Friday 19 January 2018

Protect yourself from flu

This is a simple, short blog, with a simple, short message.

The NHS has announced that there has been a large increase in flu since the beginning of the year, creating a 4-fold increase in GP visits, and very high rates of hospital admission. The incidence of flu is worse than for any time since 2010-2011.

Clearly the flu vaccine is not working, and no doubt many of those contracting flu have already been given the vaccine.

The Flu Vaccine just does not work!

So rather than visiting a doctor, or a hospital for conventional treatment, the best advice is to use homeopathy - the both prevention and treatment.

For prevention, get yourself the homeopathic remedy Oscillococinum 30c. It can be purchased from any of these homeopathic pharmacies all of which will get the remedy to you overnight. Then take one daily for 3 days, and then weekly for the rest of the flu season. Make sure that your friends and family do the same.

For treatment, have a look at this website.