Public Health England have announced "a significant increase in mumps cases" and allied to "continuing outbreaks of measles in England" they have called for people to ensure they are immunised. Even one person missing their vaccinations was "too many" we are told. So how serious is this medical horror story?
"There were 795 cases of mumps in the first three months of 2019, compared with 1,031 in the whole of 2018."
Something to panic about indeed! I was going to work out the percentage of the population 795 cases represents - but really I can't be bothered. Divide 745 by the population of England and multiply by 100 and you will have it. Infinitesimal.
I have written before about how serious mumps is, as a disease. The blog compares what the NHS said about it in 1982, and then again in 1995. In 15 years the seriousness of mumps had increased. Why? Could it be that people will vaccinate - if they can be sufficiently scared into believing how serious the illness is?
So why is Public Health England panicking about 795 cases of mumps? Clearly, as always, it wants to sell us more vaccines, and the mainstream media is the best place for free,subliminal advertising.
But is it also to deflect our attention from many more serious epidemics of disease?
Chronic diseases for which they have little or no effective treatment?
Diseases that are known to be caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines?
I have taken the following information from my E-Book, "The Failure of Conventional Medicine", and specifically from chapter 9, 'Epidemics of Chronic Disease'. (Why we are sicker now than we ever have been). Each section describes a disease now running at epidemic levels, and provides statistics about each epidemic.
Although the information is removed from this blog, in the book I described how (i) conventional medicine says that the cause of both the disease and the epidemic is 'unknown' or 'uncertain' (more of this can be found on my "Why Homeopathy? website, and (ii) how both the disease and the epidemic are known to be caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines (more this this can be found on my "DIE's, the disease-inducing-effects of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines" website.
The statistics show just why this recent 'epidemic' of mumps is laughable, but perhaps explains what the conventional medical establishment is trying to do - distracting attention from
- diseases that are more important
- diseases for which conventional medicine has no explanation
- and diseases that are known to be caused by pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines
Epidemics of Chronic Disease
Just as homeopathy, and other traditional medical therapies would have predicted, there are now many chronic diseases that have reached epidemic proportions. The rise has been particularly obvious during the last 70-80 years, running in exact parallel to the increased use of pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines. This is happening throughout the world, particularly in countries where conventional medicine is dominant. Yet the conventional medical establishment has no adequate or reasonable explanation for this, and invariably deny that they are responsible for the epidemics, even when pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are known to cause the disease!
Allergy UK says on its website that the rates of allergy are increasing throughout the world “affecting up to 30-35% of people at some stage in their lives”. It says that this increase was initially seen in countries such as the UK, Europe and USA, but can now be found in all countries undergoing industrial development. It goes on to state that the pattern of allergy is also changing, that initially the increase was in asthma and hay fever, but more recent studies have confirmed a significant increase in the incidence of food allergies, particular amongst children. In the UK they estimated that up to 50% of children are diagnosed with an allergic condition.
Allergy UK said that 1 in 4 people in Britain has suffered from an allergy at some time in their life, that this figure is increasing by about 5% a year, and that almost half of allergy sufferers are children. They referred to a study conducted for the National Asthma Campaign that found asthma and wheezing in children under 5 years had almost doubled since 1990.
Alzheimer's Disease (Dementia)
It is almost exactly 100 years ago that neurologist, Alois Alzheimer, first described this disease. His patient was a woman who developed dementia in her 50s and she died in 1906. Now Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and it is estimated that 24 million people around the world suffer it. By 2040 it has been projected that there will affect some 81 million, with much of the incidence being in the 'developed' world (that is, the part of the world that consumes most pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines)!
In 2015, the UK's Alzheimer’s Society provided these statistics on the disease in Britain.
• By 2015 there will be 850,000 people with dementia in the UK (note, in the first edition of this book, published in 2008, the estimate was 750,000).
• There are 40,000 younger people with dementia in the UK.
• There are 25,000 people with dementia from black and minority ethnic groups.
• There will be 1 million people with dementia in the UK by 2025.
• Two thirds of people with dementia are women.
• The proportion of people with dementia doubles for every five-year age group.
• One in six people aged 80 and over have dementia.
• 60,000 deaths a year are directly attributable to dementia.
• The financial cost of dementia to the UK is £26 billion per annum.
• 80% of people living in care homes have a form of dementia or severe memory problems.
• Only 44% of people with dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland receive a diagnosis
When writing the first edition of this book in 2008, the Arthritis Research Campaign were trying to find out how big the problem was as there was “a paucity of specific and accurate data on the different types of arthritis.” So they commissioned two studies, one from MORI, and one from their Epidemiology Unit in Manchester, They concluded that
“….. arthritis represents a much more serious, significant and widespread problem than was previously thought. It also showed that almost twice as many people believe they have arthritis than report their condition to their GP. In our MORI poll,13 million people say they are currently affected by arthritis and joint pain. Yet according to the report by the Epidemiology Unit, this figure is nearer 7 million.”
The Arthritis Research Campaign were talking about huge numbers at this time, and charted how the numbers were increasing. They said that the number of people visiting their doctors for arthritis and related conditions rose by about 13% between 1981 and 1991. They said nearly 9 million visit their doctor every year for arthritis and related conditions. At the heavier end of the problem, 3,242 deaths in the UK were directly attributed to arthritis and related conditions (Office for National Statistics. Review of the Registrar General on deaths by cause, sex and age, in England and Wales, 2000).
Yet in 2015 these figures were even bigger. They now estimate that more than 10 million adults in the UK visit their doctor with arthritis or a related condition. This is a 10% increase in 7 years! And it is now thought that more than a third of the UK population aged 50 and above suffers from arthritis related pain.
When writing the first edition of this book, it was estimated that 1 in 13 people in Britain, and throughout the world, suffered from it, that 180,000 die from asthma, and that children were suffering from it most. In 2015, Asthma UK provided the following facts about asthma.
• Three people die every single day because of asthma.
• 5.4 million people in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma: 1.1 million children (1 in 11) and 4.3 million adults (1 in 12).
• Asthma prevalence is thought to have plateaued since the late 1990s, although the UK still has some of the highest rates in Europe.
• There were 1,167 deaths from asthma in the UK in 2011 (18 of these were children aged 14 and under).
• One in 11 children now has asthma and it is the most common long-term medical condition.
• There were 25,073 emergency hospital admissions for children in the UK in 2011-2012 - an average of 69 per day.
• The NHS spends around £1 billion a year treating and caring for people with asthma.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The first time this condition was described was in 1943 by the Austrian-American psychiatrist, Leo Kanner. In 2015, the National Autistic Society’s website said that in Britain, there are around 700,000 autistic people, more that 1:100 of the population.
In the USA the epidemic of ADHD appears to be worse. The CDC website suggests that there 5.9 million children, aged between 3-17 years, diagnosed, that is, 9.5% of this population. In boys alone that percentage rises to 13.5%. The number of children with ADHD have been increasing alarmingly since 1943. ADHD children are highly impulsive, they can speak and act without thinking what they are saying or doing. They often talk excessively, find it difficult to listen, or to conduct meaningful two-way conversations. They are restless, continually over-active, gaining their attention is difficult, and concentration can seem impossible. This behaviour is not the same as children behaving 'badly'. It has many distinctive features.
• It is more extreme, more challenging than normal.
• The children are less responsive to normal parenting discipline.
• They behave the same at home, at school, and in other people's houses.
• They are usually untidy, disorganised and forgetful.
• With age their restlessness can lead to feelings of frustration, making their problems worse.
Autism (ASD)
Autism is a disability that affects the way that the child communicates and relates to other people. Autistic children have impaired social interactions, communication and imagination. Autism is not a single disease but a 'spectrum' of conditions, referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder, or ASD. As well as describing classical, or low-functioning autism, it also includes 'high-functioning' conditions such as Asperger's Syndrome.
Autism has seen a staggering increase throughout the 'developed' world in recent decades. In 2008, when the first edition of this book was written, the Autism Society of America said it was the fastest growing developmental disability in children, with a growth rate of between 10-17% per year. It stated that during the 1990’s, whilst the population of the USA grew by 13%, disabilities increased by 16%, and Autism by a massive 172%.
Vaccine Impact has calculated that in 2016 1 in 36 (2.76%) children aged 3-17 were diagnosed with ASD, compared to 1 in 10,000 children in the 1970's.
The Autism Society of America’s website now estimates that in 2015 about 1% of the world population has ASD. But the situation in the USA has worsened considerably.
• The prevalence in the USA is estimated at 1 in 68 births.
• More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.
• The prevalence of autism in USA children increased by 119.4% from 2000 (1 in 150) to 2010 (1 in 68), and that autism was now is the fastest-growing developmental disability.
• The prevalence has increased by 6-15% each year from 2002 to 2010.
• It outlines the costs to society of this disease epidemic, and they are considerable.
In Britain there has been a similar rise in autism. The National Autistic Society in 2008 stated that ASD had more than doubled during the previous 10 years. It estimated that about 588,000 people had autism, with boys being four times more likely to develop autism than girls. In 2015 the National Autistic Society’s website calculated that around 700,000 people have ASD in Britain. This is an increase of 112,000 in 8 years!
There is evidence of cancer in human populations from the very earliest times, including Egyptian papyri that described breast cancer dating back to 3000-1500BC. It has been studied during every period of history. There is an ongoing debate about how cancer rates have grown. Many people have looked for evidence from ancient times, found little evidence, and argued that cancer is a ‘modern’ disease. Conventional medicine does not accept this, but the prodigious growth of cancer during the 20th century is far less easily repudiated. So instead it argues that the cause of the cancer epidemic is concerned with diet, smoking, an ageing population, and similar.
All forms of cancer are now at epidemic proportions. It was estimated (Cancer Research UK) that in 2012, worldwide, there were about 14.1 million new cases of cancer recorded, that the most common cancers, accounting for about 4 in 10 of all cancers, were lung, female breast, bowel and prostate cancer, that an estimated 8.2 million people died from cancer, and that nearly half these deaths were caused by lung, liver, stomach and bowel cancer.
Cancer was once considered to be a disease of old age, but this is no longer the case. It has been estimated that the main disease-related cause of death in USA children aged between 1 and 14 years old is cancer, second only to accidents amongst all causes of childhood mortality. Leukemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers.
Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) disease has been the leading cause of death throughout the western world for both men and women for decades. This is not a new epidemic, it is an old one. And it wold appear that the increased availability of conventional medical drugs over the last 70 to 80 years has done little to improve the situation. CVD is a term that includes heart disease, stroke, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, and other conditions.
Figures from the British Heart Foundation outlined the enormity of the problem in Britain in 2015.
* CVD causes more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK, about 155,000 per year - an average of 425 people each day, or one every three minutes.
* Around 41,000 people under the age of 75 in the UK die from CVD each year.
* There are an estimated 7 million people living with cardiovascular disease in the UK.
* The UK cost of premature death, lost productivity, hospital treatment and prescriptions relating to CVD is estimated at £19 billion each year.
* BNF state that coronary heart disease (CHD) is the single biggest killer in Britain, and the leading cause of death throughout the world. They go on to say that in the UK more than 1 in 7 men and nearly 1 in 10 women die from CHD, that CHD is responsible for nearly 70,000 deaths in the UK each year, an average of 190 people each day, or one death every eight minutes, most by a heart attack (myocardial infarction), that over 22,000 people under the age of 75 in the UK die from CHD each year, that CHD kills more than twice as many women as breast cancer, and that 2.3 million people are living with CHD in the UK - over 1.4 million men and 850,000 women.
Heart Failure. BHF say that there is an estimated 550,000 people in Britain are living with heart failure.
Stroke. BHF says that stroke causes nearly 40,000 deaths in the UK each year, and that an estimated 1.3 million people living in Britain have survived a stroke, almost half of them under the age of 75.
Atrial Fibrillation. Over 1 million people in the UK have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, and there are “hundreds of thousands more living with undiagnosed AF”.
Congenital Heart Defects. It is estimated that 1 in 180 babies are now diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, that’s an average of 12 per day in Britain.
Chronic Fatigue (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a disease characterised by persistent and extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, flu-like symptoms, sore throat, swollen glands, concentration and short-term memory problems, sleep difficulties, digestive disturbances, dizziness, poor temperature control, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. CFS/ME is a 'new' disease.
Before 2002, when the the condition was eventually recognised by the conventional medical establishment, the condition was dismissed by conventional doctors as 'Yuppie' flu. Many sufferers had a hard time convincing doctors that there was anything wrong with them!
Such has been its epidemic rise, by 2007, NICE reported that CFS/ME was “a relatively common illness”! Indeed, the number of people now suffering from the condition has grown enormously. ‘Action for ME’, a British charity that provides support for sufferers, says that CFS/ME now effects over 240,000 people in Britain, including 25,000 children in England alone. It says that the illness can last for years, that the exact cause is unknown, and that 25% of people with CFS/ME are either house-bound, or bed-bound, and unable to look after themselves.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD has many names, including; Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease, Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Chronic Airflow Limitation, and Chronic Airflow Obstruction. COPD was once known by more familiar names, notably chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, and asthma COPD is defined as "a disorder that is characterised by reduced maximal expiratory flow and slow forced emptying of the lungs; features that do not change markedly over several months".
In the first edition of this book, written in 2006, it was already the 5th biggest killer in the UK, and killed more people than breast, prostate or bowel cancer. It was described as "one of the commonest respiratory conditions of adults in the developed world", and one that it "poses an enormous burden to society both in terms of direct cost to healthcare services and indirect costs to society through loss of productivity". The following statistics were taken from the Priory.Com website.
* COPD was the fourth commonest cause of death in middle aged to elderly men in the western world.
* It was estimated that in the UK 18% of males, 14% of females aged 40-68 years, developed features of COPD, and that 3 million people were affected, causing 30,000 deaths annually.
* In the USA, 13.6% of males and 11.8% of females aged 65-74 years are thought to have COPD.
At the same time statistics produced by the American Lung Association showed that 15 million Americans suffer from COPD and it claimed the lives of 87,000 Americans in 1992. The COPD Foundation website shows how COPD, then at epidemic levels, has continued to rise.
"COPD affects an estimated 30 million individuals in the USA....The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute estimates that 12 million adults have COPD and another 12 million are undiagnosed or developing COPD. The World Health Organisation estimated 210 million individuals worldwide have COPD and total deaths were expected to increase more than 30% in the next 10 years".
Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and limb amputation following nerve damage, and many other diseases. In the early 20th century, the discovery of insulin treatment was hailed as a significant breakthrough, one that was instrumental in raising the positive profile of conventional medicine, and the belief that the application of ‘science’ to medicine would eventually make the world a healthier place.
The problem with insulin, like so many conventional medical treatments, is that it a short-term ‘mechanical’ fix. The body does not produce insulin for itself (or it is unable to use the insulin it does produce) so insulin is introduced artificially. Whilst not criticising the importance of such 'mechanical' fixes in medicine it is wrong to present them as 'cures'. Insulin does not cure diabetes, just as it does not deal with the cause of the disease - the body's failure to produce insulin, or to use the insulin that it produces.
Moreover there has been an epidemic of diabetes in the latter half of the 20th century. Diabetes UK provided these figure in 2015.
• The estimated diabetes prevalence for adults aged 20 to 79 worldwide in 2014 was 387 million, and expected to affect 592 million people by 2035.
• The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that in 2013 five countries had more than 10 million people with diabetes.
• It is estimated that more than one in 16 people in the UK has diabetes.
• There are 3.9 million people living with diabetes in the UK.
• Around 700 people a day are diagnosed with diabetes, the equivalent of one person every two minutes.
• Since 1996, the number of people with diabetes in the UK has more than doubled from 1.4 million to 3.3 million.
• There are 3.3 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK (2014). By 2025, this is estimated to rise to 5 million people.
• It is estimated that there are around 590,000 people in the UK who have diabetes but have not been diagnosed.
• This gives a UK average prevalence of 6.2% in adults.
As for the future, researchers from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA) have estimated that 1 in 3 men in the USA will develop diabetes, and the risk is only slightly lower for women. They took a random population born in the year 2000 and predicted that 32.8% of men and 38.3% of women would develop diabetes in their lifetimes (Prevalence of diabetes: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003; 290: 1884-90).
Irritable Bowel (IBS), Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
Serious new illnesses are developing that affect our stomach. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a painful and distressing condition that is becoming increasingly common. It is estimated that it now affects about one-third of the population in some way, at some time, depending on how it is defined or measured. The symptoms of IBS may include abdominal pain and spasm, diarrhoea, constipation, and can take more serious forms, such as Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
It has been estimated that 9 million people suffer from IBS in the UK, and that 64,061 people died of the disease in 2002. But reliable figures for IBS, and related conditions such as Crohns Disease and ulcerative colitis are difficult to ascertain. The Right Diagnosis website seeks to provide estimated numbers, country by country, but much depends on diagnosis, and reporting of the disease.
Mental Health
If pharmaceutical drugs seek to ‘force’ the body into compliance, and if the body resists in such a way that new disease is created, then one of the body's principle organs, the brain, might be expected to suffer most. It is, after all, the most sensitive, and in many ways, the most vulnerable of human organs. And this is, indeed, what we find. The statistics for depression, suicide, and related mental health conditions, have risen alarmingly, and in particular, there has been a marked rise during the later half of the 20th, and early 21st century. And it is rising, particularly with younger people, with corresponding demands for more medical treatment.
Mental health illnesses are all ill-defined, and so difficult to diagnose with any certainty. And causation is equally difficult to ascertain, such if the complexities and stresses of life. Yet the claim that life today is more stressful that in previous decades, or that it gets more stressful as time goes on, is difficult a argue.
The World Health Organisation estimates (WHO) that about 3.2 billion people, nearly half the world's population, are at risk of malaria. In 2015, they say that there was about 214 million malaria cases, and an estimated 438 000 malaria deaths.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord. MS causes many neurological symptoms, including vision loss, vertigo, weakness, numbness, fatigue, muscle stiffness or spasticity, and bladder or bowel dysfunction. Onset may be sudden, or a gradual decline in function.
MS is a relatively new disease. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Trust it was first recognised as a condition in the middle of the 19th century.
“Prior to this time, there are reports of a few instances of what may have been MS, although the variety of symptoms, the range of other possible causes and the incompleteness of records make these impossible to confirm.”
According to the Multiple Sclerosis Society MS is now the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults, with around 100,000 people in Britain suffering from the condition. When I wrote the first edition of this book, in 2008, they said that 85,000 people in the UK had MS. So it continues to grow rapidly.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society states that more than 2.3 million people are affected by MS worldwide. But as the USA's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) does not require physicians to report new cases, and because symptoms can be completely invisible, the prevalence of MS in the USA can only be estimated. However, in 2008 they said that there are approximately 400,000 people with MS, and that about 200 people were diagnosed with the condition every week.
Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal system when the bones lose density, become brittle and become prone to fracture. It is the major cause of bone fractures in older people, particularly post-menopausal women. It is a real epidemic. The International Osteoporosis Foundation has provided the following facts about the incidence and impact of this disease.
• Osteoporosis affects an estimated 75 million people in Europe, USA and Japan
• 30-50% of women and 15-30% of men will suffer a fracture related to osteoporosis in their lifetime.
• Nearly 75% of hip, spine and distal forearm fractures occur among patients 65 years old or over.
• By 2050, the worldwide incidence of hip fracture in men is projected to increase by 310% and 240% in women.
• In white women, the lifetime risk of hip fracture is 1 in 6, compared with a 1 in 9 risk of a diagnosis of breast cancer.
• Approximately 1.6 million hip fractures occur worldwide each year, by 2050 this number could reach between 4.5 million and 6.3 million.
Superbugs and Superviruses
A superbug is described as a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotic treatment. Actually this is just half the story. Superbugs have emerged because of, as a result of antibiotic treatment. Bacteria have become resistant to the use of antibiotics because of the use and overuse of this drug. They are the most obvious, and an undeniable creation of conventional medicine!
Superbugs come in several forms. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (or MRSA) is probably the most well known, but there is also Clostridium Difficile (CDIFF or C. difficile), Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Drug-Resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Drug-Resistant Non-Typhoidal Salmonella.
According to a BBC article (December 2014), these superbugs are currently implicated in killing 700,000 people each year, but that by 2050 drug resistant infections will kill an extra 10 million people a year worldwide, more than currently die from cancer.
Syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease, has been a major killer disease throughout Europe since the earliest times, and particular from medieval times. By the middle of the 20th century, conventional medicine was claiming that the disease had been 'conquered', and the disease continues to be touted as one of its great medical triumphs.
However, in recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of syphilis cases throughout the world, whilst the antibiotic drugs that were claimed to be the 'cure' for syphilis are no longer able to cope with the disease adequately. Yet whilst conventional medicine’s apparent ‘success’ in eradicating Syphilis was loudly heralded, its more recent return has met with a deafening silence! Certainly there has been little explanation about why pharmaceutical drugs are no longer effective, and no apology has been forthcoming for making inflated and unfounded claims about their effectiveness.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis is one of the most deadly infectious diseases. TB is caused by a bacterial infection, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, that is spread through the air when infected people cough or sneeze. The disease affects mainly the lungs although it can infect any part of the body, including the bones and the nervous system. Again, conventional medical treatment of TB was supposed to be another of its greatest achievements. Certainly by the 1960's it was loudly proclaimed that the disease had been 'conquered' by antibiotic drugs, their greatest 'weapon' against such infectious diseases.
Yet it is becoming clear that the war waged on bacteria by antibiotic drugs is being lost, decisively. Bacteria is now resisting the assault, and new 'drug-resistant' strains of TB, and other diseases, have now being discovered. Antibiotics are becoming almost entirely ineffective. The belief that TB had been eradicated began to disappear when these new drug-resistant strains began to emerge in the 1980's. But it is more recent events, largely since 2006, that have indicated that conventional pharmaceutical drugs no longer work. These statistics from the TB Facts organise demonstrate this.
• In 2014 1.5 million people died of TB.
• TB now annually causes more deaths worldwide than HIV.
• However, people who have both TB and HIV when they die, are internationally classified as having died from HIV.
• There were an estimated 9.6 million new cases of TB in 2014.
• There were an estimated 3.2 million cases and 480,000 TB deaths among women.
• There were also an estimated 1.0 million cases of TB in children and 140,000 deaths.