I reserve my right to be ill.
> and I assert my right to respond to my illness, including the threat of illness, in my own way.
You are not responsible for my health; nor do I give you permission to take control of it.
> you do not control how I support my immune system.
I am not responsible for your health, nor do I seek your permission to take charge of it.
> I do not and cannot control how you look after your immune system.
I have never given you permission to take responsibility for my health.
> I do not accept that you, or the government, knows better than me.
I believe that natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity.
> I am entitled to believe this, and I don't care if you disagree with me.
You may believe that vaccine immunity is superior to natural immunity.
> You may, but you do not have my permission to impose your beliefs on me.
I nurture my health through natural immunity, through diet, nutrition, exercise, and life-style.
> as I believe this is more important to my health than vaccine immunity.
I do not accept the pharmaceutical medicine has anything to offer me, or my health.
> you might think it does, and if so you, are absolutely entitled to do so.
If and when I am ill I will turn to natural medical therapies, not pharmaceutical medicine.
> this is entirely my choice, my decision; for which I take full responsibility.