A homeopath-colleague has told me about a condition she has treated recently. Her son developed a Mucocele. This NHS website describes the condition as follows.
"A salivary mucocele is a cyst that arises in connection with minor salivary glands. They are common and are usually superficial. Mucoceles mainly appear in the lip but can also occur in cheeks and the floor and roof of the mouth. They appear as a bluish/translucent swelling just under the lining of the mouth. They may have a history of bursting, collapsing then refilling which may be repeated."
The mucocele was diagnosed, and my colleague treated it, trying several different remedies, all without success. As the NHS website says, "if the mucocele is small and doesn't cause any problems it can be left alone with no surgical intervention", but in this case it was neither small or problem-free, so eventually the dentist referred the case on in order to have it removed surgically, which apparently is "the treatment of choice" in conventional medicine.
However, before the operation happened my colleague tried another remedy. It had an immediate effect. This is how she described it.
"The next morning the Mucocele was a baggy sack, like it had drained from the inside. By the end of the week, his lip was looking normal, no swelling what so ever. He has cancelled his operation. All I can say is thank God it takes the NHS so long to offer help, it gave us time to get rid of a very ugly looking lip. It will be interesting to see what his dentist has to say about this on the next visit, as she was the person that referred him for an operation."
On the surface, this is a simple, straightforward event. A mucocele was diagnosed, and an operation was planned. But when a good homeopathic remedy was found for the condition it was quickly and effectively cured, and the operation cancelled.
Homeopathy is under attack by the NHS at the moment. They want to ban it because, as they have regularly stated during the last 10-15 years,
"NHS England’s view is that, at best, homeopathy is a placebo and a misuse of scarce NHS funds which could better be devoted to treatments that work."
This story is just one, small example, of how homeopathy DOES work. It is replicated day after day, with conditions more serious, and less serious than this one. So, first of all, the NHS (dominated as it is by the pharmaceutical industry) is wrong! Homeopathy is far more than placebo. If homeopathy was placebo the patient would have been cured with the first remedy, not the third or fourth one he was given!
Yet, more importantly, homeopathy worked to cure a nasty mucocele with a simple remedy, and so an operation was not required. How much money has the NHS saved because of that one simple remedy? How much is the NHS in debt to homeopathy?
I don't know the answer, but it will no doubt run into £1000's. My recent blog calculated that the NHS were complaining that they spend £115,000 on homeopathy each year. Not many mucocele operations have to be saved in order to repay that amount! And homeopaths are doing this every day with thousands of patients with hundred's of conditions.
Yet the situation is probably worse than this as far as patients are concerned. Predictably, the NHS will fail to ask other, more fundamental questions about this situation.
• Is the NHS aware how the cure happened, is it interested?
• Has the NHS bothered to ask how the cure was done, so that future patients can benefit similarly, without the need for an expensive and intrusive operation?
• Has the NHS offered its thanks and congratulations to homeopathy for the cure?
• Or will the NHS continue to attack Homeopathy, saying it is little more than placebo, and continue to say that money spent on homeopathy is a waste of taxpayers money?
It is not just a lack of gratitude that causes this lack of NHS interest and insight. It is the vested interests of the pharmaceutical industry, and an NHS that is almost entirely dominated by pharma drugs and vaccines, and a conventional medical establishment protecting its vested interests. They are unable to admit that homeopathy is safer, more effective, and above all, less expensive than conventional medicine.