to say about homeopathy? If homeopathy is mentioned at all by any of these sources it is invariably to denigrate it.

It's not that we don't try to get our message across (not least on this blog); but particularly in the last 20 years this has not been possible. All sources of health information have been taken over by the financial might of the pharmaceutical industry, and the conventional medical establishment. Even the internet is changing, with You Tube, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other major social networks now blocking information about homeopathy. So the dominant message is constant and persistent.

  • Pharmaceutical drugs are winning the war against disease.
  • Drugs and vaccines are entirely safe, side effects are rarely mentioned.

Yet everywhere people are sick; and we are getting sicker. 

And the conventional medical establishment routinely insists that homeopathy does not work, cannot work, that there is no scientific basis for science.

This forces the homeopathic community to operate in the manner of 'secret societies'. There is no alternative. We know that pharmaceutical medicine is ineffective and dangerous; we want nothing to do with it. And we know that homeopathy is safe and effective; so we want to get on and use it when we need to.

I have probably known this for a long time, but recently I published a blog about the busy-busy world of homeopathy throughout the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and realised that very few people knew anything like this was happening.

The Secret World of Homeopathy 

During the 19th century, even into the first part of the 20th century, homeopathy rivalled conventional medicine in popularity and public esteem. The 20th century, however, produced a wave of optimism for conventional medicine. If science could lead to the development of automobiles, telephones, aeroplanes, and the like, it would surely be able to overcome illness and disease. For a time this seemed feasible. Anaesthesia opened up the possibility of surgical intervention. Antibiotics seemed able to cope with microbial infections. And the pharmaceutical industry regularly introduced new 'wonder' drugs, telling us that they would soon overcome disease.

By the 1970's pharmaceutical medicine had gained the ascendency, and homeopathy was perhaps at its very lowest ebb. It survived for two reasons. 

  1. More people began to realise that the new 'wonder' drugs neither worked very well, and their side effects were harming patients; more recently resistance to antibiotics made their future uncertain, and now untenable; and more perceptive people realised that surgery usually came only at the very end of illness, after years of failing to treat it successfully.
  2. The need for a safer and more effective medical therapy slowly began to re-emerge.

Yet the loss of confidence in pharmaceutical medicine, and its decline; plus the gradual re-emergence of homeopathy (alongside many other natural therapies) was something the profitable and influential drug companies were not going to accept. A new strategy emerged: it moved away from treating illness and disease with failed drugs and failing vaccines; and instead to protect their dominance, their wealth and their influence by attacking and undermining natural medical therapies, especially homeopathy. 

So for the last 20-30 years politicians and governments have been lobbied; health agencies have been taken over; news agencies have become financially dependent on advertising revenues. Until now - when every source of health information is effectively under the control of the pharmaceutical industry.

So if you were unaware of the busy-busy world of homeopathy this is the reason. If you, your family and friends, could have benefited from being part of the homeopathic community the information you required to make that choice was not available to you. If you have had friends or relatives who have all you have been able to do is to watch, just as doctors watched, as they died. The nursing and the care they were given may have been brilliant; the nurses have deserved their applause; but the doctors have had no treatment to offer. And no-one was going to suggest that homeopathy might be an alternative.

The Homeopathic Community - and Coronavirus COVID-19

 I discovered homeopathy when I was 28 or 29. I was previously a sceptic. The realisation that pharmaceutical medicine was dangerous was a slightly longer process, but when I was in my early 50's (and working with elderly people, many of them sick, and under conventional medical treatment) I decided that I wanted to avoid being dependent on pharmaceutical drugs when I grew older. So I progressed from being a patient, and became a member of the homeopathic community, an insider; part of the 'secret' society.

I have never regretted it. Now in my mid-70's I have had no worries about COVID-19. I understand, as do many 'insiders', the importance of the immune system. I knew about the preventative remedies that support the immune system which were available to homeopaths. And I know about the homeopathic remedies that can help the immune overcome treat the illness should I contract it.

Outside this secret world I hear the panic and fear that coronavirus COVID-19 has produced in so many people; I have been delighted to be free from it. 

  • I have watched as social relationships have been harmed by the government's health policies; with older people dying alone; funerals that friends are not allowed to attend; young couples postponing their marriages; pregnant women giving birth without their partners; school children having their education harmed; and much more.
  • I have watched as people's jobs and livelihoods, in viable sectors of the economy, have been destroyed by the failure of conventional medicine to cope with this not-too-infectious, and not-too-deadly coronavirus.
  • I have watched as the national economy is gradually destroyed because of 'public health' policies of social distancing and lockdown that are not working because 'chasing the virus' is a futile activity.
So I eat another orange, or go out into the sun, pleased that I am part of the homeopathic community, an insider, with full access to the knowledge of this wonderful 'secret' society.

Yet in fact, homeopathy is not so secret. Anyone can join. It is not exclusive. Sometimes it is frustrating, listening to conventional medicine telling us through the mainstream media that homeopathy does not work, cannot work, that there is not scientific evidence that it works. But as an insider I can just smile, take my remedy Oscillococinum (which I've done now for the last 20 flu-free years) and get on with living, free from fear, or being sickened by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.