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Monday 7 October 2019

ENDOMETRIOSIS. Another unexplained epidemic of a disease with no known cause? Or just another disease caused by conventional medicine with no treatment?

Endometriosis is another disease that is currently running at unprecedented epidemic levels. The website of Endometriosis UK states that 1 in 10 women in Britain now suffer from the condition, that it has become the second most common gynaecological complaint, that 10% of women, worldwide, now have endometriosis (about 176 million women in total), that the condition is the cause of 30%-50% of all infertility, and that it costs the UK economy about £8.2 billion in treatment, loss of work, and other healthcare costs.

Moreover, Endometriosis UK says that it can take up to 7.5 years from the onset of symptoms for women to get a diagnosis, and also that its cause continues to be 'unknown', and that 'there is no definite cure'. To regular readers and followers of this blog this will NOT come as a surprise - a serious disease, frequently dismissed by doctors as a 'woman's problem', its origins unknown (which is always suspicious), and no treatment (which is common with conventional medicine).

The symptoms of endometriosis can be easily outlined:
  • Pain caused by extreme menstrual cramps in the abdomen, lower back and pelvis
  • Excessively heavy and abnormal menstrual flow
  • Pain whilst urinating or defecating, especially during the monthly period, often with bloody stools and urine
  • Gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea and constipation
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Discomfort caused by sexual intercourse
  •  Infertility
But this symptom description fails to get close to describing the pain and distress that many women with endometriosis have to endure.

Today (7th October 2019) the BBC have highlighted the suffering and plight of many women in an article, 'Endometriosis. Thousands share devastating impact of condition'. More than 13,500 women took part in BBC research that reveal the devasting effective of endometriosis.

               "Half said they had had suicidal through, and many said they rely on highly addictive painkillers. Most also said endometriosis ... had badly affected their education, career and relationships."

As a result of this research, MP's are now to launch an inquiry into women's experiences of endometriosis. 

Yet just as this BBC research failed to asked the most pertinent question, it is equally unlikely that an MP's inquiry will ask them either.
  • What is the cause of endometriosis, and why is does the cause remain unknown?
  • Why do doctors routinely dismiss endometriosis, and take so long to diagnose it?
  • Why does conventional medicine have no effective treatment for the condition which has become more common during the last 70 years beyond 'highly addictive painkillers'?
The answers to these questions are too sensitive for the conventional medical establishment to deal with properly. For so many reasons they cannot afford to take part in any discussion, or allow any insight into the subject. Why?
  • When a disease has reached epidemic levels, and still continues to increase, the cause can usually be found in the 'side effects' of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. I have written about this many times before. Female hormones have been the subject of considerable interference by conventional medicine, not least with the contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). So is it any wonder that endometriosis has become such a major problem for conventional medicine?
  • The reticence of doctors to acknowledge the existence of endometriosis perhaps owes much to some kind of inner (but unacknowledged) guilt that the drugs they have prescribed in the past might have caused the problem. In addition, doctors are also aware that whatever the condition is, however it is diagnosed, they have no effective treatment to offer to their patient anyway.
  • So doctors have nothing to offer - except for 'highly addictive painkillers'. In my recent blog (about opioid painkillers) there is a widespread understanding that doctors prescribe, and over-prescribe these drugs, which lead to addiction and death, because they have nothing better to offer.
Conventional medicine likes to present an image of competence to its patients, of a profession that is overcoming illness and disease. Yet everywhere it is failing, and not just with endodemetriosis. All chronic diseases that are now running at epidemic levels, including allergy, arthritis, autism, ADHD, cancer, COPD, dementia, diabetes, et al; there is a familiar story:
  • no known cause
  • no effective treatment
So patients continue to suffer, and are allowed to continue suffering. They are diseases which (we are told by our doctors) are 'untreatable'.

Homeopathy has been blessed by a whole series of exceptional female homeopaths, particularly over the last century, who have recognised that menstrual and menopausal problems, and endometriosis too, are serious issues for women, and they have not dismissed them as 'untreatable' as so many conventional (male) doctors have done. They have developed the use of a range of homeopathic remedies that are now known to tackle these 'female' problems - both safely and effectively. 

Yet beware. Women will not hear this from the NHS, from their doctors, from their MP's, or from the BBC - they will have to discover this for themselves!

Women who suffer from endometriosis can start here to compare homeopathic and conventional treatment for endometriosis.

So it is not necessary to continue suffering the excruciating pain of endometriosis. Indeed, getting rid of that pain is as close as a consultation, or perhaps a series of consultations, with a homeopath, whose task will be to match you up with one of the remedies mentioned in the above article. It's not always a simple or straightforward task, but it is one that homeopaths are doing every day with women whose lives have been devastated with endometriosis for years.